View Full Version : Where Things Start (closed to snipedog)

08-13-06, 11:08 PM
Setting out on her own wasn’t nearly as scary as she thought it was when she was small. In fact, it was all really quite a thrill. Every foot she laid down further from the monastery was a step of independence gained. Two weeks out of the monastery and it was refreshing to be on her own, she already felt like the world was hers. Blue skies were above her head and the dirt road cleared for travelers on their way to Scara Brae, the town. The sun’s warm rays touched her nose and ears, but it was a comfortable sort of warm. The green lush canopy’s of trees swayed to and fro in the light breeze and rustled away their shedding leaves. It was surprising that the birds weren’t singing their pleasant melody too. It was the sudden whimper Momo’s sun kissed ears picked up that cued her into the bird’s absence.

Just a little ways down the path on which she was traveling was a congregation of three most absurdly foul and stupid men she’d ever seen. Their laughter and glee was coming from whatever fun they were having kicking and pelting with rocks… something. Having a small sinking feeling in her stomach Momo advanced cautiously at first, squinting her chocolate eyes to get a better view of what was going on.

“ Look at it,” chuckled one of the men tossing a stone towards the ground between the three of them. There was a terrible yelp which made Momo wince. It was an animal, undoubtedly. Poor thing, what cruel men they were. How could they smile and do that to any living creature? Oh it was terrible. She couldn’t let this go on, most definitely not. As an agent of healing it was her responsibility to say something. Yes.

“ Hey!” she shouted and picked up her pace towards the trio. She didn’t realize how small she was compared to them until she was close enough to see that looking straight forward she was met with their torsos. Intimidating, yes, but not enough to deter her. “ Cut it out!” She could see now that between them all was a gray coarse coated wolf, his rear left leg caught in a hunter’s trap. “ You’re monsters, how could you do that to that poor animal?! If you’re so stuff why don’t you pick on some other humans that can defend themselves, huh?!”

Momo was certainly no intimidating threat but she did draw the attention from the injured wolf, and she felt she may regret it. Now feeling like the prey Momo had the instinct to take a few steps back as the men advanced. She didn’t like any of the twisted smiles they had on their faces.

“ Look, she wants us to leave the mutt alone and pick on a human who can fight back,” the unusually hairy one crossed his lumberjack arms over his chest and made a flash of a grin back at his buddies. They returned the same grin, and Momo held up her hands defensively, palms out.

“ H-hey. Wait a second now… I said someone who can defend themselves. Heh! I’m just a helpless girl!” She was growing nervous and was surprised there were no visible sweat drops coming off her forehead. This was no situation anyone should be in. Maybe she should have just kept her mouth shut. Yes, that probably was the better option.
“ Well, what’s this?” the second, and shortest man, who still dwarfed her, reached out and wrapped his callused hand around her bo staff.

“ Umm…my walking stick..? Heh…,” she forced a pitiful smile then grimaced. But beyond the men surrounding her she could see the wolf, his eyes meeting hers. At least he’d be left alone. The hairy man wrapped his gorilla hand around her left wrist and made a tug, pulling her off balance. It didn’t hurt Momo as much as it made her furrow her brows. What cowards, picking on those weaker than they were.

Before she knew what she’d done, her hand had already planted an open palmed slap across his face. A second after her eyes grew wide, realizing he would be very very angry now.

“Tch,” he shoved her back against the third man. Momo tried to make a break for it but she couldn’t move. He’d restrained her by the shoulders. It was all over now… Oh if she’d just kept her mouth shut.

“ I’m gonna teach you a lesson, little miss,” he cracked a few knuckles and Momo could only squint her eyes, preparing for the end. She bit down on her lower lip and began to say her prayers.

08-20-06, 06:03 PM
Two years had passed since he had left the monastery, which he had called home for his entire life, and began working with his Master. Trained to kill for his entire youth, Shin, had trained with his Master these two years to hone his deadly arts, in preparation of a greater task ahead, the discovery of his past, shrouded deeply in mystery and deceit.

It had been three weeks since he had set off on his own, from the desolate corner of the war-worn country, where he had trained all these years, with its scorched ground and damp, sorrow-filled air. Ready to begin his task, after two grueling, strenuous years of training with his wise Master, the one and only human being, whom he had given his respect too. With his razor-sharp steel katana on his back, the young, yet scarred, assassin had set forth into a modern, unknown world, in search of answers to his questions, which had filled his mind since he was young.

Now sitting under an old, flourishing, oak tree, one of many among a forest, he was about two and a half hours away from Scara Brae, the first town on his lengthy journey, in which he had initiated. The cool breeze accompanied by the extended shade provided by the hefty tree, was a natural place in which he could rest before having to endure the thing he hated the most, being around others, and Scara Brae, was sure to have many. Noticing the lack of animals, despite the warm, fair, and breezy day, Shin was rather uneasy, being a naturalist, Shin valued all life, especially those of animals, an irony to his profession, that had traveled with him throughout his years. Feeling only comfort when around these peaceful creatures, that never faced destruction by their own kind; he idolized them, and would risk his life to save them from the harshness of humankind.

