View Full Version : Fight time!

Chosen of the Gods
07-04-11, 01:03 AM
Come on, someone please show me a good fight! I'm getting bogged down with flowery speeches. I'm drowning in paragraphs with setting and character, but being BORED to death with no action! I want a fight with someone who's gonna really let loose from the get go and show no mercy.

Honestly, I really just had a bad day and I want to get some aggression out in a battle. Who's game to just go ape shit?

07-05-11, 10:52 PM
Well, the Other RP I'm in isn't really taking off, so if you wish for an Evil/Insane Spellcaster to go all out, I'm game, hope by trading blows and words we can alleviate your bad mood and have a good time, let me know if you accept.

Chosen of the Gods
07-05-11, 11:58 PM
I do accept you challenge. Never fought a mage so I'm looking forward to this! Thanks!

07-06-11, 02:05 AM
Excellent, alright, so where shall we have this battle take place? I'm still relatively new around here so I still need to work out the navigation and proper regulations of things a bit.

Chosen of the Gods
07-06-11, 03:40 AM
well, since we're both sorta lower level, we can do a citadel battle and make it in an area where we both could benefit, like a old school canyon with several jagged peaks, or a forest, or meet in underwood.

hell we can even do a fight in some underground arena, whichever you're interested in!

07-06-11, 11:28 AM
Honestly, I'm totally fine with whatever kind of arena, even if we were on small islands in the ocean that would be cool lol. Since you were the one to Issue the challenge, do you wish to set up the arena or shall I?

Chosen of the Gods
07-07-11, 03:18 AM
If you could start it that would be great! Just make it in the citadel and we should be good. Thanks man, looking forward to this.

07-07-11, 12:09 PM
Alright cool, I'll try to have it up by either today or early tomorrow, and then the games shall begin!

07-07-11, 07:36 PM
Alright, follow the link my good friend, so that the blood bath may begin XD

Chosen of the Gods
07-08-11, 12:21 AM
Link followed, and if you take a peek again you'll see a new post showed up! Thanks again, i look forward to this.

07-08-11, 12:35 AM
No Problem, and thanks sir, hope we have an entertaining tale to tell with this story, now to work our way to an area where we both meet with this tall grass in the Savannah heat...I swear those voices are trying to get me killed lol