View Full Version : Aristocrat's Issaldurn

06-30-11, 06:26 PM

Name: Issaldurn Smith
Age: Unknown, believed to be several centuries old
Race: Mystic, Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Seafoam Green
Height: 6’ 8”
Weight: 280lbs
Occupation: Blacksmith - Master


Issaldurn is a generally decent person. Years of traveling along the highways and byways of the land have taught him that you can’t be cold, or arrogant, and get far in life. As a Master Blacksmith, he is known for his craftsmanship skills, but because he travels so much he is forced to use whatever forge exists in the town he’s staying in, though he does carry a small anvil and a large hammer around with him. As a general rule, he is open and friendly, and always quick to share a mug of ale and a good story or two.


The Blacksmith is a large, bulky man with a barrel for a chest and arms thick as redwood trees (not literally…). His features are outright domineering, as his large muscles and intimidating stare often send even the most hardened of fighters running when confronting him. His usual attire consists of a loose pair of pants, a pair of well-worn leather boots - with steel-toes -, a tight, form fitting shirt, and a pair of leather gauntlets. When traveling he keeps a heavy, leather cloak on, pulled up over his head.

His hair is black, but keep at a medium length, and is quite shaggy. He keeps a lengthy beard, which goes down to just a few inches past his chest, and is kept greased down into a point. His mustaches drop down on either side, and meld perfectly into the hair of his beard, making it appear as one large chunk of hair - though his mouth is perfectly uncovered. Being a traveler, however, he is often dirty and grimy when he arrives in a place, rarely stopping for anything short of nightfall or food.


Master Blacksmith: As a blacksmith with his master papers, his talents with the forge and hammer are unmatched, and he can repair anything brought before him. Magic weapons, no problem. Enchanted weapons, no problem. Steel, Iron, etc? No problem.

Woodcraft: As a man who travels mainly through the highways and byways of the woods, often hidden from the sight of man or beast, he has picked up a few traits to make his travels easier. He can move silently through dense woods, with a plethora of leaves and twigs on the ground without sacrificing any of his speed. He can also climb and blend into the surrounding trees - and other landmarks - quickly.


Reactive Adaptation: His body is hardened and trained to adapt to adverse situations quickly. What this means is that he’s extremely durable, and only becomes more durable as his body heals itself. The more often he’s faced with a certain object hurting his body, the less effective it becomes the next time he’s faced with it.

Substance Mimicry: For now, Issaldurn can touch iron or steel with his hands or feet, and have them mimic the physical properties of those items. This becomes useful in several forms, though the most widely used instance is when he makes his fists as hard as either item, for greater impact power when he punches someone. His hands can also meld into those items, and by doing so he can lift them up much easier - what with not needing a good hand-hold and all.

Enhanced Physical Attributes: Years of running through the woods, sprinting at full speed through trees and up hill has given Issaldurn an enhanced speed. He is capable of moving at speeds quicker than any normal human would find himself capable, and is much quicker in not just in running speed, but reaction speed as well.


Blacksmith’s Hammer: This large, fifty-six pound steel hammer is the main tool of Issaldurn’s trade, as well as his second favorite weapon to use in combat - his first favorite being his hands and feet. The hammer isn’t special in any way, shape, or form.

Anvil: This anvil has no special usage in battle, but it is always carried about his person. He uses it as a tool of his trade, a place to lay steel and iron while he beats them into place. It’s made from hard, thrice-forged iron, and weighs roughly fifty pounds.

Both these items are carried in a leather sack, often slung over his shoulder.


Issaldurn was born the son of a Miller, and apprenticed out to a Blacksmith at the age of eight. His childhood was plagued with hard work, and under appreciation. He had the skills of a Master blacksmith long before his apprenticeship was over. His master refused to acknowledge his skills, however, and so he was stuck until the last day of his contract, when he managed to graduate to Journeyman Smith.

He journeyed about the lands for several long years, picking up on new ways of doing things - and even learning how to work on enchanted and magical items (though never owning one for himself) before he graduated up to Master, when he built a man a house of metal entirely from scratch in less than two years. His payments have always been generous, and its made him a rich man, though he dresses like a ruffian. He doesn’t lord his money over people, and most people he meets never have any idea exactly how much he is worth.

( The history is deliberately concise, as I hate writing histories, and much prefer to keep the air of mystery and allow information about my characters to slip out through Roleplaying and Development, which is to say Characterization. )

06-30-11, 08:30 PM
Hey there and welcome to the site.

As it currently stands you are far beyond too powerful for your level. At level 0 we allow 3 abilities. Enhanced Physical Attributes (which should be in your ability area, by the way) alone has enhanced strength, speed, hearing, and smell.

The next ability, Reactive Adaptation, is alright for your level though.

On the other hand, Substance Mimicry is far too overpowered. I cannot allow a character at your level to, at an instant, change the properties of his body to any material he has touched. Not to mention there's also the attribute that can virtually make him invisible (which I cannot allow at level 0). If you can figure out some way to change this ability to make it work, go for it, but I would suggest just scrapping it until a later level if you plan to keep any of your Physical Attributes.

On an ending note I would like to point you in the direction of this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22244-RoG-and-Althanas-FAQ-for-new-players!). It is our FAQ for new players registering their characters and it will give you a better idea of what we allow at level 0.

If you have any questions still, after you've read the FAQ, feel free to contact me via PM or AIM (rainbowp fools)

07-01-11, 02:03 AM
I wrote Enhanced Physical Attributes as a skill because it's not an ability. Abilities are things that are, in essence, impossible for humans to obtain (ex. Psionic Powers, Magic, etc.) Attributes above the human level - especially when gained from everyday, mundane activities like working in the forge or running through the woods - would fit more into a classification of skills than anything else, simply because they're achievable through the usual methods of lifting weights, or running on a treadmill. "Stronger than the peak human" is more of a reference of being stronger than the average Joe Schmoe who lifts weights as recreation - as its well known Blacksmiths are generally the strongest, toughest of all fantastical creatures.

Substance Mimicry I'll give you right off the bat, and I'll tone it down so that only his fists can mimic the properties of iron at this point, fair enough?

07-01-11, 07:35 PM
Peak: (ADJ.) Greatest; Maximum -- Peak is much higher than Average, just so you know, but I'm not here to argue the definitions of words. I'm here to either approve you or not.

Abilities are, in essence, capabilities that have a direct effect on another player in a fight. That's how we define them here on althanas and you would know that if you would've checked out that link I posted. If you're stronger than the average Joe Schmoe it's an ability.

So I guess do the edits I asked for in my first post and I can get you approved. Thank you.

07-01-11, 09:11 PM
Edited, Oh great master of everything and all.

07-03-11, 07:36 AM

Thanks for the sarcasm, it really makes my job easier :)