View Full Version : A Little More Experienced...

06-10-11, 12:20 AM

So, I'm looking to begin my first spar 'ere and have been struggling over the past few days what to do. I've come to a mental block, which I realized a few hours ago stems from how alien this place is to me.

I was hoping to find someone who has experience to take it upon themselves to help me. If anyone would be so kind, all that I ask is that you begin us off, craft the setting. From there, well, it'll all boil down to what I've read and personal prowess with these sort of things.

Thanks. :)

06-10-11, 12:56 AM
I'll give you a hand, no charge. It's a new character, but I'm an experienced player (got a level 10), so If you'd like it, we can dance

06-10-11, 01:33 AM
By all means, I would be honored. If you would be so kind to select the melody for us, then I believe we can get started. And, probably best you are using a new one, seeing as how Ardaen is only Level 0 herself. *Smiles*

06-10-11, 01:35 AM
Well then I shall happily start this up. But before i do i must ask if you would prefer the Dansdel or the Citadel for this spar, or perhaps make it a nice chance encounter in the open?

06-10-11, 01:43 AM
Whichever seems best for you, honestly. I've read around, but I really have no preference in the matter. I know most fights of this kind begin in the Citadel, so that might as well be as good a place as any. However, if you are inspired to do something else, I can easily go along with it. :)

06-10-11, 01:46 AM
I'll post this up tonight, probably within 30 minutes. I'm really digging this new character and wanna abuse the creativity while I got it. :)

06-10-11, 01:53 AM
I know that feeling. Provided I am still awake when you post, I may have a reply tonight. However, I'm without a functional source of internet, but I /think/ I have found a way around it (my phone). My hope is that I will be able to post at the very least once a day while I am away from home. I apologize in advance for any prolonged delay on my replies.

06-10-11, 02:01 AM
i understand completely and won't hold anything against you.

06-10-11, 02:03 AM
Thanks. I really can't express how much I appreciate you saying that. :)

06-10-11, 02:32 AM
Training day is up! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22969-Training-Day&p=185421#post185421)

Hey, it's not a big deal, trust me! i post on an Ipod touch when at a starbucks, that's how bad it can get. I understand exactly what you mean. The fact you're willing to try makes up for any time delay frustrations. So take your time and enjoy yourself. (that's rule number one, learn it well)