View Full Version : Favor for me, Althanas!

Enigmatic Immortal
06-23-11, 11:06 PM
So, I am going to ask an odd favor from EVERYONE on Althanas who wishes to participate in this, but I am looking to have your character's, IN character, tell me in their words using one to two paragraphs, who they believe would win a fight.

For instance: The Moogle Warrior, Duke Kupo! VS The Catholic Priest, Father Valentine Snew (Real characters on the web site.)

Jensen: I would put my money on the Moogle, because I've seen the guy's dolls, and they just terrify the hell out of me. I mean, one is a creepy ass turtle who just looks to you with this big ol chef knife, and is probably judging you. Not to mention that beastily Ankle Biter...

Seth: Snew has an edge no man on Althanas has. His faith in his supposed god is so real to him that he seems to forget how to die. I've also seen that Care Bear teddy say some things that would make a Coronian Sailor blush, and not to mention he has this weird thing where he accidentally borrows one of your skills. Explain how that works to me...

Now, I know you're probably wondering why, but the reason is because my brother and I are coming up with our birthdays, and we thought it would be cool to have our characters go at it. To add a bit of flavor to it, I thought it would be neat if the first post was people's thoughts on who would win, like you would see at the start of Deadliest Warrior or pre match head up in Wrestling or boxing.

You are welcome to base this off of rumors, or if you actually interacted with either character, and the more the better. Sort of think of it as a humble request for our birthdays.

So, without further adieu, Who would be the winner? The deadliest warrior so to speak?

The Enigmatic Immortal Jensen Ambrose (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23028-Jensen-Ambrose-Level-10-profile&highlight=)


The Lavinian Demon Seth Dahlios (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?21945-Let-me-show-you-the-truth-there-is-no-hell-only-darkness....&highlight=)

((Thanks guys, I appreciate any participation to make this thread awesome. I'll start it up after a few days to see what we get.))

06-24-11, 04:51 AM
Letho: I would give the edge to Dahlios. In all truth, I do not know much about this Ambrose. Saw him fight in the Citadel once and the kid has got some flair, sure, if you like that prancing around like a loon style. He also seems pretty light on his feet, so I would probably have a hard time catching him. But Dahlios has a few tricks up his sleeve to take care of that, and a few tricks more, and some tricks on top of that. Fighting him is like trying to wrap your hand around an electric eel; even if you get a good grip, you will get hurt in the process. Besides, that bastard is the toughest man I know. He is gritty and stubborn as all hell and I think he would keep coming at you even if he had but one leg to hop on and a stump of an arm to beat you with. Now, this Ambrose fellow, some say he is immortal. But from my experience these claims of immortality usually expire once someone big enough and bad enough comes around. Seth Dahlios is both. If I had to fight that bastard today, I would have to think twice about who to put my money on. But in this particular case, I have very little doubt.

Edge Dahlios! :cool:

((I love the Deadliest Warrior. :)))

06-24-11, 09:50 AM
Zerith: I think I'm going to go with Jensen on this one. Don't get me wrong though, from what I've heard I doubt I would stand a chance against the Lavinian Demon. I just think people shouldn't overlook the fact that Jensen doesn't die. I'd imagine Seth would play those tricks of his and probably outsmart Jensen over and over again, but my buddy would just get back up every single time. If I were to put my coin on a winner, it would have to be Jensen. As Seth will probably tire himself out after "killing" him five or six times, which would then leave him open to one of the immortals finishers.

Edge Ambrose for his immortality!!

((I also love the Deadliest Warrior))

Enigmatic Immortal
06-24-11, 11:52 AM
You guys are the best! Keep them coming! Remember, you don't have to actually have met them to give your opinion

06-24-11, 12:20 PM
Duffy: Immortality is overrated, I say this Seth fellow, wot wot!

Ruby: But Duffy, Jensen is your brother...

Lillith: Yeah, and brothers always win!

Duffy: Hmmm, but Seth can delete you from time. You can't be immortal if you vanish.

Ruby: Jensen will find a way to bounce back, he's quite good at that.

Duffy: How would you know?

Ruby: (Winks) Stephanie says he's good at escaping from tight situations (Winks)

Duffy & Lillith: (Blinks) Jensen to win!

