View Full Version : Dianus Ogham (Level One)

Dianus Ogham
06-20-11, 04:44 PM
Dianus Ogham

Title: Lady
Full Name: Dianus Ogham
Alias: Octavia
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 125yrs
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 152lbs
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Walnut
Religion: Cult of Solomon
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Occupation: Explorer, Escort, and Diplomat

History: Not every elf is an arcane fetishist for aeon old traditions. There are a select few (very select indeed) who prefer to dabble in the occult, the brazen, and the luxurious notion of the future. Such a word carries with it a type of power and hubris that few can measure with arcane cantrips and sorcerous words. People die for it, things change too quickly to scrabble together the momentum required for tomorrow to happen, and yesterday yawns at the prospect of being exchanged for something better. The prestigious elves of the Cult of Solomon (for to be in the cult in Raiaera is very much to be someone worth being at all) hold themselves very much to the pursuit of tomorrow, of the future, of the mystery of the new sun and the changing of ways.

So it is that whilst the broken people of Raiaera scrabble together a present worth living for in the wake of magical Armageddon, the Cult of Solomon dives deep into cavernous black holes, turns corners in ancient temples and crumbling necropolis and flies through the infinite heights of the sky cities of Lahore in search of it. What it is very people in the Cult can actually say, but apparently, it’s worth the thrill of jumping from a tall tower wearing nothing but a haughty brazier and a flimsy contraption the mad hatted inventors of the Cult apparently call a ‘parachute.’ I mean no disrespect by insinuating madness, believe you me, I say they’re mad because they are very mad, the lot of them.

I of course include myself in that, I’ve got to be, to continue finding comfort and a thrill in popping my head into old men’s pot holes and having a good sniff at oozing white liquids in strange and foreign crusty seamen’s homes. In order for me to continue, I must introduce myself. I am Lady Dianus Ogham, occultist, alchemist, tinkerer and spelunker, quite good with a spatula and a whisk and sometimes, just sometimes, I flatter myself into thinking I’m rather highly regarded in the whore houses as not just a client, but a welcomed and honour ‘special attraction.’ The ladies of Raiaera’s sundered cities love me just as much as the men, but both for different sorts of screws.

The Cult of Solomon, quite out of turn hired me roughly fifty years ago after I entertained the notion (and the bulging member…sorry, member of the Cult that had visited the Sun House of Lord Altoona in the slums of the place once called Anebrilith) of applying my peculiar past times to a worthier cause than passing said time. He offered me a workshop, a purpose, and a place to stay that was not full of swine (I assumed at first he thought I was indignant enough to sleep in the stables along with Trudy and the girls) and the prestige that came with entrance into Solomon’s Key.

At first, I did not know what said key was exactly. It later turned out he’d said Solomon’s Quay, and his peculiar accent has continued to cause me no end of oratory confusion since. The Cult it turned out owned the large observatory and old College Arcana buildings on the docks of Eluriand, and I moved north with a twinkle in my eye, tentacles of steel and steam whipping behind me all the way to make a use of my talents. Whilst the world mourns in the wake of the Corpse War, and the High Elves of my beloved home tinker with the old ways which fall away from them as the land itself rejects their path, we together forge a possible future for the people of Raiaera that includes all elves, all approaches; a future, that is forged in the occult, the adventurous, the brave, the magical and the mechanist.

Blessed Be the Machine, and Blessed Be the gear that grinds.

Skills: The machine Thayne Solomon demands much from his zealous worshippers. Dianus has had to learn not only the mechanical skills required building machines, but also, how magic can be tempered to bring those machines to life, into service, into being. She also needs to know how to dismantle magical distractions or opposing meddlers, and this has given rise to her keen intellect constantly being immersed in occult riddles, magical practices and the long history of the magical arts on Althanas. She thus possesses knowledge of spell casting, magical history, magical traditions and its applications (so that given time, she can apply her limited sorcerous ability and natural affinity with magic afforded to her as an elf) to the learning of minor spells and ebbos, an occult variation of a dispel cantrip.

Escort: Dianus Ogham is an above average entertainer in the bedroom, ballroom and in the dark places of the world (your mind can wander to the gutter quite freely; we all know what you think of me.

Airs & Graces: Dianus is above average at bedazzling, indulging, and flattering all manners of people. Her talent with the words she speaks is as much of a weapon as her pistol or her blade.

Animus Mechanical: Dianus can put together mechanical devices, gears, pivots, levers with a level of skill above average. She does it quick, she does it hard, and she does it in heels. She thus understands mechanisms, guns, and steam engines.

Explorer’s Arms: Dianus is averagely skilled with a rapier and her flintlock pistol. Whilst she can amount a defence when needs be, it is purely instinctual, and does not offer a shield or sword against any seasons assailants.


Hard, Fast and Deep She Goes: Dianus can conjure anything she makes to her side using a branch of magic called Ormandy, one of the Tenets of the Cult of Solomon, a ritualised magic used to augment mechanical development and exploration. She can also exile any item in this manner, which will return to where she summoned it from in a crack of air and lightning. It is not uncommon, if one were to be seated in her laboratory in the Cult’s premises, to hear a constant stream of orgasmic eruptions as she goes harder, faster, and deeper into the unknown.

Steaming Through Cracks: Dianus can conjure compressed air and steam at will. Such a practice requires occult facets of spell casting, not dissimilar to wizardry, though it is more sorcerous and innate in nature. Such conjuration comes from her fingertips and can be focused and bound to crystal channelling devices, which can effectively create minor and infinite sources of steam power to propel her machines and in turn, keep her implants active. Any steam generated does not burn organic material.

The Summation of Being: Well versed in minor occult magic, Dianus can imbibe minor spell effects into items such as wands, mechanical household trinkets and labouring tools, so that they work on their own accord or when a command word is uttered near them. Such ability takes a long time to work, and the enchantments that bring them to life, give them a purpose, and can often cause havoc and as such, she does not utilise her abilities or the arcane knowledge imparted to her by the Cult of Solomon lightly.

Equipment: Apart from her clothing, workshop in Eluriand and general day to day items required to work within a vast city, Dianus' only items worthy of note or use beyond the mundane are detailed below.

Circle of Solomon: A brass occult circlet and ridged half helm that fits on Dianus’ brow neatly, which allows her to communicate telepathically with any other Circle member, as well as know their location and display her own. It possesses no other power, and has an innate magical aura which can be blocked in a normal manner.

Steel Rapier & Flintlock Pistol: A solid steel rapier with a leather sheath is always by her side, or summoned to it. Her pistol is a crude flintlock mechanism which can fire no more than one bullet every two posts. It is prone to misfiring, and requires 20 gold per round to utilise. It hits as hard as iron.

Asson: An iron sprung fan with a small rhinestone in the apparatus that includes a small hair pin and a screwdriver. It is enchanted and can be summoned using her Hard, Fast and Deep She Goes ability, and also generates a temperate breeze when waved, which varies in temperate to suit the mood, or indeed the client’s mood.

Pleasurable Trinkets: A modest collection of sexual relics from across the globe, as well as fine dresses for all occasions and a wealth of under garments kept in her small holdings in Eluriand. She possesses many immodest entries in such a collection, toys she only brings out for the dedicated customers, and she has so many not even she can remember what an item of jewellery is and what is something she keeps for clientele.

06-21-11, 08:03 AM
I'm taking this and will be going over it via AiM with the D-Man.

Edit: After some clarification and edits I'm going to approve this because two of the abilities are basically just for purposes beyond directly effecting another player in battle.
