View Full Version : The Smell of a Wet Rat

07-02-11, 02:04 AM
Horse's hooves shoveled through the thick marsh as it let out large stale exhales, each breath powerful and filled with on going strength. Never did the stallion slower himself from moving forward as mud and moldy grass stuck heavily to his dark coat. This never gave the horse false hope, for him and his master have been through far worse environments before. Blizzards, blistering deserts, and even into the wild mysterious Forest of Many Wonders. Old memories were one thing that haven't changed in Godric's forgotten soul.

Sorin, known in other lands as the Plague Steed, lived well by its name. His shoulders were built like iron and his coat was black as its animated heart. A prize, a resurrection from a friend, or perhaps a master? Though Godric never followed any true rules and laws but his own, which could be a flaw, or perhaps a merit of leadership. He was a leader, a commander, and was once many years ago a holy man with a wife.

That was all changed now. Everything about him was different. His thoughts, his beliefs, and even his appearance were not the same as they would of been over a hundred years ago. Once long locks of golden hair were now life stricken and lifeless, tainted with absent and age. His eyes no longer blue, but were also drained of life and remained a lifeless gray, and would be so for eternity. His skin won and cold, leaving him a dreary man. What kept him alive? Was it a spell of a dark Necromancer, or was it from his own treachery, his own will to bring vengeance to this world for what its done to him? Perhaps it was a curse, a constant reminder for his sins and betrayal of not only his king but his god.

God, he no longer meant anything to Godric. He was a father who betrayed one of his most loyal sons, bringing a dagger to his back. God took from him everything he loved, everything he lived for... So he did the same for him. God watched his King die, watched his kingdom burn, and watched his palaces burn from the hands of the deceased. This was the price of God's betrayal... The Father had no power over him. Not anymore...

He was not a Paladin, but the core opposite, a Death Knight. He was Godric Vrowl' Ravanosk, the Bringer of Vengeance. If refuge was given to him, why couldn't he do the same for others like himself? Open their minds to a whole new world, make them realize that they themselves can make a change. Why continue to hide in sorrow, or cower in fear?

Godric's strong brow lowered into a glare as he gazed through the thick fog while his companion Sorin continued to march. The Knight was fully armed, armored from head to toe in black steel plate, embedded with spikes and dark art. Not often did he leave his grounds, but for this certain event, he had a plan. A call, a cry for help passed his eyes from a parchment he found on some dead travelers that came a little too close to his well guarded marsh.


To any wishing to help us. A beast has been attacking our cattle and has even gone as far to killing some of the local farmers. The militia and commands of Corone will not assist us of this dreadful creature. We are not engineered for combat, so ask for the help to any who can assist us in the small village of Noroe. Us locals will give all the gold we can offer if you can slay this beast and give our small village peace once and for all.


Noroe was probably a three day travel, but for Godric, perhaps a day and a half. The man needed no rest, nor food for nourishment to burden him on his quest. Even Sorin could continue without the need for rest. Why, what was it that mankind cherished living so much, when being dead could be so powerful? They feared the afterlife, a hell so to call it. Well, little did they know there was an escape to it all. A way out.

Upon arrival, Godric would seek out Noroe's local tavern of gossip, and receive the details of how this creature came about, and where he could likely find it. Once the Knight would 'smite' this creature, he'd take his gold and be on his way. Well, maybe..

07-27-11, 09:50 PM
The tavern was far too respectable to fit Konnal's taste, he much preferred seedier establishments with cheaper drinks and easier women, but after roughing it for what seemed like a year he was ready for a night indoors and too tired to deal with the social requirements of his favored haunts.

Konnal stepped into the tavern immediately declaring "I need a drink.". Surveying the room, Konnal saw the patrons pause at his entrance, a few of which seemed to be wondering if he was demanding their drink specifically. Things eased closer to normal as he walked up to the bar and inquired, or more accurately demanded from the barkeep "Give me a large glass of your cheapest non-alcoholic beverage, and a plate of food also large and cheap."
"Y-you mean water?" asked the befuddled barkeep.
"Yes if it's cheaper. Also I'll need a room and a bath in reverse order after the food and drink. How much will all that cost?" The barkeep stammered as he tried to collect his wits and perform the mental addition. To ease the man's plight Konnal began putting coins on the table until he seemed satisfied. "I'll be sitting at that table, when the food is ready have it brought over with the key to a room and bath. You can do that right. Yes? Good."

Konnal seated himself at a table opposite the bar against the wall, setting his traveling pack next to his right leg, while forcing himself not to finger the dirk he wore on his left hip, and waited for his meal, occasionally scowling at the few patrons who looked in his direction for too long. When a serving girl brought his food and water he thanked her and subconsciously leered at her enough to make her hurry away. Definitely out of my element, Konnal thought as he began to eat the bland, but hot, food and mentally cursed the water for it's lack of inebriating qualities.

During his meal Konnal soaked in the ambiance and noticed the unease that had been in the air before his entrance. While listening for the bits of conversation that rose above the hushed tones and general murmur, Konnal noticed a hand-bill posted near the tavern door. Apparently some monstrosity was terrorizing the local farmers but what interested Konnal was the mention of payment for anyone who killed the beast. Konnal was never one to be generous, if these people couldn't fend for themselves he thought than I wish the beast many a fine meal. But he was running low on coin, and good deeds never go unpunished.

After his questionably useful bath, Konnal once again approached the barkeep "Seems you're having some trouble with the harvest."
A glimmer of hope floated across the mans eyes.
"Yes, a cunning monster has been attacking lone individuals in the fields and-" Konnal cut the man off with a wave of this hand.
"I'm no hero, but if gods forbid any of you are alive come morning, you can tell me the whole story, and we'll see if I think this is worth my time."
With that Konnal headed for the room he had payed for, hoping it was at least dry.

08-09-11, 02:45 AM
(Sorry for the late reply. I was away and just got home. Gotta get back into the writing mood again so my post is a bit on the lousy side. Apologies)

Come morning, the undead warrior arrived, opening the door to find only a select few that fancied drinking in the morning right after the chicken sings. Godric scowled as he entered through the doorway, dried mud falling from his boots with each step as eyes followed him all the way to the counter where his hand slapped down a letter. It was the one he found within his territory, and oddly, grabbed his attention.

"What can I do for you, sir?" The Innkeeper asked, his hazel eyes falling down on the plea for help written on the ink bled letter. Immediately the man nodded, sliding a glass Godric's way. "Glad to see our letter made it around the area. This awful creature has been bothering our cattle for weeks, moved onto people even...We Haven't the proper weapons or experience to fighting such a fierce beast within these parts."

Godric passively waved off the offer on the drink, not finding it a necessity right now. What he needed now were some facts. "Tell me, young man." Godric spoke in his cool rash tone, "This creature hasn't dwelled within your countryside for long, meaning there is a cause to this chaos. There are missing facts...A Creature like this doesn't just appear out of thin air.."

The younger gentlemen just shrugged his shoulders. "All I know is that the creature attacks by night and holds a humanoid like form. The first one to encounter the beast went by the name Aleister Calgren. I believe he lives up on a hill to the West, just a little beyond the village. Maybe he can provide you with more information. So will you be needing some rest after your long travels?"

"No, that won't be necessary. I shall seek out this Aleister fellow and its best I do it before nightfall. It'd be dreadful if you kind people were ripped apart by this creature upon the moons arrival." Godric said grimly, a smile smearing across his pale lips.

08-17-11, 09:50 PM
This thread has exceed the boss battles time limit. Please send me a PM if you'd like it re-opened and moved to a regions forum in order to be finished as an ordinary quest.