Suddenly, “Yelp!” cried an animal, about 1,000 feet away. Immediately acting on instinct, Shin took off in the direction, in which the cry had emanated from. Cautiously, he rushed between the trees, hoping to investigate the scene before committing to danger. As he approached, the sound of distinct laughter could be heard, along with the disheartening sounds of “Kick it again” and “Throw another one at him”. Shin, began to think as the image of the horrific event began to become visible, “Who or what could have the demonic pleasure in hurting an innocent animal?” Hiding behind a tree, he investigated the gloomy scene, in all its harshness.

There stood three hideous, bulky men, around what looked to be a wolf, trapped in a manmade trap. Shin shuddered at the gruesome thought of such cruelty, as he noticed a petite, brown-haired, brown-eyed, young woman approaching them rapidly, with the determination and spirit of a fiery dragon. Still examining the scene, Shin watched as this young, short woman began to approach and condone the three men, who were easily two or three times her size. Drawing their entire attention to her, Shin quickly realized that this was the time to act and free the animal, entrapped and helpless.

Moving swiftly through the trees until only a few feet from which the animal lay feeble and ensnared in this human abomination. With the three vulgar men’s attentions on their new prey, the young female bystander, whom had hoped to aid the animal, Shin made his move to emancipate the wolf. Approaching the wolf with caution, the wolf did not attempt to fight in his meager state. Shin had been examining the contraption intensely since the beginning of the ordeal, with its elongated, jagged iron teeth, that had dug themselves deeply within the animal’s hind right leg, rendering the poor, wounded, animal disabled. Shin also had noticed what appeared to be a lever that extended from the middle of the trap, which he figured, would trigger the trap to open. Reaching for the lever, he watched as the animal gazed into the dark emerald eyes, which he possessed, judging and studying this newfound friend. Hitting the lever, with all his might, he watched as the trap sprang open with the sound of that of a blacksmith working intently on a new sword. Immediately noticing that he was free, the young, weak wolf, scampered towards the forest, only stopping briefly to glance back upon Shin, as though to thank his nameless ally.

Arising from his knelt position, adjacent to the formerly occupied trap, his eyes fixed upon the four flabbergasted individuals that had been notified of his presence by the sound of the trap opening. Realizing that their former prey had been liberated, the three men immediately turned their attention from the now cowering, diminutive female that they had knocked to the ground and had begun terrorizing, to the confident and angered Shin. Throwing the female’s tall, engraved staff to the warm, lush, ground beside her, the leader and the most massive of the trio, spoke boldly and assertively, “How dare you interfere with our property!” Shin did not answer the colossal behemoth, but rather stood erect, with the passionate, yet dark and shadowy image that had adorned him his entire life.

Frustrated and impatient, the giant began to move towards Shin, signaling his comrades to follow with the command, “Come on boys, let’s just show this pip-squeak, what happens when you mess with us!” Erect and attentive, Shin easily dodged the enormous fists of the commander of this gang, as he attempted to cuff Shin with the intensity of a ravaging bull. Feeling annoyed and determined to teach these murderers a lesson, Shin quickly and swiftly, bent to the ground and with one brisk motion with his strong, firm, leg, brought the once gigantic being to the ground, which made the earth tremble as though an earthquake was occurring. Stumbling to his feet, the commander angered and flustered at this young man, who was making a fool out of him, began to attack wildly, determined to land one blow to this child. Nevertheless, to no avail, blow after menacing blow, the punches hit nothing but air. His comrades, afraid for their own lives had already backed into the shadows, cowering like the once trapped animal. Finally, Shin decided it was time to end the brawl once and for all, as the giant stood, panting and sweating; Shin gave him one glance from his shadowy eyes, before dealing the ultimate blow. Using all his strength Shin impaled the behemoth with one kick to the giant’s equally sized stomach, launching him into the air, until crashing feet from his companions, landing with a thud that could be felt and heard for miles.

Scurrying to his feet, he began to signal to his aides that it was time to go, and with one breathy, he yelled back, “I’ll see you again, young man, and when I do, you’ll regret, what you’ve done!” To this Shin only smirked, as he watched the two underlings assist their leader away. Noticing that they had left without the trap they had set, Shin with one tug, pulled the contraption from the ground and heaved it towards the trio, yelling, “I believe you forgot this!”

With the threats now over, Shin’s attention now turned to the weak, motionless female that remained on the grassy hillside, speechless and wide-eyed. Without, saying a word he turned away from her as she stared at the tall, dark figure that had just saved her life. Realizing his duty was done, he began to move with confidence and fulfillment towards the road, never looking back at where this gruesome ordeal had occurred, hoping to never be reminded of the harsh events and those involved.

