View Full Version : Corone War MQ: Pirates of The Am’aleh Seas Recruitment/Discussion

06-10-11, 07:50 PM
Pirates of The Am'aleh Seas

Seafaring sympathizers of the Rangers have taken it upon themselves to pester the Empire’s Navy with smaller, speedier vessels. A few of the Navy’s captains would like to turn the tables by ‘commandeering’ schooners, clippers, and other fast ships docked at Niema River to terrorize the seas as Pirates. They are looking for a crew of experienced sailors and mercenaries who don’t mind getting their hands dirty. Once on the seas it is encouraged that you aim for merchant ships and confirmed supporters of the rebellion, but everyone is fair game. After all, who can say whether a ship is true to its colors until it is boarded?

Welcome! As the quest description says, this is going to be a story about mercenaries and pirates (or privateers, as they might prefer). Of course, what begins as a story about barbarous fire and rapine on the high seas may very well become a tale of heroism and the high costs of war and greed.

I guess that's up to us, isn't it?

Anybody is welcome to join, but keep in mind we've been hired by the Empire to do unlawful deeds. I'll be delighted to have a classic, noble do-gooder show up, but be prepared to justify why you've chosen to aid the power-hungry viceroys instead of the democratic hippies. I mean, Rangers.

On the flipside, I don't want anybody to feel like you need to be a hardcore villain either. Even the hard-hearted sellsword is just doing what he needs to survive (or thrive) in a cruel world.

Our Roster:
Amen (GM)
Lady Scarlet
Duffy Bracken

I'm not going to pressure everyone to post daily or anything, but the number one goal here is to finish (to tell a brilliant story comes in at a close second). If you're utterly unwilling to have your character bunnied, please make an effort to post as frequently as you can. Please be prepared to get in touch with me if you're going to be unable to post in a timely manner. I won't bite, it'd just be nice to know for planning purposes.

With that said, join up! Piracy is fun for the whole family. You might even get a fancy hat out of it.

We've got one or two spaces open. I might be willing to take on one extra person depending on how things are looking, but don't wait to express interest.

Lady Scarlet
06-11-11, 02:08 AM
me me me me me me me me me me me!!!! Confirming a spot as per my PM on my other account. :D

06-11-11, 02:39 AM
We officially have a jerk, a merc, and a pirate. I think we're off to a great start.

One or two slots left. I intend to get this rolling pretty quick, so don't hesitate if you're interested.

06-12-11, 03:54 PM
I'll be home tonight, so, barring work, I'll be good to go on this.

06-13-11, 01:32 PM
My first priority for the day is getting an introductory post going for us. Recruitment will remain open for awhile yet, but I will eventually close the thread to new players (so if you're interested, jump in now).

06-13-11, 02:36 PM
Sounds good. I've got work 'ere in a bit, but I'll check my phone every now and then to see if you have posted. That way, if you have, I can read it an begin formulating a post of my own. :)

06-14-11, 12:16 AM
Have not forgotten! Still working on it, hopefully have it done tonight...sometime...eventually.

06-14-11, 12:50 AM
Don't make me go and get the whip, Amen.

06-14-11, 12:56 AM
hey Amen did you get my pm about joining this thread? PS chelly fired you

Lady Scarlet
06-14-11, 01:09 AM
but only because you haven't answered your PM from Eathanos yet :) soon as you answer him, you're hired again.

06-14-11, 01:13 AM
Oh, yes, I got it, I was just too busy writing/working on other stuff to reply. I want to talk about it some more, but I see no reason why we couldn't work it into the story.

06-14-11, 02:25 AM
First Mate Duffy reportin' f'duty cap'n!

06-14-11, 02:43 AM
Post is up. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22999-Pirates-of-The-Am%92aleh-Seas&p=185688#post185688)

Welcome, Duffy. Sorry I didn't have time to add a mention of your character to the introductory post, but it is ridiculously late here so I am going to pass out.

I'm looking forward to your posts, and I apologize for the generic "let's meet in a bar" nonsense but...let's be honest, where else is a pirate crew going to meet.

I also promise my posts won't usually be that long, I just took it upon myself to introduce a major character in the MQ and I wanted to be sure he got his due.

