View Full Version : Corone War MQ: A Scarlet Mystery

Christina Bredith
06-09-11, 09:43 PM
All right, folks! This will be the recruitment and discussion thread for "A Scarlet Mystery," one of the upcoming missions related to the Corone War. I've already got a couple of people who have expressed interest in this, and I think I've got room for about one more, so feel free to battle to the death over it or something. (I'm just kidding, it's probably not worth battling to the death, the Scarlet Brigade will kill us anyway.)

The current roster is:

Christina Bredith (GM)
Yari Rafanas
Les Miserables

I don't want to make this quest too large, so I think one more person will set us up to get this show on the road. But first things first, the premise (as if you didn't read it on the storyboard and come here because of that), and some ground rules.

The Scarlet Brigade
For those of you who aren't familiar with the Scarlet Brigade, this is what's commonly known about them. The Scarlet Brigade has a long history of service with the Corone Armed Forces, though not much is known about them beyond their status as elite soldiers used for special operations. They were named for the bright red cloaks they wore into battle, which soon became the stuff of legends.

Since the civil war began, however, stories about the Scarlet Brigade have taken an entirely different turn. They now wear full-faced scarlet masks without even eye slots and stand as still as statues when not flowing into battle. Those who have seen them in battle among the Rangers tell of their inhuman strength, speed, and abilities, some claiming that they can even vanish at will. They are one of the greatest military threats to the Rangers, and even their mere presence on the battlefield can have a devastating effect on their enemy's morale.

A Scarlet Mystery
In order to end this war, the Rangers must overcome their greatest threats in order to turn the tables, and the Scarlet Brigade is chief among them. Deputy-Marshal Christina Bredith and the legendary King of Thieves, Yari Rafanas, recently defeated one of the Scarlet Brigadiers and claimed his weapon, a glaive of twisted black metal. With a little magic, a Bladesinger ally of the Rangers thinks he can trace the weapon back to its source. Your mission is to find that source, find out the secret behind these monsters, and unravel the scarlet mystery once and for all.

Ground Rules
Now, there are a couple of things that everyone involved in this quest ought to know about. The first is that the Brigadiers are extremely tough cookies. That's something that we should all keep in mind, because it's crucial to their continuity. We can't go pretending they're suddenly little weaklings. So whoever wants to sign up, keep that in mind and what it means relative to your characters. :)

The second thing is that this quest is going to finish no matter what. I'm not setting a deadline or any firm timelines for you yet (god knows I'm not always great with them myself :p), but I do intend to see it finished before the war ends. That means that if you go MIA, especially when we're getting down to crunch time, we may have to bunny and/or write you out of the quest in order to continue on. I don't want to scare anyone off, I just want you to be aware of that in case it's something you're not okay with.

With that said, let the sign-ups begin, and we'll get this show on the road!

06-09-11, 11:15 PM
My chari is a merc so if you want to have him brought on as a man for hire i would voulenteer for this most definatly. i would be able to post solid every day at least 2 times a day starting monday (going camping tommorow till monday)

06-10-11, 12:43 AM
I can act as a meat-shield, if you'll have me. Abraxos showed interest first, so give him dibs, but I wouldn't mind being in here since this is one of the few Civil War quests that happened to catch my interest.

Yari Rafanas
06-10-11, 01:14 AM
We already have a 1 armed drow meat shield, so we might need some higher level people. (<3 you Numbers)

06-10-11, 02:57 AM
Hum, I didn't realize there were level requirements placed on MQ's. Well okay then, it was worth a try.

Yari Rafanas
06-10-11, 03:18 AM
I might have come off as a bit dismissive, SandStorm, and that wasn't my intention. Christina's calling the shots on this one and I certainly welcome anybody with an interest to see this through. :] I was just commenting that this is going to get really, really messy in-character. With score and Althanas realism in mind, if one can't stand toe to toe with one of these Brigadiers there's a very high probability of characters dying. (Though with myself as an example, that doesn't mean all THAT much. ;] )

06-10-11, 03:56 AM
Nah, it's fine. I understand what you're going for as far as realism goes. I've got my own thread going on with another user, which concerns the civil war.

I'll be plenty occupied.

