View Full Version : The Dream Girl (Female Characters Need Only Apply)

Aimer Haine Rogers
07-06-11, 05:24 PM
Hello All!

I am hoping to do a quest in which Aimer has a dream about a girl (hence the title). Thing is, the girl he has the dream about he has never seen before in his life, but he knows that there is something special about her, so he wishes to find her.

This is where the females of Althanas come in. Either as a permenant party member, cameo appearence, or whatever, I wish for you girls to either help or hinder Aimer in his goal to find this dream girl. Hopefully, it'll be a fun little adventure involving no-to-little violence. Do I have any volunteers?

Chandra Dawnspear
07-07-11, 01:24 PM
This......could be interesting. I'll help you out.

Relt PeltFelter
07-14-11, 01:47 AM
It seems that you have had only little response so far. If you still plan on going through with it, I'll help out. I need something to break this unbearable funkitude under which I have been laboring without end.