06-14-11, 02:54 AM
Very nice. A good read, as expected, Amen. I'll be posting tomorrow, likely after a few of the others arrive, but we will see. This should be...fun. :)

06-14-11, 05:40 PM
I was inspired by an old thread and boredom to write an introduction post all the same, I hope nobody minds.

I will arrive in Corone in the follow-up, and meet at the bar; Duffy can be an accidental recruit in that respect, a last chancer catching wind of opportunity without really knowing what's expected of him until he arrives. Of course, by that point, it'll be too late to turn back.

Every crew needs a whining goody too shoes, right?

06-14-11, 09:23 PM
I hope my post is alright. I was not exactly certain as to where I should place Ardaen. I know we are meeting in a bar, but given the nature of this particular ordeal I took it that we might be meeting more like in a back room… I left it open as best I could, while still being able to manage a post. Meant to ask you (Amen) for a bit more clarity on the matter before I got around to it, but creativity swept me away and I couldn’t resist its pull.

06-14-11, 10:03 PM
Loving the posts so far. On the one hand I'll generally give more guidance than I have, but on the other, if you see gaps in the plot or setting or characterization or so on, please don't hesitate to fill them however you see fit. I'm almost always happy to roll with it, and I've pulled a team of really impressive writers so I'm excited just to see what you guys can come up with.

06-14-11, 10:24 PM
I was tempted to, but I'm wary about doing so because of RR, Amen (which I officially left, by the way). However, I should know better, considering you know where I am coming from. XD

06-14-11, 10:40 PM
I'll catch you on AIM later to talk about RR, I shouldn't trash talk in a public setting. I will say that half of me wants to hunt down the old guard and I-told-you-so because they wouldn't listen to me, the other half is just really sad to see that place fall the way it has.

More to the point: I'm all about being involved in the telling of a kickass story. If you guys start heading down a road I think is cooler than the one I've laid out, I'll throw my original idea out the window in a second. It's not my sandbox, it's ours. All I'm really going to try and prevent is anybody getting bored, and four different stories going off in every direction.

06-16-11, 10:31 PM
And...posted. Couldn't see any reason to make it any longer than I did (I tried, I promise). xD

06-17-11, 02:45 AM
I think my next one is going to be a very short one as well (thankfully).

06-17-11, 03:42 AM
Thanks Amen, I have perfect opportunity to get Duffy into the Empire's clutches without betraying his character too much and whilst adding some spice to the whole affair, comedy ensues!

06-24-11, 01:40 AM
I'm going to post again, I'm just on the less-useful part of a manic-depressive moodswing and I hate myself too much to do anything but mope.

Duffy or Scarlet can post if they feel particularly motivated, but otherwise I'll try to have something up tomorrow.

06-26-11, 12:05 AM
Go nuts! But try not to burn down the ship.

Unless you're into that sort of thing.

06-26-11, 12:46 AM
If the mood strikes, I'll try and see if I can't get my post started and up tonight before bed. Otherwise, it wont be until tomorrow evening or Monday afternoon.

Lady Scarlet
06-26-11, 02:34 AM
i've got a post started, but am too tired to finish it right now. i'll finish it either tomorrow or Monday.

06-26-11, 03:33 AM
I'll have mine up today, but only on the merit of it being 9:30am Sunday morning and having nothing to do but atone for last night's meal out and play Disgaea 3 till my eyes bleed :).

06-27-11, 10:19 PM
I plan to have mine done tonight. I have what I want to do in my post pretty much all thought out. However, I had to work unexpectedly today and the same is for tomorrow. If I can't push it out this evening, I might not be able to get to doing so till tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay on my part. :(

06-28-11, 02:58 AM
^ditto (this is one of Scarlet's alts, for those that don't know)

06-29-11, 03:19 PM
Part of the way through my post... I've had a lot of things sneak up on me as of late, so I apologize for my delay. Hoping to have it done 'ere tonight, along with the other posts I owe.

06-29-11, 03:30 PM
No hurry, I just got me a 40-48 hour a week job so my productivity is about to plummet (but my wallet will expand!)

Lady Scarlet
07-06-11, 02:22 AM
doot doot dooo... where is everyone? :(

07-06-11, 04:42 AM
Glass let me know she wasn't going to be able to post over the weekend and gave me permission to bunny her character if need be. Thing is, I was crazy-busy over the weekend too. If I don't hear from Glass today, I'll post tonight.