The Cinderella Man
06-10-11, 05:02 AM
I can offer some bang for your buck. I've been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for this thing to start, hoping to jump in one of these quests as a participant instead of organizer (which didn't work out all too well last time around :(). So just throwing my name in the hat. I know my activity is questionable and I won't try to defend myself there. But I haven't been in a quest where I didn't have to pull most of the strings in a long while and I think it's going to be beneficial. But if you don't want to take that chance or have someone else in mind, it's cool beans.

Slayer of the Rot
06-10-11, 06:01 AM
I sent a pm to Yari because he was on at the time, but he hadn't got it, and I wanted to talk to him or Christina as soon as I can. I think I have the both of you on my AIM contact list, but I am terrible at paying attention to the sign on. I'd much rather talk about my idea personally to either one of you, so expect an im if I don't get you through private messages first, lol.

Yari Rafanas
06-10-11, 06:04 AM
As Letho or as Mr. Callahan here? O_O

The Cinderella Man
06-10-11, 06:09 AM
As Padre. Letho sort of turned his back on the War.

Yari Rafanas
06-10-11, 06:32 AM
As Padre. Letho sort of turned his back on the War.

What a little punk. Now Yari has to get off his ass and finish it. Thanks a lot. :[

Christina Bredith
06-10-11, 07:15 AM
As Padre. Letho sort of turned his back on the War.
Again? God damn it. Remind me to kick his ass when this is over.

Slayer, please feel free to bug me via PM if you don't see me on AIM (my user name is DarknessMageX, just to make sure you have it). I don't get a lot of chances to log on during the day while I'm at work, and I'm even less responsive when I am logged on (because turning on any form of messenger seems to be the universal bat signal for everyone to come into the clinic at the same time). So yeah, PMs are fine if you don't find me there. :) (Plus I'll have a record of what we talked about in case I forget. Which I admit, I often do.)

I'm taking y'all's applications into consideration! I honestly don't know how I'm going to choose. >< But I'll figger it out.

Slayer of the Rot
06-10-11, 04:36 PM
Got it. I'm sending you a PM now. I already talked to Yari about it, he seemed to like the sound of it, but he was just as fucked up as I was.

06-10-11, 06:14 PM
If there's still room Rhelin is feeling a little self sacrificial.

Lord Anglekos
06-10-11, 06:32 PM
I can provide quite a lot of firepower if need be.

Christina Bredith
06-14-11, 06:17 AM
Okay, so I would like to give Rhelin a shot at this because he did actually PM me first, before I had even written up this thread. I think an eager beaver like that deserves something! Choosing the next one was stupidly hard (I've literally been mulling it over since Friday), but our group is light on magic as it stands, and for that reason I'd like to get Lord Anglekos in on it. I think a little magic will help even the odds a little against our foes. And maybe he can burn down wherever they're being trained, the bastards. :P

Apologies and much love to the rest; I'll make it up to you! If you want to write things together in future, feel free to hit me up, and I'm also planning a good number of other MQs (and even CMQs) in the near future that you can get in on. :)

I'm going to try and get this thread started today, and if not, I'll at least work on it today and finish it up tomorrow. The big deciding factor is how much I have to do at work today. If not a lot, I can do a lot of writing. Unfortunately that's rare. What I need y'all to do in the meanwhile is PM me something: if we haven't spoken about it already, could you each send me a PM with some ideas on how your character can enter the mission? I'll probably work out the posting order based on that (in an attempt to mix things up with regard to how everyone is joining) and then we'll go from there.

Christina Bredith
06-15-11, 08:38 AM
Okay, the thread's up (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23007-Corone-War-A-Scarlet-Mystery). The opening I left at the end is for you to post your intro, Rhelin, as discussed a little bit over PMs. :) I've already heard from Yari about his intro and we'll get him in a bit later on, as the group is heading off, but I haven't heard yet from Numbers or Anglekos. If either of you wants to join the mission directly, then this would be a good chance to do so, otherwise we'll work out where and how you join the group.