08-20-06, 11:39 PM
( I gave Snipe permission to bunny Momo a little)

Her eyes had gone from squinted, fearing for her life and certain that was the end, to wide and awestruck by the whole display of heroism. This young man couldn’t be much older than her if at all, yet everything he’d just done marked the bravery of the toughest warrior. How chivalrous to dash out of no where to save the defenseless wolf and valiantly draw the aggression away from her and upon himself! She had been the damsel in distress and he the knight in shining armor. Except… now he was walking away.

“ W-wait!” Momo, still planted on the ground, reached out with a hand. “ Where are you going?” In a spirited bound Momo was upon her feet again and following after her rescuer. Before she could catch up with him she remembered her oak staff and made a quick turn and scurry back to pick it up, but she was on his tail again within seconds.

“ Hang on!” She picked up her pace and practically jumped in front of him. He may not have been extremely tall but Momo was quite short, short enough to make her shield her eyes against the warm midday sun to look up towards his face. “ You’re just going to walk off? You saved me, you should tell me your name at least.”

Momo could see more clearly now that even though he looked young at first glance he wore scars upon his face. The scars meant more than injuries, it meant he’d seen beyond his years. He had weapons, she could see those clear as day, but by the looks of things he didn’t need them. He’d made quite a fool of those men. He was interesting, that was for sure. Perhaps she’d make a friend today, but before she could learn about anyone else she knew introducing herself was the proper thing to do.

“ My name’s Momo Ame, but just call me Momo. I guess the most important thing I should be doing is thanking you for helping me.” In gratitude she bowed, both palms lightly pressed together in front of her. “ What you did was amazing. Where’d your learn all that? Can you teach me?” Momo entertained herself with the thought of unleashing a sixty hit combo upon one of those stupid thugs. She smiled to herself, then upwards towards the boy.

09-05-06, 02:26 AM
The sounds of flirtatious birds, and soothing sounds of flowing water, satisfying an animal’s soul, filled Shin’s ears. He continued vigorously confident along the road to Scara Brae, the warm sun bearing upon his head, he hoped to fulfill his original mission without deviation. Convinced and contempt, that he would not stop for anything, no matter how hurt, no matter how seductive, no matter how huge, no matter how sma…

There, in front of him, almost on top of him, stood a young, petite woman, who he immediately recognized as the ambitious woman he had encountered moments earlier. Breaking his concentration and bliss, and shattering any hope of finally being able to continue with his mission, without delay, Shin, was forced to have to stop by this miniature, overjoyed, talking road block.

Now able to examine this youthful nuisance closer, he immediately noticed that she could not be taller than his chest. He then noticed her deep, shadowy chocolate eyes as they gazed intently into his and the scars that adorned his face, as though trying to scan his insides with the utmost detail. He figured she could not be more than seventeen or eighteen, as she had no scars, and the innocent quality of that of a three year old.

His gaze then drifted swiftly to the extensively designed wooden staff, which the girl seemed to hold as though guarding it with her life. He wondered what the importance or purpose of such an extensive item was designed for, since he did not see her use it in her defense against the three brutes. However, he would not allow his curiosity to overwhelm him, and quietly, he set aside any thoughts of it. He then realized that this inquisitive pest was now asking him question upon question.

Allowing himself to glance down at this young chatterbox, he watched as she bowed, graciously, in a style that he instinctively interpreted as a formal sign of gratification, usually requiring a bow in return. However, Shin did not bow for this underling, who persisted in introducing herself as Momo Ame. Remembering that this was only delaying the completion of his life’s mission and that each minute that he spent investigating this intriguing creature named Momo, could only spell further deviation.

Perturbed, yet secretly curious, he began to continue walking on the road towards Scara Brae, not looking back at the girl who at last sight was entertaining herself with questions and ideas. However, he only maintained this pace for about 100 steps. Suddenly, he stopped, and with the grace of a swan, he looked over his muscled shoulder, before stating with paramount clearness to the adolescent female, “I am the Heart of the Wind”. With feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction, Shin slowly turned around to look ahead, continuing on, with thoughts of his future now bombarding his brain, like the rays of the golden sun.

09-17-06, 04:04 PM
His cold nature and aloof behavior spoke volumes to Momo. She’d met this type before. He was too cool for conversation, the mysterious type. “ heart of the Wind, huh?” She said, hurrying to catch up to him, her small footsteps three to every one of his. Smirking she used her staff as a walking stick and said the name again. “ Heart of the Wind. Such mysterious name for a mysterious guy.”

As they walked she examined his face more closely and saw that it reminded her of a porcelain mask. It was like his seriousness was chiseled into him; what a funny guy. But, he was heading in the same direction as she was, and in case those thugs came back she figured she should stick by him.

“ Is there a shorter name I can call you by?” Her foot hit a rock bedded into the ground and she stumbled forward. “ Ow!” Her toe ached and she bit her lower lip wincing. “ Ohh, ow that hurt.”

Her clumsy disposition was obvious by the way she was completely oblivious to path she was walking on.

06-13-09, 02:03 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.