07-06-11, 07:02 PM
I just traded PMs with Glass. She'll be unable to post due to Real Life Attack, so I'll write something up tonight!

Sorry for the delay, guys.

Lady Scarlet
07-06-11, 08:05 PM
OKies! I'm not really worried.. i was just curious. RL happens.

07-09-11, 02:34 AM
Look I finally posted! Yaaay!

Let me know if anything needs changing. Sorry I sort of glossed over you, Duffy, I wasn't sure how your character would react and I didn't want to bunny him. Not sure I could do it well, anyway.

Glass, let me know if anything with Ardaen needs changing.

Lady Scarlet
07-09-11, 03:34 AM

07-18-11, 03:19 PM
XD Scarlet... With Ardaen around, Marcus will /never/ have privacy. Which actually reminds me... Scarlet, I'll be PMing you a little later. :)

07-18-11, 03:56 PM
Apologies for the delay in my reply gentlemen and ladies.

I will endeavour to reply tonight, but most likely tomorrow.

Lady Scarlet
07-18-11, 06:20 PM
Hehe.. as long as she doesn't interrupt Scarlet's fun, Scarlet won't mind. It's much too early to try to kill the bossman anyway.

The International
07-18-11, 08:21 PM
I just wanted to tell you guys that you're doing a great job.

Lady Scarlet
07-18-11, 09:15 PM
awww thankies!

Lady Scarlet
07-29-11, 02:19 AM

Hey, who are we waiting on? I'm not in a super big hurry or anything, just starting to wonder.

07-29-11, 03:23 AM
Me, I believe!

08-02-11, 09:06 PM
Really really sorry for the wait. I'll try not to let it happen again.

Let me know if I need to change anything in the post.

08-06-11, 07:26 PM
Looked good to me.

Scarlet, I know I asked if I could bunny your gal, but I don't think that is necessary if we can get away with a few posts back and forth with one another. :) Hope what I did write was alright though.

08-06-11, 07:37 PM
Welcome back Glass!

09-09-11, 12:48 AM
So, we've let this slip a bit!

Who's still interested in working on this thread?

09-09-11, 01:17 AM
'We'? :p.

I'm still in, without a shadow of a doubt.

09-09-11, 01:24 AM
i'm in.. Glass and I were working on some dialogue to put into just one post, instead of us having several short posts or guessing at what the other would say/do. but i haven't heard back from Glass in a couple weeks...

09-09-11, 05:01 PM
Do you think the two of you worked out enough dialogue that you could do a post without her, Jas? I mean, worst case she'll come back and we'll have to edit. I think between bunnying and stopping the thread, she'd prefer us to do a little bunnying.

Lady Scarlet
09-10-11, 01:09 AM
She hasn't even responded to me once, so all we have is Scarlet's reaction to what Glass has already posted :(

09-10-11, 01:15 AM
I could always start a mutiny and stab her in the face?

I like teh stabby.

I likez it a lot.

09-10-11, 02:58 AM
Let's not start stabbing people. Everyone expects it to devolve into stabbing when I'm in charge. Mostly because it does, but this time I'm going to surprise them!

Luckily, Ardaen is a character that prefers to stay in the background. Jas, do your best to address what's there and we'll move on. If Glass comes back to us we'll leave it open for her character to jump back in, if not, we'll address it as if Ardaen just spent the rest of the story in the shadows. Or something.

I'll try to catch her on AIM. Isn't that hilarious? Me trying to catch somebody else on AIM.

09-10-11, 03:14 AM
I wasn't really going to stab her.


Lady Scarlet
10-12-11, 06:20 PM
k, so i finally got around to figuring things out. My apologies for taking so long, i've been letting things slip with sleeping in too late and school. (being unemployed contributes to sleeping in all the time greatly). Anyway, what I put should work to suit the purposes Glass and I were working on should she make it back and still be vague enough to allow things to go smoothly if she doesn't. :)

also, because it annoys me (on a pet peeve level, nothing serious) every time I read over it again... Duffster, you're an awesome writer, but sometimes the vocab you use is just not quite fitting for the scene. No one on the Windlark was "pressganged" :P Everyone was given a chance to walk away freely with no hard feelings. Pressganged would be if they'd been given the choice of "join or feed the sharks" :p :p