View Full Version : Corban Saezer

06-07-11, 10:31 PM
Name: Corban Saezer
Nickname: Corban
Age: 80
Race: Human
At some point in this earth mage's career, he turned his magic inwards. Given the ease with which he had arranged dirt into fine garments and eutactic crystals, mayhaps he achieve perfection in his own body?

Yes and no.

Talc dandruff from an improper Stoneskin was the least of his worries. Blessed was he to be in a society of plentiful potions and clerics, for self-tinkering was a hazardous affair. In the end, the leylines flow within him as naturally as the capillaries in his muscles. He joined the ranks of the fairies and dragons as magical beings. But is he an ugly duckling?

Profession: Guardian

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Crimson
Skin Tone: Tan

Appearance: Corban has a sinewy build with little fat, his skin a light bronze overall. He stands in stark contrast to the pale and lithe frames of enervated magi for good reasons related to his vocation. His light red eyes hint of the tools of his trade, if the elaborate mage robe did not give it away. He appears as a man in his mid-twenties, possessing preternaturally clear skin. Not a single mole can be found on his body, nor any hair beyond that on his head.

Despite the somber and artificial appearance in still images, he is truly a curious tinkering human in person. When he looks at someone, he is an open book. Corban does not hide his intentions: he is watching you tick, just as you can see him tick. His clothes, his gaze and his actions lack pretension, just like the majestic mountains that loom in the distance. They are simply there, for you to enjoy or rail against.

Standard Garb:
Scan Visor - Occasionally symbols and lines flicker across its inner surface
Reinforce Robe - Silken black robe with iridescent circuits woven in symmetric patterns
Polished greaved boots of a dull diamond coat

Personality: Corban possesses an inquisitive mind beyond decorum, reflecting his innate nature and the fervent desire to return to full power. The knowledge of power lost has also made him megalomaniacal, which flares up in the presence of fire and lightning magic. However, he is a very amiable man who considers Problem just another word for Puzzle. Even being thrown into jail would be just one more game.

He places no value in formalities and titles of authority, considering them things "of this world" and irrelevant in the grand Cosmic Mystery. However, he is not against pretending to respect them, for roleplaying is a favorite hobby of his, especially crossdressing (???).

Gnomic and Elven Sciences - Extension of his earth research. Corban is excellent with all manners of explosives, crystals and metallurgy. When imprisoning Corban, NEVER leave a toilet. He has been known to jailbreak for less.

Elemental Affinity - Water and Earth are his preferred elements. Not only does this improve his spellcasting, but it also means he can't get lost and can sense the presence of running water and crystals for a considerable distance. Has he considered careers in mining and thievery? Yes.

Fortresscraft - Did you know four out of five underground infiltrations occur through dungeons? Corban learned the hard way that he couldn't simply stand in front of the castle bridge; he had to ensure the very castle was as impregnable as he! Tactical designs of water sources, logistics, and bricklaying are a part of the craft. Subsequently, he also makes a pretty good civil engineer.

Parry - For a mage, he parries pretty well. That's what happens when that mage has to stand in front of the line. He may not be able to deal finishing blows, but finishing blows are hard to land on him as well.

Artifact Creation - When it comes to objects that generate barriers, damage magic or alter matter, Corban knows all kinds. He has little interest in helping people make flame staffs.

Magic MacGyver - Corban has found ways to advance his magical research just from remembering the first time he ate a salmon cream cheese bagel. Inspiration can even come in the heat of fierce battle, allowing him to co-opt his enemy's magic, provided it's in one of his specialties. MacGyverism will only manifest in matters related to transmutation, abjuration or swords.

Courtesan Arts - Related to locked ability Girl Power. He has been trained in courtesan arts, including courtly manners, mistress economics and how to seduce ladies. Fairly useless as a man, it could come in handy later on...

Truly, Guardian Corban was a fearsome man.

