View Full Version : Corone War MQ: Sea Supremacy Recruitment/Discussion

06-10-11, 12:36 AM
Corone War MQ: Sea Supremacy

Right, so just like the storyboard thread shows, I've decided to try GMing one of couple threads for the Rangers. So this thread is for the recruitment/discussion of it. At this moment in time, I'm think I'd like a possible roster of myself plus 2 or 3 others. Nothing too big, but enough that things can be kept moving at a reasonable pace. So at the current moment in time, the roster looks like this.

Zerith (GM)
Cydnar Yrene
Relt PeltFelter

The plot behind it is simple. For whatever reason your character can come up, they're somehow caught up in the Civil War and fighting for the Rangers. You're job is to join Z and take on a floating fortress. Once the group manages to get on board, they have to find Tenniel (if he is still alive) and somehow sabotage the CNS Colossus. It's not going to be easy, since in addition to trying to just find a means to pull off the mission the group will also risk having to deal with some members of the Scarlet Brigade. So for those of you who think that's not a big deal, I suggest you check out Christina Bredith's "Scarlet Mystery" recruitment/discussion thread.

Fair warning though, I really want to see this thread completed at a reasonable pace. So while I'm not gonna be creating deadlines and such, I would prefer whoever decides to join be okay with having their characters bunnied if necessary (yes, even the others will be free to bunny Z if I can't post relatively soon when it is my turn). Worst case scenario if you suddenly can't be a part of the thread would be that you would be written out.

Also, we're practically taking on a fortress (and the Scarlet Brigade) here guys. So please don't expect this to be easy ICly. As of now, I don't have any idea on how the group could possibly sabotage the Colossus, but I'm sure we can figure something out later.

The whole idea reminds me of playing Armored Core: For Answer, so I'm hoping it will be enjoyable for everyone involved. But with all that said, I think I'm just going to open this up for people to post in and hopefully show some interest.

So come on, who wants to cripple the Empire's navy?

06-10-11, 03:58 AM
Hello Zerith, Duffy's Alt No, 201 here.

Will this conflict take place near Jadet, out of interest?

06-10-11, 08:03 AM
Yes. I was thinking that the Colossus would either be docked at Jadet, or anchored nearby but still close enough that it's sheer size still intimidates alot of people that live there.

06-10-11, 09:46 AM
I will join you. This sounds like the perfect way to knock some heads in and cut my teeth in a quest.

06-10-11, 10:00 AM
In Cydnar's first FQ solo he establishes that he is sending a small force of Hummel soldiers to help defend Jadet, so this ties in perfectly.

If you'll have him and his cadre, I'm all aboard!

06-10-11, 01:49 PM
i know myself and lady scarlet would be more then happy to join this quest. however being a merc i do it for a price.

06-10-11, 04:15 PM
*raises hand*

I've got a dragon...

Sorahn has a history of hostility toward the empire. This war could be the perfect thing to draw him out of hiding. Plus I need something to get my feet wet RPing again.

Flying around a floating fortress on the back of a dragon and raining fire down sounds like good times.

06-10-11, 04:31 PM
Dragons and elves and demons, oh my!

06-10-11, 06:27 PM
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who have already showed interest. I'm going to take some time to decide who will be joining me for this thread, but I want to clarify one thing.

Just because you have a dragon, or 50 geomancers behind your back doesn't mean this is going to be a quick thread of blowing stuff up. When I picture the Colossus, it's a beast of a ship with armor plating, cannons and lucky enough to have some of the scary Scarlet Brigade on board. I imagine that should people want to try and go all out on the thing, it would hardly suffer a scratch for awhile. Also keep in mind we could eventually have to try and go below deck to find whatever happened to Tenniel.

With that said, if any of you have ideas of what you would like to see/do/try in the thread, please feel free to PM me. It'd also help to know what you have in mind for your characters motivation for the taking the suicide mission.

Relt PeltFelter
06-13-11, 01:42 AM
I have been ordered to find a war thread to be awesome in, and as it happens, nautical nonsense be something I wish. Boats are cool. If you'll have me, I'll join this.

06-14-11, 10:07 AM
Alright, thanks to all of those to expressed interest in writing this thread with me. After thinking things over I've decided to take Cydnar, Sorahn and Relt PeltFelter. I don't think I've written anything with any of you, and I hope the combination will at least keep things interesting.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I'd like to suggest you just keep looking for other threads involving the Civil War. I know that sometime in the future I'll try to come up with another idea for a thread and I'll probably be looking for people to join that one as well. Of course, if any of you can't wait that long or just want to write with me ASAP, just send me a PM and we'll throw around ideas for something.

I aim to have the intro posted sometime Thursday or Friday. Once it's up I'll post a link in this thread.

06-16-11, 09:07 PM
Hot piss.

BTW When I mentioned I have a dragon, I wasn't suggesting that it would be easy to just blow the ship out of the water, but that it might help strategically to have something that can fly. Aerial assault, running distraction, recon, or a means of boarding the ship... that kind of thing.

As for motivation, just before I stopped RPing, I wrote a thread about the Empire's attacks on the Red Hand. Basically they made up some BS taxes on their trades because they wanted to snuff out the RH's potential for rebellion. It involved the burning of the whole town, basically. Since the RH was Sorahn's whole life, he's a bit pissed at the Empire.

Also, I've been considering killing off Rehnahlia (Sorahn's wife). She never turned out to be the interesting character I wanted her to be, so I could say that she died in the Empire's assault, and Sorahn is seeking the opportunity for revenge in the grandest way possible, and isn't really concerned with his own well-being anymore (not that he ever really was much anyway).

Hope that helps.

06-17-11, 12:49 AM
Oh, I wasn't implying that having a dragon would make things easy for the group. I assume that if one of the Marshals of the Ranger goes missing while taking the same assignment our characters will be taking, that it will be tough.

I know I said I would post by friday or so, but my boss has decided I need to work on my days off. I'm working on my intro now, but it may take a few days.

06-18-11, 02:00 PM
Double post, I know. But I want to say that the thread is now up. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23027-Corone-War-Sea-Supremacy&p=185990#post185990)

So now this is up for discussion as we get this thread going! Feel free to write your intros, basically just explaining why your characters are getting involved in this war. I figured that in our next posts, we could have everyone meet in Jadet after recruited by the Rangers and get their first assignment.

Of course, if any of you have any other ideas. Please speak up about them!

Relt PeltFelter
06-18-11, 10:58 PM
Excellent. I've been looking forward to this. I shall post, post-haste.

Trying something a little crazy; if for whatever reason it doesn't flow with the story you're planning, let me know.

06-19-11, 12:09 AM
I lolled.

Many times :).

Relt PeltFelter
06-19-11, 12:28 AM
Much appreciated, compadre.

06-21-11, 05:34 PM
Sorry its taken me a while guys. I'm on vacation in florida at the moment, but I have my laptop with me so I should have a post up by tomorrow.

EDIT: Post is up. Again I'm sorry about the wait. It's been hard to find a good time to hammer out a post. I promise I won't be this irregular from here on out.

Relt PeltFelter
07-01-11, 06:45 PM
Speaking of irregularity, what's the status of this quest? Are we on hold at the moment, or is this just a temporary slow-down?

07-02-11, 10:09 AM
A temporary slow-down. My grandmother had to go to the hospital after having a mini-stroke earlier this week, so I've been helping my family out with physical tasks in the meantime.