View Full Version : Corone War Storyboard

06-09-11, 12:19 AM
The staff of Althanas 3.0 brings you a new breed of interactive writing event. The focus of the Corone Civil War is on teamwork and improvement of writing and RP skills, as well as completing unfinished projects. If you have an unfinished (or finished) thread that relates strongly to this event, post the link here! If you’d like to join us in shaping Corone, and have a hand in deciding which faction is victorious, get involved! For more information, a history of the conflict, and a beautiful new map of Althanas’ most popular nation, see Toll of the Corone Civil War (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22949-Toll-of-The-Corone-Civil-War).

This thread will serve as a comprehensive storyboard of all Corone Civil War threads. You may involve yourself in this event by:

-Joining one of our staff-run Moderated Quests
-Claiming one of the vacant missions on this board
-Creating your own thread and linking us to it so we can add it to the storyboard

The only criteria for Corone War threads are that they provide assistance for one of the two factions - the Rangers or the Empire. All Civil War threads will win points for the faction they support which will be tallied internally by the judging and content staff. Sometime in the next month a deadline will be chosen, and no threads submitted after that date will be counted towards the totals. The winning faction will determine the future of Corone as a nation.

When posting a link to a thread of your own, please follow this format:

Thread Title w/ hyperlink
Faction (Rangers or Empire)
Username of GM (if any)
Usernames of other involved members (if any)
Brief Synopsis
Link to recruitment (if any)

Recruitment and discussion for all Corone War threads should be handled in the appropriate RPC forums as usual. This thread is only for claiming for posting event-related stories. Off topic posts may be deleted by moderators.

06-09-11, 12:27 AM
Empire Storyboard

Deadly Shadows (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22985-MQ-Deadly-Shadows) - GM: The International - Status: Active
Featuring Lillith Kazumi.
The legendary ninja of Akashima have long stood as an elite class of warrior and assassin in Corone, to such an extent that many of the rebellion's so-called soldiers may not believe in them. Adding a complement of these highly trained samurai to the Empire's military force could provide the necessary covert and guerrilla expertise to crush the Rangers and their new recruits within their own forest. Imperial Intelligence recommends approaching Minamoto Satoshi, the Duke of the South, who may be amenable to providing such a force. Secure the loyalty of at least a dozen fully trained ninja, making any promises necessary, but understand the culpability may fall on you if the Empire chooses not to deliver their end of the bargain.

The Refugees (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23094-Corone-War-The-Refugees) - GM: Silence Sei - Status: Active
Since Xem’Zund’s invasion of Raiaera last year Corone has experienced an influx of Elves seeking refuge from the conflict. Their stay here may be permanent by human standards, for even with the defeat of the dark necromancer Raiaera is a land of danger and turmoil. Since then High Elves have gathered in a handful of enclaves throughout Corone, the most notable of which is Salchost (The Grass City) located in the grasslands just east of Radasanth. It mostly consists of women, children, and elderly, but it’s population numbers in the thousands, and some of them must be capable of waging battle. Go to Salchost with a promise of the Empire’s support in taking Raiaera back (whether its true or not is none of your concern), and muster up a supplement force for the main Imperial Army. (recruitment/discussion link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22981-Corone-War-The-Refugees))

Pirates of The Am’aleh Seas (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22999-Pirates-of-The-Am%E2%80%99aleh-Seas) - GM: Amen - Status: Active
Members: Amen (GM), Glass, Lady Scarlet
Seafaring sympathizers of the Rangers have taken it upon themselves to pester the Empire’s Navy with smaller, speedier vessels. A few of the Navy’s captains would like to turn the tables by ‘commandeering’ schooners, clippers, and other fast ships docked at Niema River to terrorize the seas as Pirates. They are looking for a crew of experienced sailors and mercenaries who don’t mind getting their hands dirty. Once on the seas it is encouraged that you aim for merchant ships and confirmed supporters of the rebellion, but everyone is fair game. After all, who can say whether a ship is true to its colors until it is boarded? (recruitment/discussion link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22975-Corone-War-MQ-Pirates-of-The-Am%E2%80%99aleh-Seas-Recruitment-Discussion))

The Fires of War - GM: Tye - Status: Recruiting
With internal trade routes cut off, and seafaring merchants price gauging the food that is rightfully ours, the Rangers have a trump card in the form of the fertile lands of Yarborough and Gisela. If the Empire can’t have that food, no one can. Make your way down to the southern farmlands of Corone and burn as many acres of crops as you possibly can. If you get caught or cause too great of an uproar, the Empire will deny any association with you. (recruitment/discussion thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22972-Corone-War-MQ-The-Fires-of-War-%28Come-on-you-big-pyros%29))

Clandestine Arts - Open
The Empire has suffered a rash of failed raids as of late, storming abandoned settlements and fortifications along the Concordian boarders and southern coastline. No Rangers were killed, and those sighted merely disappeared into the forest. Either the Rangers are privy to internal intelligence, or the Empire is being fed bad intelligence. It doesn’t matter which is the case because both can mean only one thing – there is a spy in our midst. Since this is extremely sensitive information we have reason to believe that someone in the immediate vicinity of one of the Viceroys (if not one of the Viceroys themselves) is responsible. Create a cover, get close, and find indisputable evidence that someone is betraying the Empire.

