View Full Version : The Quest for the sword recruitment

Sword _of _the_Quazar
06-14-11, 11:43 PM
So I'm looking for 6 level 0 characters to go on a quest to gain me, The Sword of the Quazar, as a companion/item. It would be a relatively simple quest where all the characters would move from room to room within a temple in search of me. The last person standing in the final chamber would be the winner of me. Now elimination is done through the temple "killing" characters as they move through the temple. When a character is about to receive a death blow they will simply be teleported out of the temple unable to enter the temple again. If anyone has any questions or would like to join this quest post here. The first 6 people who express interest to join will be the ones who are giving priority.

06-15-11, 01:21 AM
While I can’t deny my interest, I’m not certain that I fully understand what you are trying to explain here. I understand that there is the possibility of “death,” but I don’t exactly get what determines when you will receive a “killing blow” and be teleported out of the temple. Is this something that you, as the GM/DM, will simply choose as you see fit? Or will it be random?

Sword _of _the_Quazar
06-15-11, 02:04 AM
Depends kind of. there are a couple of the places where the temple itself will simply take you out. Like if you made a wrong decision and were to fall into a pit of death instead of hitting spikes or what not you would be teleported out. If you were about to recive a death blow and indicated as such that you were taking the blow from an NPC then you would be the one to indicate you had taken the blow and therefore would be teleported safely out before the hit landed.

06-15-11, 04:56 AM
Sure, why not. I got no reasons not to have a little fun. If you're in glass, i got an idea to make things interesting.

06-15-11, 01:40 PM
Debating it... Mind expressing that idea of yours..?

Sword _of _the_Quazar
06-15-11, 02:08 PM
umm so would i kind of so that you and i are on the same page?

06-15-11, 02:31 PM
My idea is a simple one. Pending if your up for it glass, I can have Synbiote possess you and aid you on the journey. His price of course is aid in helping him find the wizard. Of course, this deal will never reach fruition because one, or both of us will be teleported out of the tomb. So it's really a one off deal.

We'll leave Baxter in Radansath for the meantime and you and I can be buddies, pals, companions, friends til the bitter end. You'll also gain my impressive stat boosts too. And whatever ones you don't want I'll not grant you. So you can keep that feminine charm. :) thoughts questions concerns comments?

06-15-11, 04:11 PM
Uh, hrm…

Well, I was actually thinking of possibly creating a new character for this, considering that Ardaen (my current one) would not use a sword. Not to go and say your idea was a bad one, Symbiosis, brought a smile to my lips. I’m not even sure I will have time for a third thread of any kind. Shocked as it is that I’ve managed what I have to do in my life outside of Role Playing and what I’ve taken up here.

06-15-11, 04:52 PM
There's life outside of Althanas?

What witchery is this?!

06-15-11, 05:28 PM
Burn the witch!

Sword _of _the_Quazar
06-17-11, 05:44 PM
BUMP: Still seeking 4 more questors for the Sword of the Quazar

Archanex Jotham
06-17-11, 07:42 PM
I am interested in this Quest.