06-15-11, 03:27 PM
Hmmm... well, I have two ideas for my first post. My original impulse was to start Phyr already in/around Radasanth, infiltrating the CAF. I had also thought it might be funny to have Phyr (current Captain of the Underwood Watch according to my storyline) enter a room with Christina and a bunch of other rangers. Funny to think about, but it'd be messy to write and probably jam up the intro you're working on. So I wouldn't mind coming in last and providing a fairly different perspective on the whole thing, and maybe Phyr will run into the rest of the party a few rounds in?... if you think that'd work. I'll either catch you on AIM or shoot a PM when I have a better idea. The intro is great, though.

Yari Rafanas
06-15-11, 03:52 PM
Nothing like the Peaceful Promenade to start off an epic journey. :]

06-15-11, 07:26 PM
Thanks! I'll post tonight!

Slayer of the Rot
06-15-11, 08:08 PM
I'll see you girls at the finish line. Mwahahaha.

Christina Bredith
06-15-11, 08:11 PM
Hmmm... well, I have two ideas for my first post. My original impulse was to start Phyr already in/around Radasanth, infiltrating the CAF. I had also thought it might be funny to have Phyr (current Captain of the Underwood Watch according to my storyline) enter a room with Christina and a bunch of other rangers. Funny to think about, but it'd be messy to write and probably jam up the intro you're working on. So I wouldn't mind coming in last and providing a fairly different perspective on the whole thing, and maybe Phyr will run into the rest of the party a few rounds in?... if you think that'd work. I'll either catch you on AIM or shoot a PM when I have a better idea. The intro is great, though.
I like the idea of Phyr joining later on, actually. Yari will likewise be joining the party after they've already set out, but before they leave Concordia. That way they're not too similar... otherwise the story would start reminding me of Chicken Little and his ever-growing entourage.

Yari Rafanas
06-16-11, 03:56 AM
I'll see you girls at the finish line. Mwahahaha.

Got my spear back, Dan... a spear that has killed like 2 million player characters. Bring it.

Lord Anglekos
06-16-11, 02:44 PM
Withdrawing my name. I simply am too busy with other things to worry about kicking up muse here. Sorry, guys.

06-16-11, 11:35 PM
Put up my post, sorry about the guys and gals, a bad storm came through yesterday before I could toss up my post and knocked out my interwebs. Back now though!

Yari Rafanas
06-17-11, 02:45 AM
Put up my post, sorry about the guys and gals, a bad storm came through yesterday before I could toss up my post and knocked out my interwebs. Back now though!

I think you accidentally a word, but one day delay is hardly something to apologize for. Once we get things rolling, though, I suspect things will flow smoothly and the delays won't be bad.

Also, sorry to see you go, LA. When I'm free (or sometime during this war) I'd like to kill Winterhair again. ;]

Christina Bredith
06-17-11, 07:42 AM
Good stuff, Rhelin. Really, don't worry about a small delay like that. It's not like I'm expecting everyone to throw up one post per day or something. :) And like Yari said, things should flow a bit more smoothly once everyone's in. I've got a pretty good idea on the direction we'll be going, so with everyone taking a step forward in each post, we should just about blaze through this thing!

I'm sorry to see you go, LA. I was looking forward to writing with you. :(

Okay, so I guess Yari is next, and then we'll probably do another round of posting to take us to the asylum, and that's where Numbers will join us with his alt. Unless you'd prefer me to make another post taking them out of Concordia, and then join up after that? I'll leave the decision up to you, but for my part, I'm fine with you bunnying that part (or just skipping ahead to the part where they're heading out of the forest) yourself if that's what you want to do.

06-17-11, 08:25 AM
I did miss a word, it was late haha. Thanks for the pointers Yari, I still need to do a bit of reading up on the cultures of Althanas. It should flow pretty well, especially after I finish moving.

Yari Rafanas
06-17-11, 03:37 PM
I did miss a word, it was late haha. Thanks for the pointers Yari, I still need to do a bit of reading up on the cultures of Althanas. It should flow pretty well, especially after I finish moving.

No problem, dude. We're in this together.

If you don't think a reactionary post from Christina gathering their group and exiting Underwood (maybe with a look at the current events of the rebellion through her eyes) would be a good idea, I can bring my perspective on it and have Yari meet stop them in his forest. I'll either work on it later tonight or tomorrow, depending. Let me know!