06-09-11, 12:30 AM
Rangers Storyboard

Sea Supremacy (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23027-Corone-War-Sea-Supremacy) - GM: Zerith - Status: Recruiting
Members: Zerith (GM)
Throughout the war so far, the Empire’s fleet seemed invincible, but their naval victories came not only through the strength of numbers. Their flagship, the CNS Colossus, is an impregnable floating fortress, protected by numerous cannons, an armor plating and several members of the Scarlet Brigade. The security is not surprising given the fact that most tactical decisions are made aboard the Colossus and then relayed to the rest of the fleet by a number of telepaths. A Corone Marshal, Tenniel, has infiltrated the CNS Colossus several days ago with the intention of sinking the vessel, but so far there has been no word from the elf. Your mission is to sneak aboard the Empire’s flagship, rescue Tenniel if he happens to be alive and do as much damage as possible. (recruitment/discussion link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22967-Corone-War-MQ-Sea-Supremacy-Recruitment-Discussion))

A Scarlet Mystery (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23007-Corone-War-A-Scarlet-Mystery) - GM: Elrundir - Status: Active
Members: Christina Bredith (GM), Yari Rafanas, Les Miserables, Rhelin, Lord Anglekos
One of the greatest threats posed to the Rangers at this stage in the war are the mysterious Scarlet Brigade, the members of which possess inhuman strength, speed, and abilities that allow them to almost single-handedly determine the outcome of a battle. It is entirely possible that these creatures aren’t human at all, as the few that the Rangers have managed to kill simply disappear upon their deaths, leaving only their red cloaks behind. Go to Radasanth, find out the secret behind the training of these creatures and, if possible, shut them down altogether. The Scarlet Brigadiers are immeasurably dangerous and very powerful, but this could have a massive effect on the outcome of the war if successful. (discussion link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22965-Corone-War-MQ-A-Scarlet-Mystery))

Leaves Left Behind (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22770-Leaves-Left-Behind) - GM: 016573 - Status: Active
Featuring The Sweetest Thing, Rayse, Macabre, and Jake Narmolanya
On a tepid spring day a seemingly ordinary group of travellers enters Underwood, seeking sanctuary against the Empire’s might. But before the night is out, blood is spilt, loyalties are changed, and the Concordian stronghold of the rebellion may fall into enemy hands. (discussion (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22771-Leaves-left-behind-discussion))

Raid the Empire (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22872-Raid-the-Empire-%28ATN-Zack-Blaze-Hauntologist.-Open-to-more%29) - GM: Rhelin - Status: Active
Members: Rhelin, Zack Blaze, Jennifer Oakley
[From the old mission board.] The Corone Armed Forces have besieged Concordia, cutting the freedom fighters off from many essential supplies. It is high time the oppressors felt the sting of the rebellion. Take a dozen fighters from the Underwood watch (or gather your own crew) and perform a raid on an empire encampment, stealing whatever food, weapons, or medical supplies you can. Be as secretive as possible, and bring the spoils to a ranking officer of the watch before concluding your thread.

The Nomad Process (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?19188-The-Nomad-Process) - GM: 016573 - Status: Active
Features Joshua Cronen, Shadar (writing as NPCs), and The International
On a quiet spring night, a portal opens in northern Radasanth, spilling a group of rebel freedom fighters into the Empire's domain. But they are intercepted, and in the following skirmish as single messenger escapes. Coincidence brings the messenger to Joshua Cronen, who's actions in assisting the man draw him deeper and deeper into Corone's tangled Civil War. In pursuit of justice Cronen encounters CAF soldiers, a pair of shadowy assassins, international super-spies and the dreaded Wraith of the Scarlet Brigade.

A Fine Day for Sabotage - Open
In the early stages of the war after the Gisela Massacre, the Empire began installing its fleet of ships harboured at Gisela with powerful cannons purchased from Alerar. When Gisela was retaken by the Rangers, the installation of these weapons has continued, and will reap great dividends for the war effort. However, it has been revealed that a sabotage attempt on the ships has been planned by the Empire. The specifics are as yet unknown, but you must ensure that the installation of the ships’ weaponry progresses without interruption, by any means necessary..

