View Full Version : Major NPC - Kono

Lady Scarlet
06-15-11, 12:10 AM
Name: Kono
Age: 20
Sex: male
Race: human (Fallien)
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 120 (he’s quite skinny)
Hair: black
Eyes: dark brown/almost black

Occupation: sailor, lookout

Appearance: Kono is a smallish man. His limbs, though well toned and obviously strong without being “ripped”, are more wiry in appearance, being quite slim. He typically wears trousers and a shirt, both of which are rarely in excellent repair. He sometimes wears a bandana if it’s a particularly sunny/warm day to help keep sweat out of his eyes. He wears no shoes, preferring to feel the earth/wood of a ship beneath bare feet instead of through leather soles.

Personality: Carefree and totally devoted to Scarlet. Given the choice between riches and fame and following Scarlet on a fool’s errand, he’ll follow Scarlet. He’d follow her into the depths of Hell and back if she asked it of him. He generally follows her lead on whom to trust and whom to be wary of and woe betide the man that breaks “his” Lady’s heart. He’s very protective of her and refers to her as “Mistress” nearly as often as he uses her name. Toward most others, he’s at first wary, but likes to make friends, so long as they realize that he’d drop them in a heartbeat if Scarlet didn’t like them, no matter what her reason.


expert knife thrower – kono can hit almost anything within 50ft, moving or stationary
average melee fighter – Kono can take care of himself in a fight, but he’s by no means the best fighter


Farsight – Kono can clearly see up to 2x further than the average man without straining himself
Monkey or Man? – Kono is extremely agile when in the rigging of a ship. He moves with grace and dexterity and almost never fails to miss his mark. This is only when in the familiarity of a ship’s rigging. On land, he tends to be a little clumsy.

Weapons: 6 ordinary steel throwing knives. He keeps these hidden about his body where they are still in easy reach, but do not get in his way.

Armor: Kono wears no armor.

History: Born and raised in Fallien, his early life is boring and ordinary. His was a poor family. When he was about 17 he was caught up in a great deal of trouble and was to be put to death. However, he was saved by Scarlet. It wasn’t really any of her business, but she decided to butt in and save the boy anyway. Ever since, he has traveled with Scarlet determined to spend the rest of his days in her service in payment for his life. He doesn’t talk about what kind of trouble he was in, just that he was about to die and Scarlet saved him. He’s the best lookout she’s ever had and spends nearly all his time in the rigging, even through storms unless directly ordered to come down. He is absolutely devoted to her and her well-being and doesn’t care what anyone says about it.

When the ship they were on unexpectedly ran aground on rocks (Kono blames himself. It wasn’t his shift so he’s not responsible, but he blames himself anyway.) and was broken apart by the waves, Kono clung to a piece of the ship for dear life, being unable to swim. He was washed ashore, alive, but alone. In the following months he wandered the shores of Corone looking for odd jobs until he was hired for a job with the government. He’s still not sure what it will entail, but he’s hoping that maybe he’ll find his long lost Captain Scarlet so he can rejoin her.

Lady Scarlet
06-15-11, 12:12 AM
like Nelson, Kono will be with Scarlet at nearly all times. If you have any suggestions for what else might make him a superior lookout, I'm open to them! Otherwise, this is it for him, for now.

06-15-11, 12:15 AM
Cool, I guess there's no need to say this but I still will. Cannot be used against other PC's without their consent.

NPC Approved