View Full Version : First Character Sheet (Reginald Crane)

06-22-11, 10:06 PM
Hello, I hope I've done this right. Look forward to joining the forum and to any advice that can be given. Thank you and Enjoy.

Name: Reginald Crane
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black with small streaks of grey
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 138
*Occupation: Wizards Apprentice

*Personality: Reginald is a monster who wears the skin of a man. While he is courteous and acts the gentleman to those he meets or passes by, his mind is constantly churning with desire and dark intent. There is ultimately one thing Reginald wants, and its power. So far, Reginald’s desire for power is so that he can destroy the empire that destroyed his village, but the ends to which he will go will never justify the means. He views all other beings as inferior gnats under his gaze, nothing more than pests amongst the scattered dust in the wind. While hiding his inherent madness under the guise of a calculating, courteous gentleman, any who interacts with his for too long, will discover a long list of psychotic problems. A masochist and a sadist, he also enjoys a ‘healthy’ indulgence in cannibalism if he can get away with it. Reginald’s mind whispers to him as well, sometimes to the point of distraction, but it has often saved his life.

Appearance: The library doors opened with a bang, causing the occupants to look up startled. The flash of lighting and crack of thunder from the storm outside illuminated and enshrined the figure between the frame of the entrance, the red robe a crimson flash in the sudden light, the black runes embroidered upon the hem of it unnoticeable unless upon closer inspection. This red fabric embraced itself upon the form of a thin man, his sallow skin wet from the rain that continued to fall behind him. His features were sharp; his face angled to that one looking at him would say he looked akin to a wolf or some other predatory animal. The long black mane of hair that draped along his neck contained small streaks of grey, something a man of his age should never have gained until further down the road of time. Feverish green eyes shone out from the man’s skull, the dancing light of madness within them as a smile peeled itself across his face. Reginald Crane was here, and he needed what lore this library contained.

History: Reginald was once an apprenticed wizard to his master in his small village. The wizard to which he served had been charged with the sacred task of holding onto an ancient and evil artifact, one of a three that contained dark magic from the teachings of the Sorcerer Ullik Stroven. The scrolls had been hidden away and kept under safe guard for over three hundred years, for not only did they contain such deadly power, but they also were the Keys to Ullik’s release from his prison.

Reginald had no desire to take the scroll, or even really to become a powerful wizard. Despite his learning’s, he was a simple man who only wished to help his village with no real aspirations of grandeur. His master was disappointed in his apprentice, who seemed to have no real drive in his studies. He was certain that there would be no one to take his place as the guardian of the Scroll.

Reginald’s life took a swift turn for the worst. The King of the region had been informed by spies that the village intended to turn treason on him, using the power of the scroll to do so. Furious, the King gave the order for the village to be destroyed.

Despite his protests, Reginald was given the scroll by his dying master, told to flee the village and not to let anyone take the scroll from him, as he was the bearer now. Reginald fled, until finally he could not run anymore and looked in horror at his burning village, the screams of the villagers sounding up the hillsides. Anger coursed through him, he had to do something, this was wrong, the villagers had done nothing to deserve this, he needed to save them. He barely thought about the consequences of his actions as he opened the accursed scroll.

The dark energies and knowledge of the scroll began to burn into his brain; Reginald couldn’t help but scream first in terror and pain, then to exhilaration as his mind broke at the stress and evil power. Such power, he had never felt anything like it, it was so good, so intoxicating. Reginald realized on that hilltop that all those men and women below him were nothing more then ants waiting to be crushed under his heel. He would have his revenge though; the King would suffer for what he had done to his village. But first, Reginald needed more power. He had read one scroll, how much more powerful could he become if he read the others?

His decent to darkness began the moment he turned away from the village he once called home, the screaming continuing behind him. He has traveled across the land in search of Arcane lore, especially knowledge of the scrolls of Ullik. His goal is simple: To destroy the Kingdom he would have to exceed Ullik, and to do that, he would have to free and defeat the powerful sorcerer, and that is where our story begins….

Arcane Knowledge: Thanks to both the teachings of his former master and the newly burnt in knowledge of the scroll, Reginald’s has a very firm grasp on the workings of the magical phenomena. Most of this knowledge is actually far beyond the years of experience of the newly forged mage, but just because he knows about something doesn’t mean he has the strength or experience to use what he knows. Even then, some of the information is incomplete or simply rumors. In short, while understanding a good amount of magical theory, there are still gaps that still have yet to be filled.

Scribe: One thing that Reginald became really good at while under the teachings of his former master was copying information down quickly and accurately. Wither this was a formal letter or the arcane preparations for a ritual or spell, Reginald quickly grasped upon the necessary ability of exact wording and phrasing, a useful skill both in writing and spellcasting.

I can fight back…:While not a great martial combatant, Reginald can wield a knife to defend himself. He is also capable of wielding staves and can punch an individual if need be. However, this is usally as a last resort method, as while Reginald could probably defeat an amateur this way, he really is no match for a martial combatant without magic.

