View Full Version : Wrap-up for The Cell: Final Results, Suggestion Thread, Podcast, and more!

08-13-06, 10:01 PM
The final round of Althanas's free-for-all tournament, The Cell, has been scored. In first place was hushpuppy, whose score of 70 placed him first among the fourteen participants. Following him was Dissinger, with a score of 66, and Izvilvin and Walter were tied for third place with 65 each. For winning the tournament, hushpuppy will receive winner's EXP plus a bonus of 2500, while all other players will receive normal loser's EXP plus a bonus of 750. Complete results can be found here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=32311#post32311), and EXP awards will be added to player profiles in the near future.

But now that The Cell is over, the staff of Althanas would like to hear how the players thought the tournament ran, and what can be done to improve it for next time. All kinds of suggestions, constructive criticism, or praise are welcome, and we invite you to post your thoughts in this thread (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=32298). Those of you who are interested may also want to check out the latest Althanas podcast (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2257), recorded by forum staffers LeopoldStevens, Ashiakin, and Sighter Tnailog. In the podcast they not only talk about the new Althanas Battle EXP system, but also briefly cover The Cell also.

Finally, there is probably one last question on everyone's mind: what is the next tournament going to be and when is it going to begin? The next tournament on Althanas will be one entirely new to the forum, and expect more information on it to be released in the next few weeks. We welcome you to keep checking back on Althanas for all the latest updates regarding the new tournament.