View Full Version : More Experienced Players Wanted

06-24-11, 06:53 AM
I'm looking to get into my first roleplay here on the site, but I'm kinda at a loss as to which one to join (or if any of the current ones are still open to joining).

So I was wondering if there was anyone out there willing to rp with my character to kinda show him around or teach him a few things about Althanas (he's an off-world character), preferably in Underwood or Corone.

06-24-11, 07:10 AM
Greetings fellow other worlder, blessed be!

I can guide you as a walker of the many, and show to you the wonders of the few.

06-24-11, 07:12 AM
I'd be happy to partake, if you want to throw a thread up somewhere.. My character's a bit different (he doesn't talk to people under most circumstances), so I'm not sure how it would work. But I'd be happy to talk it over with you via pm or AIM, if you have it

EDIT: Sorry, but a friend has agreed to start up an rp with one of their old accounts, so my character will be tied up. Are there rules here against using your character in two threads at once? I've been trying to find guidelines for that, but I haven't come across one yet.