View Full Version : Sharing is Caring

06-08-11, 02:32 PM
((I'll be upfront, this is not a new player, just making a fun idea I had while watching a roommate play a silly game.))

Before I can go on, this profile structure should probably be explained first. I'll be posting twice, once for the Demon, and once for the Current Relationship. The demon profile will be purely cosmetic abilities and what would be designated as the SKILLS portion of the profile, as well as RP character quirks that can help people when interacting with this character.

The Second profile is the Current Relationship, and this is the ABILITIES portion of the character sheet. The Current Relationship is the muscle and the driving force of the character, so their stats will be the one reflected with the boost of the demonic entity. Lastly, thanks for taking time to approve this.


Name: Xel'korps'm'kar (Pronounce that how you see fit.)
Age: 387 years since entombment
Sex: Demonic
Race: Possessing Demon
Height/Weight: Calculable when only on a host

History: There is a deal every creature makes with the devil. Something they want and are willing to damn their soul to get it. Every demon wishes for that day, because it makes the otherwise boring hum drum life of Hadia much more entertaining. These people bargain for ultimate power, the power only the forces of Hell can grant, and these demons will watch with mischevious eyes for when the thing they bargained for becomes the thing they hate.

That, at least, is how it should be.

But once in a while some wizard or alchemist or crazy occult leader gets it right and the thing they ask for is actually granted without thought that maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't have it. Sometimes, we as demons, must know when the deal is a bad trade and let some other idiot take the bait. There are responsibilities and a reputation to uphold!

Ok, I admit it, I made a stupid deal.

Some jackass wizard asked for my help in obtaining the Rubric of Alaskar, some item that he wanted to find so bad he resorted to making a deal with the devils. I, a young demon at the time of only one hundred years, was summoned in his circle, bound for the question, and I was feeling particularly bored and watched my buddy M'Kar have this bang up of a good time with some jackass named Stern. I wanted that life. I agreed.

When the deal is made, the information to find the item magically pops into the demons brain. Now, we pretend we don't know everything, but in reality, we...don't. We get visions and dreams of the item and use that knowledge to aid the idiot in question. Why do demons love their riddles? Because we have to figure this shit out first before giving you the answer! You think after solving the questions of the ages we're gonna give it up just to make things easier? I sure as hell didn't.

So, anyway, we find it. The Rubric of Alaskar is in our hands. Now, I had just got my flash of insight that the Rubric of Alaskar is used to bind the wills of souls to him. It strips the soul out of the body and sticks it in that tiny box where he can shove it into whatever the hell he wants. Let me be honest, I mean ANYTHING! A tree, a condom, whatever the hell he wants!

So yeah, long story short, he bound me.

Now, I have solved my problem and managed to escape the prison of the Rubric, but I'd rather not say yet how I did it. It's sorta an ace in the hole when I find this jackass and expend my revenge. For now, all you need to know is you never deal with the devil...



Symbiotic Possession: I have this neat ability to bind myself into someone else's will. Now, before you go locking your doors you may want me to explain it first. You see, I sorta need permission first. I can't walk up to any old regular joe and move in like that pushy relative we all have in our family tree. The other trick is even if I am working alongside someone, if they manage to find their sense of will, they can evict me from the premise. Third rule? Yeah, there is one, and it's not a pleasant way to move out...for them. If the body I am sharing with happens to bite the dust and die, I can't save them! So when their soul is cut, so is my time there.

How does he do it?!? I'll reveal a few trade secrets if you let me go for a ride in your head. What, won't do it? Fine. I won't tell...

....okay so it's sorta hard to follow but if you listen up you may get it.

Liquify: When not in another body, I travel around VIA a liquid like form. It's like spoiled spilt milk, constantly moving. I am invulnerable and there ain't shit that can touch me while in this state! Downside...I can't do shit but run and lick my wounds. And trust me, if you think I can posse- er, -Bond-, with someone, try again. When I'm stressed or the target is stressed, the situation doesn't work out all the time. I try, I do try, but chances are I'll fail. Still, gotta give it the 'ol college try!

Symbiotic memories: I lost my ability to dream. That sounds pretty poetic and emo, but trust me, that's a bad thing! Demons when learning something can think about it, then when they dream they learn all about it. I explained this earlier so if you don't get it, don't bother trying to at this point, it's not even what this is about.

In return, I do have the ability to pull up my memories from my three hundred plus years of life. And that includes memories from those I bonded with. Think of this little trick like walking down a hallway with pictures all over it. I can look at these pictures at anytime without worry. Though sometimes a picture may be worth a thousand words, some pictures are worth jack diddly squat in a toilet that was never flushed.

Violent Urges: Hey, I'm a demon, and the only thing that stirs up my emotions is a little chaos. I like to cause mayhem, and I'll try and convince whoever I'm sharing with that they should too. Think of it as a little character quirk.

