View Full Version : Bringer of Death!

Jack Death
06-23-11, 01:24 AM
Name: Jack Death
Age: 1370
Race: Warlock
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6" 2'
Weight: 120
Occupation: Warlord

Personality: Jack Death is evil. He was imprisoned in a jar for 1000 years, and now holds a grudge against the world.

Appearance: Tall and slender, due to the fact that he has not eaten for 1000 years. Before the war, he was a towering brute that struck fear into the hearts of mortals and gods alike.

History: Jack Death is a warlock from thousands of years in Althanas' future. In that time period, people can take pills to that put them in an alternative universe to live out their dreams. Tired of his menial life in the real world, Jack took a pill and was delivered into an alternative reality. There he amassed power and became immortal. Unsatisfied with his own world, he devised magic that would transfer him from universe to universe. After conquering all the known alternative universes, Jack realized that all his power was merely a fantasy. He spent three centuries devising a way to travel back in time, to the real past. Eventually he succeeded and was delivered to Fallien 1000 years ago. When the ancient Althanian's caught wind of Jack Death's power, they imprisoned him, never to be released. He was cast into the desert and forgotten. However, a group of explorers came across his prison and freed him, not understanding what they had unleashed. Too weak to kill them, Jack pretended to befriend them and followed them to Corone where he began to rebuild his powers.

Equipment: One magical staff made up of dried uranium. A man-made material from the future, uranium is no stronger than steel. If Jack can find a way to charge it, the staff will give radiation poison to anyone who touches it, including Jack! The staff is called the Staff of Kings. One magical piece of armor that protects Jack from the affects of the Staff of Kings. Without the staff being charged, the armor is equivalent to a steel chain-mail vest. It is named the Armor of Kings.

Magic: Jack can control gravity. He has been severely weakened due to his time spent sealed away. He currently has three spells:

Gravity ball: Jack twirls the Staff of Kings and creates a gravity ball that flies slowly at an opponent. If caught in the ball, the opponent's movement will be slowed due to his sudden increase in weight. At the present time, the affect of the increase in weight lasts 10 seconds, or until the person steps out of its nucleus.

Gravity distortion: Jack thrusts the Staff of Kings and it creates a small gravity distortion in front of his body. It is only strong enough at the moment to bend light and is generally used as a distraction.

Gravity haste: Jack encases himself in an anti-gravity ball, which enables him to move 2x times faster than normal. It is the equivalent of weighing only 60 lbs on Althanas, yet attacking with normal strength.

Familiars: None

06-23-11, 03:11 PM
Welcome to the site.

Only thing I need to know is how long the effects of Gravity Ball last?

Throw that in it's description and you're good to go.

Jack Death
06-23-11, 09:53 PM
Done, approve me or perish...

06-23-11, 11:31 PM
Demands are like ignorant people, no one ever listens to them. Not seriously at least.

I guess it's your lucky day though.