06-17-11, 06:24 PM
Yeah, come to think of it, a post having them exit the city and start making their way through the forest would be a good idea. I don't want the transition to be too jarring. I'll start working on it!

EDIT: But since it won't have a whole lot to do with your own post, you can always feel free to work on that in the meanwhile, and that way they'll both be ready to go. Or something.

06-20-11, 05:28 PM
Hmm... I'm gonna start working on my initial post now, depending on how quickly the plot advances I dunno if it will fit best in the first or second round... should be a nice establishing shot of Radasanth and one of the main military camps around it. Sound good?

Yari Rafanas
06-21-11, 02:49 AM
I didn't see your edit, Elrundir. I'll work on it soon.

Christina Bredith
06-22-11, 08:19 AM
It's up! Sorry for the delay, but every time I've tried to write anything in the past few days, something has come up to interrupt me.

06-22-11, 01:34 PM
I'm at work right now but as soon as i can i'll post. That's going to be hard to follow up though!

Yari Rafanas
06-22-11, 03:00 PM
I'll drop my intro tonight, come hell or high water.

Les Misérables
06-22-11, 03:04 PM
*cracks long gnarled fingers*

Wicked stoked. Elrundir just make sure to let me know when my intro comes in.

Christina Bredith
06-22-11, 04:40 PM
Okay, so at this point I'd like to start moving into some sort of posting order, just so there's no confusion later on. If possible I'd like Yari to post next, and in his post he can take us out of Concordia and toward Radasanth. Then Numbers can make his intro, and run into the group as they arrive at the asylum. Then probably Rhelin, then me, and then we'll more or less keep that order as we go along. Always room for jumping the line if necessary, or if it would flow better that way, but at least this way we'll have some sort of idea of who's up next and when our own posts are due. :)

Yari Rafanas
06-23-11, 04:09 AM
Alright, I've hammered it out. My first IC post in a while so give me a bit to get back in the groove. Also, if I messed up Alasse let me know. Or if we needed more of a lead into Radasanth I can do that too!

06-24-11, 12:32 PM
Elrundir, do you mind if I double up for my intro? I have the first 2 pages written, and it introduces some CAF/Empire NPCs and sort of provides a feel for what's going on in the space between Concordia and Radasanth... the rest should provide a more three dimensional image and introduce Phyr, but I don't really want to cram it all into one post or wait for next round to get him involved.

06-24-11, 01:53 PM
Do what you gotta do. Long posts honestly don't bother me, personally, so even if you want to just write it all up and put it in one post, I wouldn't mind. But I'll leave it up to you, assuming no one else objects.

Yari Rafanas
06-24-11, 07:54 PM
Go for it, Numbers. Can't wait.

Les Misérables
06-26-11, 02:14 PM
I fear I may have overdone it a little... if anything needs changing/clarifying/to get the hell out of there, just let me know. Also I'll try to be on AIM tonight, so catch me if ya can :P

06-29-11, 04:13 PM
Good afternoon everyone! Christina, did you still want Numbers to post before i did? Just making sure, thanks.

06-29-11, 04:46 PM
I did post, Les Miz is my alt :P

Christina Bredith
07-01-11, 08:36 AM
Sorry I haven't been around much in the past couple of days. Just been swamped, on top of which I wasn't feeling very well at all (especially yesterday). But I feel much better now.

I think we've got our posting order set now. Next will be Rhelin, then me, and we'll try to keep in that same order as much as we can throughout the quest, just to keep everyone on the same page about who's coming next. For reference, that's:

Les Mis

By the way, everyone is all right with bunnying, right? I know the two of you that I've quested with before have been fine with it in the past, and I do think it's essential to maintaining good flow, but it never hurts to ask. :)

Good stuff, guys! I'm getting even more pumped for this.

07-01-11, 12:14 PM
Excellent.. glad you're feeling better. See if you can catch me on AIM sometime!

Christina Bredith
07-08-11, 07:08 AM
Still working on that post, Rhelin, or should we press on for this round and you can hop back in later?

Christina Bredith
07-13-11, 09:06 PM
Hmm, still no word from Rhelin. I'm going to start working on a post, then, and we'll continue the posting order from there; then Rhelin can jump in at his turn if he's ready to start posting again. :)

Yari Rafanas
07-14-11, 03:25 PM
Okay. This is one of the few threads I'm managing to watch these days, so please if I somehow miss it pester me. We need to get this thing rolling. I hope I have it in me!

