View Full Version : What Kinda Trouble Can I Get Into....

06-23-11, 05:00 PM
Name: Levitus Starfire
Age: 27, 53rd Incarnate, 7th Cycle
Race: Galarin, Nak-Tai tribe
Hair Color: Orange-red
Eye Color: Gray-blue
Height: 6' 2”
Weight: 185 lbs
*Occupation: Adventurer

Calm, quiet—threatening. Galarins were never known as a social race; in fact, they never speak at all, and Levitus is no exception. Before leaving Kirahsu he was silent as a mouse, and even now he speaks only when it’s absolutely necessary; however, while traveling alone, this tends to be more often than he'd like. Body language and a knowledge garnered over centuries of reincarnation are the universal language of his people—a knowledge that promotes balance as the single most important aspect of life and strives to achieve honor for self, tribe, or race, in any conceivable situation.

On their home planet of Kirahsu, Galarins are well known for their abnormal height, Levitus only average among them. Similarly, he inherited the hunter’s build and fire-like hair that have been trademarks of his people for centuries. His eyes, however, are entirely unique in their gray-blue appearance that’s somehow stone and radiance all the same; the left is enclosed on the outside by a half-circle, worked in miniscule interwoven knots tattooed just to the outside.

His attire is another matter of tradition. Subdued or earthen colors are the preferred wear of his people, though it changes depending on their surroundings; the idea is to be capable of blending into their environment at any given time, a skill Galarins are particularly keen and masterful in applying. Levitus particularly favors brown trousers that he keeps bloused just above a pair of soft, tanned leather boots. His tunic, complete with a cape reaching to his forearms, is worked in subtle swirls of olive drab , brown, and faded gray to better blend in with his surroundings.

Sound Body-- Levitus' unique nature is almost akin to immortality in that he retains the memories of his former lives. As such, he's had centuries upon centuries to learn his body: its components, its limits, and the miniscule details of its reflexes. And his experiences are as vast as they are encompassing. All those countless years make him capable of incredible feats of finesse through simple muscle memory.

Swordsmanship-- With such muscle memory, its only natural that one would learn to wield a weapon. The sword has always been Levitus' weapon of choice, and over the years he's learned it almost intimately; the hilt, the blade, even the sheath are as much a part of him as his limbs.

Combatives-- Such a long life isn't without its woes, and one isn't always armed when tragedy strikes. It's common for Galarins to practice hand-to-hand combat as part of their daily rituals, incorporating techniques in both the striking and grappling arts. And as stated, they have all the time one could wish for to practice.

Ways of the Ether-- Galarins are a race deeply rooted in the ways of the spirit world, or “Etherworld” as they call it-- other simply call this the Afterlife. As such, they are capable of sensing, seeing, and conversing with spirits. Such communications are carried out mentally; while they occur as a normal conversation between themselves and the spirit in question, they are not heard or seen.

Chakra-- As a result of the Etherworld ties, Galarins have become finely tuned in manipulating their own spirits-- more accurately, their own will. This allows them to craft a force-field, push or pull an object without making physical contact, or even communicate with others mentally. Their vast experiences with such manipulation means that, if they twill it, it can happen. Unfortunately, the strains of crossing dimensions into Althanas has left Levitus in a weakened state, reducing his power in this area to mental communication and, at best, erecting an invisible layer of his will over his hands or weapons, effectively turning them into sharp objects. Of course, Galarins can also manipulate other resonant spirits, but it would violate their beliefs on such a fundamental level that Levitus wouldn't even if he were currently capable.

Konstalis-- A sword crafted entirely out of verdin, a hardened wood similar to yew on other planets. The hilt and hand-guard are painted black and crimson, while the wooden blade is engraved with the words “Flytus al'Machtorum”, which translates to “Will of The Matriarch”. It's kept sheathed at his right hip, marked by a small string with a blue starfish gem at the end. While the blade itself isn't exactly lethal, his chakra ability could certain make it so, and aside from his personal clothing, this weapon is the only thing Levitus carries.


Galarins, as a race, can be traced back to The Beginning, when Creation unfolded and life took its first breath. The Matriarch was the first of them, once a mortal woman-- human, just as all Galarins still are-- that was gifted with the ability to see into the Etherworld, the realm of the spirits, though she couldn't speak to them directly. She did, however, ascertain a certain knowledge of them: they were the souls of the deceased, roaming the Etherworld in what the Galarins would come to call The Wandering, a time spent in atonement for their transgressions while in the physical world; they would do this until The Great Cycle, life's circle of death and rebirth, called them back into being, though that only occurred when there was need of them in the physical world. Eventually, She even learned how to decipher that need and interpret it so that the spirits could be recalled to the physical world. She did so-- and still does-- one spirit at a time. Thus, the Galarin race was born.

Every time there is need of a specific spirit, a “Cycle” is born-- that is, the purpose that drives them. The Matriarch calls them into existence, a process which mimics the birth of a mortal child. A spirit's surname follows it throughout eternity, but with each new rebirth it is given a first name appropriate to the needs of its Cycle. They age just as any other human, though if they die before fulfilling the needs of their Cycle, they forgo The Wandering and are reincarnated again. As such, their age is measured in terms of human years, incarnations, and Cycles: age, Incarnate, Cycle.

Levitus himself was incarnated for the first time in this Cycle quite some time ago-- fifty-three human lifetimes in total, though not a few of those were cut short by skirmishes or illness; Galarins aren't impervious to war or disease, after all. The needs of his Cycle, his seventh since Creation, are to explore the planets outside of Kirahsu, the Galarin's homeworld. The first fifty-two lifetimes were spent searching a planet very similar and in close proximity to his own, while his latest-- the fifty-third-- has placed him on Althanas. He was born, as his Cycle requires, on Althanas itself in western Coroné; his parents, as his Cycle always mandates, were the streets and whatever adults would care for him at the time. In conventional terms, he was an orphan.

But he knows better.

06-23-11, 05:11 PM
Alright, cool stuff.
