View Full Version : Corone War Q&A

06-09-11, 04:46 AM

Don't be silly, they don't exist...

Only joking, I'm in with Deadly Shadows, as discussed with The International.

Lady Scarlet
06-09-11, 07:29 PM
Scarlet would be interested in anything that would involve getting her on a ship again, be it for the Rangers or the Empire, or even both. She doesn't care so long as she gets to get a new ship.

06-09-11, 09:28 PM
My chari will join a group as a merc. Right now he is seeking his fame and fourtune through the glory of war.

06-10-11, 04:29 PM
Not sure if this is the right thread...

Are there any limitations on the number of threads a char can be in? For example, can someone participate in an MQ while writing another thread or even multiple threads, in attempt to swing the war in their faction's favor, liquid time style?

Rayse Valentino
06-10-11, 04:30 PM
I'd like to know how at this point this is NOT an FQ.

The International
06-10-11, 06:57 PM
I'd like to know how at this point this is NOT an FQ.
I've been waiting for someone to ask that.

1. No directed story line. Even though there clearly more people on one side of both Salvar and Raiaera, certain people had an idea of which direction the story should take. This time we're ready to declare any side the winner based on participation.
2. Scale... nuf said. Four chapters for two regions was a lot
3. Participation. Do you see how many staff have claimed missions already?
4. Determination. We're finishing this bitch now.

The format may be similar, but due to scale alone (which is much smaller) I'd look at this more like a spruced up mission board than a small Featured Quest. Bottom line is we're learning our lesson about keeping things manageable.

Rayse Valentino
06-10-11, 07:19 PM
So it's not an FQ because the previous FQ was a horrible mess whereas this is being run efficiently and actively?

I'm not disagreeing here, but with this much coordination with a polarized force (although it looks like you're setting up the Rangers to win in the end) then I would say that this trends toward an FQ. As in, what I believe an Althanas 3.0 FQ should be is just a simple over-arching storyline that has achieved a certain level of participation. Let the people decide what is and isn't an FQ based on activity and level of interest, not have stuff be assigned by higher powers, most of which aren't even really planning to participate. The current thing's success is based on the fact that the interest is completely genuine, not manufactured by Chapters, deadlines, titles, and whatnot. The people creating the missions ARE the ones running/GMing them. The new FQ should just be a specialized level of activity that has canon-changing implications, and it both starts and ends based on the members involved.

That said, I'd also like to know an answer to Sorahn's question, since a quest I'm in became an MQ sort of deal.

06-10-11, 07:20 PM
A question I'm now rather curious to hear an answer to, as well.

The International
06-10-11, 09:06 PM
Any questions about the Corone War should be asked in this thread.

... Go to town.

06-11-11, 04:46 AM
Two things good sirs.

Firstly, where is the current abode of the Ranger hierarchy?

Secondly, as Rayse and others asked, how does participation in an MQ affect Liquid Time and can we, providing time lines allow for it, operate in different MQ's at the same time with the same character?

06-11-11, 08:40 AM
Great question, and we'll have an answer for you soon. :)

The International
06-11-11, 12:15 PM
Since the Corone War has taken place over two years IC we will allow liquid time.

Now that I've answered that question, I have one for some of you.

... Are you ready to play now?

07-06-11, 07:07 PM
I'm planning to start a thread soon that mainly features Major NPCs to the life of my character and at this point, I haven't decided if my character will even make an appearance besides just being mentioned.

Should I still follow the same format of including which side it is for or will it not matter and just be more, "flavoring?"

The International
07-06-11, 07:31 PM
Since I'm not aware of the details in terms of the thread's relevance or affect on the civil war, I'll just assume that the Civil War is just a backdrop. Just play it out and see where it goes from there. In the end, if a faction benefits from the actions of your characters then you can state it to that side's credit. Consider it just a regular quest that just so happens to be in Corone during the Civil War.

02-03-13, 05:01 AM
Hi! I have a few questions, if I may:

Is the Corone Civil War actually still going? Pretty much all the info I've found indicates that it has yet to be resolved (see the Corone wiki page (http://www.althanas.com/world/showwiki.php?title=Corone) and active/recruiting/open threads listed in the Corone War Story Board (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22954-Corone-War-Storyboard))
If so, has The Fires of War Thread actually been started? I haven't found any record of it via the search function nor the post history of those who signed up for it (recruitment/discussion thread here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22972-Corone-War-MQ-The-Fires-of-War-%28Come-on-you-big-pyros%29))
Given the GM's extended absence (last activity in 2011) would it put this thread up for grabs now?
Would it even be worth doing any more?
Can a character join this thread under the Empire's banner but then desert due to witnessing the horrific atrocities of war (never changes), his author (me) knowing this in advance? The more I think about it, the more it seems like this would turn it in to an easy Ranger victory by default, unless other participants followed through with the original plan. Or if whatever event that triggers his defection occurs after the work has been done, for the most part.
Does anyone check this Q&A thread any more?
Is this too many questions for one post? And if so, should I stop asking them?
Are you sure?


Silence Sei
02-03-13, 08:51 AM
Nobody really updates the wiki anymore, so I'll do my best to answer your question.

The Ixian Knights in actually declared war against the empire about 6 months back, taking in the Ranger troops and claiming every territory in Corone except for Radasanth. The empire still controls Radasanth and currently the viceroys are still alive. The Ixian Knights and the Rangers are wanted criminals, though its pretty much just in Radasanth, as every other Corone town has been liberated by them. Most of that information can be found in the clan wars section, for the Ixian Knights Vs Phoenix Ascendant threads.

Defection is perfectly fine.

It's not too many questions.

Yes I'm sure.

Nobody usually checks this page anymore.

Because of the fact that the IK pretty much liberated all of Corone, Fires of War may be obsolete at this point. I am unsure.

Rayse Valentino
02-03-13, 12:34 PM
That doesn't sound right but I can't find The Phoenix's post that doled out the results of the war.

edit: Ah, EI posted it: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24593-The-End-of-War!

As part of the surrender, the Ixian Knight's were forced to evacuate from several cities, except for Gisela and their castle.

Also, what sort of benefits were we supposed to get for getting an HQ? Seems to just be sitting there.

Silence Sei
02-03-13, 03:25 PM
Ei and I actually had a discussion wherein he said the only city still under Empire control is Radasanth.

Also, I have no clue EI was supposed to handle all of that.

Rayse Valentino
02-03-13, 03:30 PM
I'm going by what he posted officially rather than a private conversation he had with the losers of the war and not the Phoenix Ascendant. I'm not in favor of the conclusion that you lost the war but got almost everything anyway, that's very strange.

Silence Sei
02-03-13, 03:32 PM
Considering the IK fused with the Rangers, who already were in control of everything in the south, and the IK had Concordia as a whole, all that's left is Radasanth and Jadet, which, once again, was Ranger controlled.

Rayse Valentino
02-03-13, 04:41 PM
It doesn't really matter, the text is pretty clear on the results of the war in EI's post there. EI's post states that Rangers lost everything, and IK lost everything but their castle and Gisela.

Silence Sei
02-03-13, 06:00 PM
We'll see : D.

02-03-13, 09:09 PM
That's a great help - thanks, Sei and Rayse. I'll see if I can do some reading up on the faction's activities before forming a quest plotline (something that obviously would not have affected the outcome of the war in a significant sense).