Christina Bredith
07-19-11, 09:13 PM
It's up! My apologies for the delay--I'm actually not at home this week, which is the only reason why it took so long. Writing time is scarce when I'm out of town. :( But by the time it's my turn again I'll probably be back at home, so it shouldn't happen again. :)

Yari Rafanas
07-20-11, 01:59 AM
Action is something I can write. I'll start my slaughter of guards tomorrow, but if there is anything you need me to include or an idea let me know via PM boss.

Christina Bredith
07-30-11, 05:44 PM
All righty... so I need to take a roll call here. By which I mean, I need to know if you're still interested in continuing the thread, Numbers. Rhelin has apparently disappeared and Yari has expressed to me that he will be unable to continue, so if you are still interested, then you're up next. If not, I will solo the rest in order to get the quest finished, so I wouldn't want you to force yourself. Just want to check our status before continuing.

07-30-11, 07:05 PM
Definitely interested... it's a shame we lost the others but I'm sure we can still keep this interesting. I'll start working on my post soon.

Christina Bredith
08-06-11, 06:34 PM
All righty, so my next post is when Yari will be written out of the thread (unless he changes his mind), and in the interest of giving fair warning, if I haven't heard anything from you by that point, Rhelin, then I'll have to write your character out as well and it will probably be impossible to rejoin at that point. This is the best chance we'll get to write anyone out for a while, and there won't be any chances (that I can think of) for stragglers to rejoin once we get to the asylum.

Just fair warning, that's all. As you were!

Les Misérables
08-12-11, 09:50 PM
My apologies for taking so long... the post is now posted but can be altered or added to if necessary. Huzzah!

Christina Bredith
08-12-11, 10:53 PM
Schmexcellent. Should I assume you'll be meeting up with our group directly in my next post? I'll start working on that as soon as I get a chance, and hopefully I'll be able to post it up sometime during the next week. Shouldn't be a problem.

08-13-11, 12:00 AM
Hmm... chronologically I wasn't quite there yet, but like I said, I can add a bit more in to that post. I think we should chat (if possible) before writing the encounter between the two groups, and if it's all the same to you I wouldn't be averse to putting it off one more round.

08-13-11, 07:14 AM
No, I don't mind at all. I just didn't want to not include you in my post (which I was initially going to do... or, er... not do? because I thought you had mentioned waiting one more round to me) when you were thinking of joining up with us.

Slayer of the Rot
08-13-11, 09:02 PM
Just as a heads up, I wanted to let you know I was still ready for the thing we discussed in pm, Elrundir/Christina. Jesus, I don't know what the fuck to call you man.

08-13-11, 10:01 PM
Christina is just an alt, but I'll respond to either. Or y'all can just call me Nick. And yes, I'm glad to hear it; I'm looking forward to it!

Slayer of the Rot
08-14-11, 12:48 AM
Finally man, I've always wondered what your name was. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, I haven't dropoped off the face of Althanas or anything, I'm just being really, really slow for the moment cause I don't have too much to do.

So, I'm ready when you give the signal.

Christina Bredith
08-27-11, 09:10 PM
Just looking to get a bit of a status update on this. Still with us, Numbers? :)

Christina Bredith
09-16-11, 06:18 AM
Okay, so I haven't heard from him by any means (which I kind of expected would be the case). In that case, we're just going to push on ahead with this. I'll get up the next post as soon as I can.

Brother in Arms
09-16-11, 07:11 AM
War is hell. And sometimes you lose people.

Looking forward to your post. :)

Christina Bredith
09-28-11, 08:07 AM
Okay, it's up at long last. Things will be better from here on out, and we're getting towards the end of it now. It's just been a bit crazy with all the people shuffling around and leaving. The Serenti admittedly eats up a lot of my posting time, but I'll do my best to work around that.

There's no particular reason to rush into the climax if you have other ideas, so feel free to hit me up. Otherwise we can move on to the chamber of evil, and I can point out some stuff that we'll find in there if that's what you want to do. Just let me know. :)