View Full Version : Let's git em, boyz!

06-22-11, 05:02 PM

I feel like taking down some Bossy meat and claiming me some spoils of war, and so far the one to taste that will offer a unique challenge is....

Pause for dramatic effect...

THE KNIGHT! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22253-Boss-List&p=182673&viewfull=1#post182673)

The man guards his domain with dogged determination of a zealous man. He has abilities that would knock even me on my ass, and I cannot wait to see this guy in action. I'll need back up, for sure, but I would like a few stipulations.

By no means is this disqualification for being picked, by the way.

First off, I want me and two others. I would like them to be level 3 or less as well.
I prefer that I have either quested or battled with you using this account, or another, but preferably this one. (Familiarity helps keep story neat and tidy)

Reasons for doing this aren't hard to figure out. You get hired, heard the rumors, felt like picking a fight, I dunno, but I want me a fancy knight helmet!

So, ladz and lassez, who's ready ta get stuck in? Wagggh!

06-22-11, 06:03 PM
Yo I am actually game for this dood!!!

06-22-11, 06:43 PM
I'm in.

06-22-11, 07:37 PM
Atta boy ladz! One more to go!

Edit: AND I'M FUCKING RETARDED, lol. I can't even remember my own rules. How embarrassing.

I'll open this up, and then you two can join up. First in is first serve! after intros, we'll bring in the Knight, so let's use this thread to discuss how we want to do this.

I know we all get busy, but If in three days you don't post, I'm passing it up to the next one. I know we got a seven day wait time, but I don't want this to slip through our fingers.

06-22-11, 08:27 PM
Let's get stuck in and knock some heads! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23050-Chivalry-is-Not-Dead-Until-I-Choke-Out-its-Final-Breath&p=186226#post186226) I think it would be best if only one of us arrives the same compass direction as Baxter, and the third one arrives on the opposite side of the bridge.

Remember, whoever gets their post up first is the second in posting order.

Also, I'll allow you two to bunny Baxter and Symbiote.

06-22-11, 08:42 PM
I'm game for just about anything. I will take a fall for the greater evil if need be. But yeah, I want to just have fun with this. I'll post shortly.

06-22-11, 09:32 PM
Double Post.

I just posted Symbiote-Dood. Let me know what you thought :D .

06-22-11, 09:47 PM
I'm working on a reply, but it is through my phone, so it'll be slow. Should be up tonight though. :)

06-22-11, 10:03 PM
Glass i understand your situation, so it's no big deal to me. I'm looking forward to doing this with you two, so thanks for jumping on board!

06-23-11, 04:28 PM
Posted... Symbiosis, I wasn't certain what you meant in your PM about...the turning around...mace...thingy, so I hope I did alright... o.O