Was. (See History)


Transmutation - This school of magic concerns the alteration of matter's structure. With water and earth affinities, Corban is strong in this school. His innocence regarding the Althanan world means that he can't quickdraw spells as fast as native mages, and he is more easily exhausted. However, what he lacks in speed and capacity, he makes up for in sophistication. In the spirit of micro over macro, here is a small sample of his applications:
- Enhance all crystal weapons forged so that they have equivalent strength to steel
- Create a crystal sword out of sewage of the same mass.
- Oxidize an iron sword and make it brittle.
- Inject trace elements to ordinary armor and double its strength.
- Displace coin-sized slices of jail bars (namely, the top and bottom) and kick them out
- Analyze the composition of unknown materials

Abjuration - This school of magic concerns shields, namely their uses in containing, repelling or purifying. More abstract than transmutation, it is unfortunately also the most affected by the Althanas Jump. Theoretically, Corban would be able to dispel magic, mark rooms as impenetrable to the undead, as well as deflect fireballs. At the moment, Corban is unable to use abjuration beyond the following uses:
- Minor Kinetic Barrier - Reduce elemental damage by 15%, and slow down incoming attacks

Sublimation - Corban's distaste for blaster mages runs deep, but he's not above co-opting their energy. Sublimation is the ability to dynamically convert a portion of their elemental magic to cast earth magic. That means that if Corban blocks a fireball with a bucket of dirt, the dirt will melt...but will immediately be available for turning into sharp crystal lances. Against fire, lightning and other energetic magic, Corban's speed and capacity penalties are negated. No effect against water, acid, wind or purely magical forces.

Girl Power [Locked] - After suffering a whole month of PMS, Corban succeeded in perfecting this specialized transmutation that turns the surrounding earth into a cocoon. Ten seconds later, she's done! His female version is a permanent shift, meaning that death will result in an autopsy on a girl. The flipside is that his form is not dispellable, nor can someone scry it apart from any other woman. Logically, one would require advance knowledge of the form or notice non-feminine manners. However, the same man who willingly subjected himself to PMS is equally likely to have taken lessons from courtesans. A most troublesome spy! Locked in Althanas until Corban achieves more advanced transmutation and quests to "buy it back."

Note: Most of these items, because they were created in a distant world, suffer from corruption until Corban updates them. That requires a caster proficient in Althanan Transmutation and Abjuration. Either he must advance to that level, or he finds another mage and guides them through the process.

Diamond Spheres x6 - Corban has exactly six carbonaceous diamond spheres, each a full 250 carats. Each is more flawless than nature could ever create, but carry no magical aura.

Everlasting Mug of Milk Tea - This paper cup magically summons up an endless supply of Corban's favorite drink. However, its magic was corrupted in the Jump and now only yields drinkable but muddy water. Corban is unamused.

Guardian Edge Ishtalle - Sentient morphic weapon, currently in the form of a knight's sword with a brilliant blue gem in the crossguard. Unlike most of the items, Ishtalle was not damaged in the Althanas Jump. However, the foreign nature of the world is like going from water to alcohol: things change. Until she adapts, she cannot morph, sunder, cast or use her higher-level abilities. She can, however, talk and project an image of herself. The same reason her abilities are muted is the same reason why her legendary durability and edge are now only that of iron. If she is broken, the entire sword phases out, leaving behind the blue gem. Requires a night to heal.

Reinforce Robe - Made of a material deeper than the deepest night, with iridescent circuits woven in symmetric patterns. It used to be able to absorb a fraction of all fire and lightning magic, giving Corban a greater advantage against his favored foes. Alas, the Althanas Jump actually shattered its enchantment. While it affords little protection against hammers, it is as hard to pierce as steel or iron plating.

Scan Visor - Stylish amber eyewear. Used to have an expert system that analyzed magic in line-of-sight. However, its output was jargon-filled with things like "Runic circle targeting via celestial septangulation," and thus was usable only by archmages. In Corban's hands, it has been known to divine the trajectory of incoming homing spells, and expose the fault lines of magic shields. However, it cannot interpret Althanan magic yet and requires updating. It is still very stylish though!