Forbidden Knowledge: Much like his Arcane Knowledge, this information was burned into the brain of the young mage by the black scroll and his constant research into the darker side of magic and history. Once again, the young mage knowledge, while strong, is also lacking with what little is known about the subject matter and what has been uncovered as of yet.

Magical Capability: Reginald has a number of arcane spells and ability's that he has yet to tap into, including but not limited to Summoning, Necromancy, Divination, Transmutation, Enchantments, Illusions, and Conjurations. Despite all this knowledge, Reginald has yet to use any of these spell successfully, his attempts fizzling out at best, losing control of the spells at worse.

Languages: Not only a speaker of the common ‘Tradespeak’ Reginald is a speaker of several languages. Having learned the ancient tongues of the Dragons and the Elves from his master due to their rich historical connections with magic, the scroll instilled a few new ones as well. Abyssal and Infernal became new tongues that burned the mouth and blackened the soul, as well as the language of the underground races.

Evocation: Through the use of Elemental and Eldritch Forces, Reginald is capable of controlling and manipulating these arcane and natural energy's, able to shape and control them within the limits of about 25lbs of material within a range of 30 ft. By summoning upon pure arcane energy, Reginald is capable of firing this into blasts of power within the same range as the elemental control. Reginald is capable of casting a few spells without tiring, but eventually something has to give, draining him of energy and exhausting him. It is possible to push through this state to continue casting, but the risk of falling unconscious or worse is a factor as well. Only with experience can Reginald begin to cast spells with more frequency and power before succumbing to the eventual cost.

Abdjuration: By summoning upon the forces of defensive magic, Reginald is capable at this stage of his Arcane development to summon minor wards of defense around himself, capable of deflecting most mundane weapons and magics for a limited time. A sword cutting through the air will have its path slightly altered to miss the mage, while arrows and magical spells will bend slightly around him. This form of magic has a long way to go to becoming a more effective defense however, as it is still possible for well placed blows to slip through the chinks in the metaphysical armor. Just like the Evocation spells, Reginald can only cast and maintain so many Abjuration spells before becoming exhausted.

Voices in my Head: Reginald hears whispers in his head. While they may mostly babble nonsense, more often than not, they have provided insight on more than one occasion, even going as far as to warn him of events just moments before they happen. This ability ranges in its power, as madness is an ever changing phenomenon. The power shifts from anywhere between being useless garbage and insults to the dark secrets of the individual before him.

Knife: Reginald keeps a steel knife on him at all times for self-defense and as part of spell casting components. It is kept sharp and clean by Reginald, for who knows when it may have to be used.

Scroll of Ullik: One of the Three Scroll’s of Ullik, this potently Artifact’s powers and ability’s are a mystery, even to the current holder of the object. The sickly green runes emblazoned within the folds of the scroll are in an unrecognizable language, and constantly change every time the scroll is opened. It will be a long time before Reginald will be able to discover the secrets within it, so for now is stays safely locked in a small box within his pack until its brothers are discovered
*As of right now, the Scroll of Ullik is a useless item, its mysterious powers locked away until someone of more knowledge and experience can begin to understand its mystery’s. So as of right now, this item is mostly just a plot device and has no real capabilities unless someone pursues a course of action with it. This being said, the scroll will not do anything during battles/quests unless the DM’s of the thread decided to use it. Please feel free to help aid in this characters storyline if you feel it’s relevant and aids in your own.*

Spellbooks (x3) Reginald carries three spellbooks with him at all times. One is the book with the spells you would expect a good apprentice to have, as well as a few surprising ones. Another is filled with dark and forbidden magic, and the third is blank, should the other two be filled.

Robe and Clothing: Dressed in red robes embroidered with black runes, it is easy to identify Reginald for a wizard, and he makes no claims as to being anything other than that.

Backpack: Filled with miscellaneous gear such as trail rations, quill and ink, parchment, lamp and lamp oil, and rope. There are plenty of pouches for the other objects and baubles.

Spell Component Pouch: A small pouch containing the necessary ingredients for almost every spell Reginald can cast.

06-22-11, 11:28 PM
Hey there and welcome to the site.

I need you to add the strength of the knife, just because I'm picky like that. It can be no stronger than steel at his current level.

As far as your abilities go I'm going to need to know what he can do with the forbidden magic and also what type of protection spells he can cast with his Abjuration. Just give me some more details on his magic because this profile will act as a guideline for people you write with, and judges as well.

Everything else looks good to me though.

06-22-11, 11:47 PM
Thank you SandStorm, I'll start working on it right now. Can you tell me what you would like to see when it comes to the magic? Like an example of how you would do it if you were writing up a spell casters Arcane capability?

06-23-11, 12:24 AM
Do you have AiM? I can discuss it with you on there if you'd like.

06-23-11, 01:10 AM
Alright dude, thanks again for the help, hope this meets approval.

06-23-11, 03:12 PM
Coolio, approved.