View Full Version : Corone War MQ: The Fires of War (Come on, you big pyros)

06-10-11, 06:31 AM
Hey guys, I need a character (or two) who is totally cool with deceiving a naive "hero" and likes to burn down entire farms.

Come on, supporters of the Empire!

The Quest summary:

With internal trade routes cut off, and seafaring merchants price gauging the food that is rightfully ours, the Rangers have a trump card in the form of the fertile lands of Yarborough and Gisela. If the Empire can’t have that food, no one can. Make your way down to the southern farmlands of Corone and burn as many acres of crops as you possibly can. If you get caught or cause too great of an uproar, the Empire will deny any association with you.

Yari Rafanas
06-14-11, 03:05 AM
There are no "evil" characters who want to burn down some farms?

To elaborate a little on my idea behind this thread, basically Tye will be scouting out the Gisela plains and farms to see their current status under Imperial orders. On paper, he will believe it is because the Empire is looking to resume trade in the interest of the people of Corone. However, when he delivers his report he is actually going to be reporting on troop placement so that mercenaries under the table get to burn down some farms. Depending on your character's role, Tye's response can vary.

Anybody interested?

06-16-11, 04:07 PM
I am interested. We will do this!!!

Notice: I recently reincarnated to level 0 so this should be a really good thread.

Yari Rafanas
06-16-11, 04:38 PM
Alright, Lorenor. Let's give this a shot. I owe some posts and judgements by this weekend so I will see what I can hack out after that.

06-16-11, 05:02 PM
I added you on AIM. So hit me up there so we can plan things out.

Yari Rafanas
06-23-11, 03:34 AM
Lorenor, I'm going to start this this weekend. I'm not on AIM on normal hours so hit me up with your ideas if you have any. Anybody else reading this is still welcome. There are room for good guy Imperials too.

Archanex Jotham
06-23-11, 06:39 AM
Send a link my way when the thread is ready. I'll shoot an IM your way. I'm usually around to about 4:30ish AM my time anyway. I have a couple of ideas for this, we're basically gonna raze a town right?