View Full Version : My Charcater

06-10-11, 08:09 PM
This is the basic outline of a character profile:

Name: Killer2041
Age: 22
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160
Occupation: I am what they call a bounty hunter i run around the united states of America killing the fantasy monsters you knew as kids accept they aren't fantasy they are the creatures the government has hid from us and locked away but every so often a few escape for example the Dog-Man and Bigfoot. Over the years ( the 3 Ive been doing it) i have trained with every gun you can name and am a great shot with all guns. Wana test my skills throw me a gun i never turn down a competition.

Personality: Ok i am very chatty i will talk about anything with anyone.If you are someone that is there for me when i have problems and need to talk i will help you no matter what the circumstance . However i see myself as a worthless bum with no friends. Arrogant

Appearance: I am told i am Muscular quite often so i assume i would appear as Ripped or toned to most folks i am like Jason Statham a Hard A** Bad Boy

Story : I was on a trip to try and kill the massive clan of dog-man that had been released when a shadow stepped forth from the darkness and told me he had a better place for me to be a place where i was needed. i asked for his name he said his name was Mutant_Lorenor that was the last thing i remembered and i showed up here in the world of Althanas and he was nowhere to be found.

Skills/Items:2x Speed 2x Gunman Ship 2x Strength 2x Bowman Ship 2x Accuracy 2x Swordsman Ship

Lord Anglekos
06-10-11, 08:34 PM
Hoo boy.
Welcome to Althanas, but to start off with we're going to have to make quite a few edits to your character so that they can both fit into the setting and be level-appropriate.
First off, the setting we roleplay in is on Althanas, not Earth. So I'm going to need a reason why a character from Earth is on Althanas in the first place.
Secondly, I'm going to need you to list what equipment and other items you carry with you on your person during your adventures on Althanas. With that said, we do not allow level 0 characters to start off with guns or with weaponry/armory that is of higher density and strength than average-quality steel. That means no bullet-proof vests, no machine guns, no pistols, nada. If you are completely adamant about bringing firearms to Althanas, then your character may have a simple firearm with them that is broken in some way that makes it useless; in this way, they can have it fixed at a later point in time and thus make it useable.
Thirdly, I'm going to have to limit your speed and strength both to 2x stronger than your average man at the max at level 0, and also the limitations of your "accuracy" skill.
Edit these in and we can get around to the next step.

06-10-11, 08:38 PM
can i have an example of an apropriate change to said things listed

Lord Anglekos
06-10-11, 08:51 PM
Your strength can be listed as twice as strong as a normal human man your size and weight at this point.
Your speed can be listed as twice as fast as such.
Your accuracy (dexterity) can be listed as up to twice as fast as such as well, with his combat training.
He needs to have some history explaining why your character is in Althanas.
He can have melee items such as swords or daggers that are the strength of steel, with some armor the strength of iron, and/or simple ranged weaponry like bows or non-repeating crossbows. None of his items may be enchanted at level zero.

06-12-11, 12:55 PM
is it acceptable now?

Lord Anglekos
06-12-11, 01:08 PM
You can't just put the skills in your side bar. You must write them down in your actual profile as well. Edit them in and then we'll see.

Lord Anglekos
06-14-11, 03:59 PM
The same with items. I need a list of items in your profile. Basically everything that goes in your sidebar should be in your profile.

07-19-11, 11:23 PM
Not approved.

If you want it reopened please send me a private message.