View Full Version : Sexy Guitarist LFG

The State Of Maine
06-09-11, 07:28 PM
Great, now that I have your attention... ;)

So yeah, I've got my character, and no idea what to do with her. Basically, I think I'd like to go for a one-off quest, maybe two, to get myself a bit grounded into the world as it is, and then go from there. Apart from being a good way to get to know you guys, of course.

I could work some stuff up depending on who's willing to work with me, though suggestions are very much welcome. So hey, hope to hear from you guys.

06-09-11, 09:10 PM
I'm a sexy guitarist!

The State Of Maine
06-13-11, 06:32 PM
So you are! Delightful. I take it you're up for some good times, then? Got anything in mind, or should I work some magic here and there?