Scent of the Wizard: I'll never forget the way that bastard Wizard smells, and I'm capable of smelling him when he's in a mile radius of me. However, i also learned that I can smell his little tricks too. I can detect when he, or a soul he bonded into something, is in the area. Everyone has their own brand, and I find his foul and nasty. Don't worry though, this is really for the purposes of my own goals, and won't be effecting anyone else.

But perhaps I should bring you up to speed on who I happen to be going for a ride with...

06-08-11, 02:58 PM
Now this is the part where I tell you all about my feelings. If you're nice, I may paint your nails. Ugh, seriously, this is how it feels like when inside this trucko's head. He's a goodie tooshoo that I happened upon when he was looking for love. I made a few promises, told him I'd find him the perfect soul that would mesh with his. All I wanted in return was one ticket to a ferry that would take me to Corone. He agreed.


We bonded in a total non-hetero way, his soul making lots of room for mine. I told him I'd find the ultimate soul that would mesh with his. Submissive people are easy to trick, but the trick is they sorta are weak. Nothing I can't fix!*


Symbiotic Relationship: Hey, this isn't gonna feel good, and it isn't gonna be pretty, but I got to take some time before I manage to get you ready for battle. It'll take about three minutes for full transformation, or the average time it takes some writer to script a post, but I won't go away as long as you want me to stay. Sure, i could say it takes a minute just to bring up your strength, but really, that's just splitting hairs. I'll transform fully always, and you'll deal with it.

Symbiotic Strength: Hey, whoever said I wasn't a gracious guest? I particularly hate traveling around like a pool of spittle. So when I bond with an entity, I'll give them right off the bat some of my strength. This is enough to give them an edge, but when the going gets tough, I get going! I can spare some of my power to increase their physiology to make them 2X as strong as your average Soldier. There is a slight downside to this...

...The appearance of the body is altered the second I do this. Their chest and arms begin to bulge to showcase off those impressive arms and barrel chest. So slight ripping of the clothing may occur. Plan accordingly. Also, when I'm in battle I like to see what the hell is going on, so I'll form into a mask of my beautiful face from before the liquid hijinks and wizard issues. Suffice to say, hide your women and children.*

Symbiotic Endurance: You don't get to be a demon without taking a few bangs. And you don't last long in the world of fighting when your not tough. I, be the gracious man I am, can coat their skin with mine, giving it a slightly clear sheen. Now, don't get all huffy about it, it's not that impressive. I'm about as useful as leather armor. So I'll debuff some hand to hand, but sharp swords and actual weapons meant to inflict harm...yeah, not my fortay.*

Now that's just toughening them up, but I also can allow these wimps I have a relationship with me to perform greater feats. First off, compared to your average soldier, I can take an untrained body and match them. I also bring with them a few tricks I learned.*

Epic Leap: Twice in a battle, but not back to back, I can leap high in the air, say, eight feet, and come crashing down with fists of fury, or slam a weapon down, or some other useful thing I can think of while doing so. The impact generally hurts more than a regular shot from my fists, but I haven't had a body long enough to really learn how to do more than jump really high.*

Slight Regeneration: Okay, accidents happen, and sometimes even I get a bit wounded. But the cool thing is all demon's regenerate over time. When I'm infused with a soul I can heal them of their injuries, well, save death and growing back lost limbs, but I can't help them fight and help the pussy heal. I got to focus when healing, so this ability will really come in to play outside of combat. Oh and poisons? I hate poisons. Takes a long time to purge them, and sometimes the host is dead before I can do so. Cowards tool.

Combat Stats: (Remember, kiddies, i gotta be fighting you to gain these buffs...)
Name: Baxter
Age: 21 and in love (was...heh heh heh...)
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Culture: Salvarian Middle Class

STR: 2.0X
SPD: 1.0X*
END: 1.0X
AGI: .5

Okay, so you see that .5 number? Ya...becoming the hulking mass I make you sorta...slows you down in that mentally challenged kid kinda way. You're not gonna be flipping around or performing some major badass moves. Keep it simple, stupid.*

Now that we're all in order, I'd like to mash some heads in and find that prick of a Wizard...

06-08-11, 05:16 PM
Hey there. There is a couple things I'm going to need you to fix for me before we can get this character approved and since you already stated you're not a new-comer to the site, I'm guessing you already knew that.

First, I can't allow the 2.5x strength. I could if you didn't have so many abilities already, but since you have... I count 5 of them... I can't let you have it. Change it to 2x strength.

Second, I already kind of touched on this but you have too many abilities. Since you don't have increased speed & agility I have to count the Leap feat as an ability of it's own. The leather skin is it's own ability. The endurance, also. I guess I'll count the Regeneration thing as a skill, since you state it's not used in combat.

So without the regeneration you have four abilities. Take one out and tone down the strength and you're good. You can put the endurance to 2x if you'd like.

06-08-11, 08:18 PM
I dumped the end boost.

He has leather armor, 2x STR, epic leap. That good?

06-09-11, 01:30 AM