Silence Sei
06-25-11, 05:52 AM
Sei: "As much as I love Jensen, I would have to cast my lot with Seth. I have experienced the fighting styles of both warriors first hand, and strategically, Seth has more options to play a good game of keep away from the Enigmatic Immortal. While Jensen has a high pain tolerance, he has a huge disadvantage where magic is concerned. Seth may prefer hand to hand himself, but he's also clever enough to know that he wouldn't let my bodyguards wise cracking get to him, as well as use his entire arsenal of spells and stealth skills to make sure Jensen never gets close enough to win. Of course, Jensen has surprised me before, so I would not underestimate that extra little something the Knight of Apocalypse has."

Anita: "Is this going to be told to both combatants? If so, then Seth Dahlios. If not, and I swear to the Thaynes if you ever let anybody hear of this I will snatch Papa's Gemini Blades and rip out your black heart with them, Jensen."

Ella: "Mr. Ambrose is good, but Mr. Dahlios is the Boogeyman! How can Mr. Ambrose hope to win when Mr. Dahlios can just hide in his closet and wait for him to go to sleep?"

Emma: "Really? You're asking me? Well, They both have a lot of fighting experience, and they both can keep their distances from one another. Jensen has projectiles and insults, Seth has magic. It's really a 50/50 shot, but I think I'd go with Jensen on this one. He'd manage to find some sort of chink in the emotional armor of Seth and enrage him into a close quarters assault. That's where Jensen excels."

Laconic: "All probabilities dictate that Seth Dahlios would win 80 times out of 100. Of course, I could always show you a simulation...:

Octane: "Ambrose. Seriously, the man has a tongue like me, but with more swear words and less knowledge. Trust me, I fought Seth when he was younger. He's got some good fighting skills, but Hromagh's horns don't mean anything if they're guided by rage."

Steppenwolf: "Jensen has it, a few good body blows here, a few dispariging remarks there, and Seth's done like a Radasanth Steak. That reminds me, I'm starved."

Jones: "Guirella tactics would win the day. Both men could use em, but Dahlios has the advantage of experience."

TSN: "You ask me who win?! NO SOUP FOR YOU! Also, Seth."

CCPWDSTFOAJF: "Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo." (Tranlation: Seth and his magic beat Jensen any day.)

That's all I can come up with right now.

07-05-11, 04:14 AM
Jensen will die. Then he'll come back, and die again. Probably another death, and maybe even a fourth. After that the pervert might have a short. In the end though, it'll depend on if Seth can restrain Jensen before exhausting himself. For Jensen's speed, his lack of magic will not allow him to beat Seth with conventional methods. It'll be a good match though. Tell me, does anyone have the own the gambling rights yet?

Seth, but it'll be close.

07-05-11, 10:26 AM
Cronen: Anytime you put two experienced warriors like these together in a duel, you're bound to see fireworks and the end result will always shock you. In this case I think the location will determine the winner. If Ambrose can make this a brawl, keep it out in the open and amp up the crazy fast enough, he'll probably steal a swift victory by knockout. Dahlios is one nasty guy though, and while he might stand and fight at first, once he tastes the immortal's power he may try to drag the duel into deep water, and a less conventional setting. If the Lavinyan can force Ambrose to fight on his terms - somewhere Dahlios' stealth and cunning tactics can help him - I believe he'll win via referee stoppage due to having devoured his opponent.

07-05-11, 01:22 PM
Sheex: Seth, and all it'll take is a piece of paper and pencil.

Okay, so here's how it's gonna play out. You both got some jank shit, no doubt about that. But the deadliest warrior, and I mean the real deadliest warrior, can turn his enemy's strength into a weakness. So Seth, all you gotta do is get Jensen to rely on the jankiest of jankiest BS, namely, coming back to life.

See, that's his gimick, right? Don't matter what you do, cause good ol Jensen will just stand back up. Particularly with this Breath of the Undying he keeps telling me about, which is basically a one turn revive spell. So Seth, GET JENSEN TO USE THIS MOVE! And let's face it, you high levels just LOVE to show off your I'm-so-cool-look-at-me-I-can-do-ANYTHING crap, so it ought not be too hard.

This is the linchpin of your strategy. Don't fight to kill Jensen, cause he just stands back up. All you do Seth is play to get him to use that one move. Sling spells, stab him in the face, show him a picture of your grandma in a thong (I'd want to kill myself after that), just get Jensen to use his Breath of the Undying! Then, you take out your piece of paper and pencil. When he wakes up (in like, a post, more than enough time), he finds the following on his chest:

You lose. You're lying in a pool of your own blood, I'm still standing. You're dead and I'm alive, hence I am the deadliest warrior. I asked you if you had a counter-arguement, but you were DEAD so you couldn't argue back. I would wait around, but I want a slice of pie, so I'm out.