Salvage the Port - Open
Taking back the city of Jadet will double the stress on the Empire’s trade relations with Scara Brae and other nations. It will also cement the Rebellion’s foothold in Southern Corone. Collaborative forces from the Underwood Watch and the Rangers will be made available to anyone who enters Jadet stealthily, gains information and support for the cause, and can find a way to salvage the valuable port town with as little bloodshed and structural damage as possible.

Our Roots Run Deep (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22958-Our-Roots-Run-Deep-%28Closed%29) - GM: Cydnar - Status: Complete
Cydnar sees the brewing turbulence of the Civil War as a perfect opportunity to kill two snakes with one stick. He sets about a grand design to weaken the Empire whilst strengthening the Rangers, which in turn will cause a disturbance in favour of the resistance whilst offering the Hummel a perfect opportunity to create a much needed distraction. They intend to seed doubts in the Empire with an assassination, and offer military aid and a pledge of honour with an Oath Stone, a binding relic and symbol of power to the Hummel. The ultimate outcome of the war is only a secondary concern to them, however - if they can defeat Nidhogg, it does not matter how many cities on the surface of Althanas burn...

Some sacrifices have to be made...the Hummel have made too many, it is someone else's turn.

A Name with No Weight (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22575-A-Name-with-No-Weight) - Status: Complete
Members: Yari Rafanas, Christina Bredith
Fresh out of a loss in the Citadel and feeling betrayed by the nation to which he had given so much, the legendary Bandit King Yari Rafanas strikes out in frustration at a mocking passerby and bites off more than he bargained for when the Imperial Guard comes calling. Relieved from a sticky situation by Christina Bredith, Deputy-Marshal of the Corone Rangers, Yari and a newfound friend escape through the winding streets of Radasanth, only to find that they've leapt out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Baby This Night (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22478-Baby-This-Night-%28for-CaitieGirl%29) - GM: 016573 - Status: Complete
Members: 016573 and CaitieGirl (features Josh Cronen, Rose Vasston, Jacob Narmolanya, Reever Glacegeyser, and Terech Bodorson)
On her first night in Underwood, a young woman was nearly beheaded as a rogue assassin battled lawmen in the streets. Weeks later, thank to the magic of Underwood's healers, she is fully healed with a scar running the length of her neck and a horrible memory plaguing her. However as she is released from the healers' care, she meets some of the heroes who make Underwood a sanctuary, and before the night's end joins them in their struggle against the forces of evil on Corone.

06-09-11, 04:17 AM
The Fires of War is claimed and I will be GMing it.

06-09-11, 04:07 PM
Thread Title: Our Roots Run Deep (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22958-Our-Roots-Run-Deep-(Closed)&p=185362#post185362)
Faction: Rangers

Brief Synopsis: Cydnar sees the brewing turbulence of the Civil War as a perfect opportunity to kill two snakes with one stick. He sets about a grand design to weaken the Empire whilst strengthening the Rangers, which in turn will cause a disturbance in favour of the resistance whilst offering the Hummel a perfect opportunity to create a much needed distraction.

They intend to seed doubts in the Empire with an assassination, and offer military aid and a pledge of honour with an Oath Stone, a binding relic and symbol of power to the Hummel. The ultimate outcome of the war is only a secondary concern to them, however - if they can defeat Nidhogg, it does not matter how many cities on the surface of Althanas burn...

Some sacrifices have to be made...the Hummel have made too many, it is someone else's turn.

Status: Completed

The International
06-10-11, 09:08 PM
Now I know what I forgot.

Please direct all questions here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22977-Corone-War-Q-amp-A&p=185488#post185488), so we can keep this thread focused on the Story Board. We will be happy to answer them.

06-11-11, 12:55 PM
All off topic posts have been moved to the Q & A thread International linked above. Please note that all additional off-topic posts will be deleted rather than moved.

06-12-11, 08:21 AM
If anyone needs this thread updated, whether because you're claiming a thread or you've started a thread or updated your recruitment or completed a thread or whatever, and you don't have the ability to edit this thread yourself, please post here or let one of us know. I think I got everything mostly up to date yesterday, but it's not often that we'll have the time to just troll the forums looking for war-related threads, so please let us know if you see anything that's not updated. :)

06-27-11, 11:18 AM
Board updated. Two new missions for the Rangers (Baby This Night and the Nomad Process) added.

There are still several open missions that can be claimed, and lots of recruiting is going on right now, so get over to the RPC if you're interested in that.

07-28-11, 03:04 PM
Board updated. The Rangers have taken an early lead, but there's still two open missions on either side, and anything can happen.

If I missed a link to one of the above threads, please post it here. If you are a member of a Corone War thread that isn't listed above, please respond following this format:

Thread Title w/ hyperlink
Faction (Rangers or Empire)
Username of GM (if any)
Usernames of other involved members (if any)
Brief Synopsis
Link to recruitment (if any)