Smartkey - Attuned metal rod that takes the shape of the lock cylinders and solidifies. Only usable by transmuters. This appears to be the only item that wasn't scrambled in the Jump.

Corban was a consummate world traveler ever since he was young.

He was born and raised in Louran Village, Genalis Capitol, Sky Garden continent, Escaria world. This village bumpkin would get a taste for the great wide world on a forest quest for stew ingredients, whereupon he stumbled upon an earth dragon. Whether it was whimsical or prescient shall never be known. What is known is that it whisked the child off to the city and its magic academy. To its credit, the earth dragon was very persuasive to his parents; to his credit, Corban wrote back frequently. He promised them that, when he was a proper man, he would return with his newfound powers to assure they could eat heartily and never watch stormwater spoil their furniture.

True to his word, he kept his mind focused on matters of material alteration and reinforcing, eschewing the fireballs of most youth. Many of them at the academy appeared to have wealthy families, whereas he had to cook and scribble to earn room and board. With less free time but an urge to study more than his peers, Corban found ways to combine tasks. The act of cooking was conceptually similar to alchemy, albeit with different dimensions for criteria. No matter: he could recycle the same cube between subjects.

This talent for recycling, for seeing the patterns within patterns, was a boon.

One day he was in the forest out of nostalgia, and discovered a shrine within. It had a pesky seal of elegant fourfold symmetry. Its size, rather than daunting Corban, taunted him like a great puzzle. Once one realized they only needed to "solve" one side, symmetrical seals were much less robust. It imploded, revealing to him who would be his greatest companion: Ishtalle, trusty sidearm of a knight four centuries previous, and living Guardian Edge.

The consequences of an intelligent, evolving weapon did not elude him.
His wanderlust and creativity did not elude her.

Thus they found each other, and just in time: war soon broke out. This would be the first time strategic-class spells were cast upon that world. They were the product of terrible magicks, capable of turning an inert rock into pure fire and light; of opening heaven and hell upon the mortal plane; and leaving streets of warm bodies snuffed of life. It took his family and friends, even as he called forth the hardest walls to aid him. The last thing he saw in that world, in the streets of Genalis, was the fabric of reality torn asunder. He fell through its cracks into the stars and void.

He was no longer in Escaria.
He knew this, for the constellations had been replaced by others.
He had Realmjumped for the first time.

Luckily for him, the first realm he jumped to was one where the terrible magicks from before were as plentiful as kid candy. Rather than embrace the hedonistic spellcasting, Corban rejected it. The deaths fresh in his mind, he vowed to suppress these fire and lightning magi, smashing them with pure earth and freezing their magic. He became a Guardian, expert in transmutation and abjuration.

Ishtalle was also fortunate, for this realm did more for her than hundreds of years in the previous realm ever would have. As Corban's transmutation magic grew, she learned to morph beyond a sword form, becoming an Armory of One; with every slash, she felt the smooth-yet-shatterific texture of obsidian swords and the bitter buzz of barrier magic. Alloyed with dragon blood and tempered in divine blasts, she became the most powerful Edge known.

With each realm they jumped to, patterns emerged. Why were humans always the dominant race? Why did magic evolution follow finite branches? Corban and Co. began piecing this great Cosmic Mystery, suspecting that someone--or something--linked all these worlds together. Beyond this multitude of stages was a theatre, and he would exit it! Corban Jumped further than he had ever done, ending up in the realm of Althanas.

It was far. Too far.

The constellations were different, yes, but the magic was totally alien! The world no longer spoke the same language! He could hear Her speak melodiously, but he could only grasp the basics of Her grammar and vocabulary. Corban realized that he once again had no way back home until he put his intellect to work.

"Heh. Let's go, Ishtalle!"

06-08-11, 05:41 PM
Okay, cool. After a good hour of discussion we can finally put this profile in it's proper place.


Now let's see how many turd-swords you can create in one thread.