With stabbities,
Seth Dahilos

P.S. We should cry in the rain together some time.

If you can Seth, pay a few gold to a janitor to be sweeping up around Jensen when he wakes up. It'll add to the effect, espically if you can get the janitor to grunt "uh-huh. You died."

At least, that's how I see it going down.

07-06-11, 09:28 PM
just cause it's EI's b-day (and he's been hounding me to do this :P)

Jasmine: Hmmm, Jensen or Dahlios? I'm not really sure. True, Jensen can't die, but unless he can get in close, that's all he's really got going for him. Dahlios can likely keep him at bay long enough to wear even Jensen out. This will be a very close fight. Sorry, Jensen, I just can't decide. But you should do everything you possibly can to beat that disgusting, wretched, traitorous, murderer's ass to a bloody pulp. You hear that, Dahlios? I still haven't forgiven you for my friend's death those long years ago. I hope Jensen beats you so bad you don't dare to show your face in public again for the next 50 years.

Poison: (there is no record of what Poison would say... this is why: )

Surveyor: Miss, in a few days, two legends will meet in the Citadel: Jensen Ambrose and Seth Dahlios, who do you think will win?
Poison *obviously not paying attention*: Win what?
Surveyor: The fight, between Ambrose and Dahlios. Who would win?
Poison: Don't know, don't care, now leave me alone. I'm busy.
Surveyor: But surely--
Poison: *bares her fangs and hisses menacingly*
Surveyor: *craps his pants and runs away*

Scarlet: Hmmm, I haven't really been on the mainland enough to really know much about either of them. But whichever one is cuter should win, so ummm... Jensen. I'll go with Jensen, he's much more good looking than that other guy. What? No, I don't have any other reason. I just told you I haven't been around much. I've been traveling for a long time now. But if Jensen wins, perhaps I'll give him a ride on my ship.. for free.. and he can share the captain's bunk with me *winks*

There.. happy now EI? :P

07-06-11, 10:51 PM
Reginald Crane: *A long pause greets the question as the feverish green eyes of the mad mage slide from one option to the other, at some moments a small twitch of his mouth giving the barest hint as to whatever musings are going through his shattered mind. However, with every glance or even mention of Seth, the green eyes light up with a deep yet restrained hunger and hellish desire. Finally though, an answer is given*

"Hmmmm....an immortal vs a thief with...potent magical capability. This fight really comes down to a few things. First, who can keep their cool the longest, The immortals infernal laughter might make our...friend...the thief lose his cool from the racket, but then again, Rule number 4 of the thief's list might claim otherwise to this fate. The next part is who can get the first strike in; So far, the one with the speed advantage is the immortal, but even then the thief has a number of skills at his disposal to possibly get the first strike in. Finally though, it comes down to one thing, and that is who has the most power. True, the Immortal can't die...but being unable to die means nothing when you are erased from the very confines of this fragile frame of reality. Victory goes to Seth Dahlios...and I look forward to it."

Enigmatic Immortal
07-07-11, 04:41 PM
Thank you all for your input! This has been a better success than I could have hoped for! Thanks to you guys we both had come up with a good way we want to take the start of the thread! Just so you all know why I bothered asking for your input is I want to try and get them involved somehow in the thread at one point or another. And also there was a hidden meaning.

The person with the most votes got to choose the arena, which means that Seth's 11 votes squeaks out the edge to my 10. So he gets to set the arena. I hope you all look forward to this as much as I do and thank you again for your input! Keep them coming, I would love to hear more!

Silence Sei
07-07-11, 06:49 PM
Actually, EI, I was hoping you'd make this a bit more permenant, but with other characters besides your own. This is just an interesting concept that I don't want to see disappear from althanas.

07-07-11, 06:57 PM
Actually, EI, I was hoping you'd make this a bit more permenant, but with other characters besides your own. This is just an interesting concept that I don't want to see disappear from althanas.

Back in the day, didn't most tournaments see massive OOC attention that amounted to something like this? I really liked this idea too, and I've been thinking about incorporating some facet of it into the Dansdel / Training Forum. Having OOC hype about IC threads is always awesome.

Enigmatic Immortal
07-07-11, 07:01 PM
I thought about this......a lot. Numbers I'll pm you if that's cool about my thoughts.

07-12-11, 03:15 PM
Yeah man by all means... when the Corone war is over I'll be revamping the training forum again, so the more ideas I have bouncing around the better.