View Full Version : The Lornius Riots

Zack Blaze
07-06-11, 05:31 PM
I am hoping to involve Zack in the Corone Civil War, but the problem is that none of the quests really interest me. As such, I decided to submit my own request to make a quest involved in the CW, which was given the go-ahead by mods.

My general premise is simple; Zack and a handful of people that he convinced through either his silver tongue or from whatever money he has, manage to cause enough of a ruckus in one of the towns that they wind up getting a one-way ticket to Lornius.

For those of you who haven't read the Althanas guides up and down, Lornius is essentially the alcatraz of Althanas. It is where the meanest, baddest people go in order to keep them away from all of the good people and innocent bystanders.

My goal is to break all those bad people out from the inside, thus causing the Rangers and the Empire to divide their forces to sizable piece of their armies straight to the prison. Also, this will set us up for another step in one of Zack's plans to become a true 'Hero' to all of Althanas.

You can either join with Zack in the attempt at escape, be someone helping the guards, or just somebody who gets news of the breakout and goes to try and quell it. Though if you're one of the later people, I would ask that you don't post until I give you the go ahead, if that is quite alright.

Alright, so there's our plot. Hopefully I will get some replies.

07-06-11, 11:30 PM
Hmmmm. I may consider...

Zack Blaze
07-15-11, 01:02 PM
Alright then Godric, if you're the only one that wants to play, I'll have the thread up sometime this week.

07-15-11, 06:05 PM
I would like to apply for this as the role of (possibly) a prisoner who becomes buddy-buddy (and I mean a platonic buddy, not "Oz," more like "Shawshank Redemption" style ;)). I could assist with the break-out from the inside or something along those lines.

My only forewarning is that I can only post once a day, so this will not be possible as a speed-posting quest if I were involved. If that's alright and you'll have me along for the ride, I'm more than down to jump in on this.

07-15-11, 07:12 PM
I don't mind a post a day. Most threads don't move along that quick usually.

Zack Blaze
07-17-11, 08:10 AM
I don't mind either, and it would be an honor to have a member of the staff participate in one o my threads. I'll be writing it up now, with a link double posted in a bit.

Zack Blaze
07-17-11, 08:49 AM
Here you go, fellas. (http://http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23126-The-Lornius-Riots-(A-Corone-War-Thread))

Godric, SS, PM me with some ideas you might have on introducing your characters into the thread, or just dive in and do it. I really could care less either way.

07-17-11, 12:14 PM
I'll do my intro last, so Godric that puts you up next to plate. Also, Zack you may want to fix that link because I don't think it's linking me to any page in particular.

Zack Blaze
07-18-11, 06:53 AM
Hm. So it does seem to be broke, lets try that again, shall we?

How about now? (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23126-The-Lornius-Riots-(A-Corone-War-Thread))

07-19-11, 07:10 PM
Haha, well since Godric has vanished (probably just for a few days) I'll nab the second post.

I'll try to get something worked out tonight, fashow.

07-19-11, 10:56 PM
I didn't realize we were starting until now XD

07-19-11, 11:16 PM
Haha, it's fine buddy. If you want to post that'll be great, I probably won't get around to it for another hour or so.

Edit: Also, do you guys use AIM? I'm pretty sure Godric does, but I need your screennames so we can chat up ideas about this. Cool beans, I'm excited to work with both of you :)

07-19-11, 11:36 PM
Are you serious???!!!... I was about to have you guys a little excited with my post and the Fuckin power went out.... I have to write it ALL over again... I can go ahead and post next. You'll be able to start your intro and feed off of mine I'm sure.

07-20-11, 05:37 AM
I think I had an Aim but I don't really remember. I could easily make one though for just Althanas folk.

Zack Blaze
07-20-11, 07:26 AM
Great post, Godric, I just had a few minor questions.

(1) Are you aware that the ship is already docked at Lornius? I was not sure from your post whether or not you saw that I had actually parked the vessel.

(2) Is the dwarf in your post the same one I was describing in my post (The one lifting barrels)? Or is it a different one?

(3) I'll save question 3 for a PM.

As far as AIM goes, I do not have one, but I could surely make one in order to talk to you guys. Seems like everyone on Althanas seems to have one nowdays.

Oh yes, one more little question, for both of you. Are you each going with that you were hired to break out prisoners at Lornius, or are you doing it of your own free will? With Zack, its the latter, and it would just seem odd if three people decided on the same day to try and break free of Lornius.

07-20-11, 11:10 AM
Bah. Yes indeed I somehow missed it. So we'll say that my post took place before the arrival?? so now we ARE docked. Yes about the dwarf. I wasn't sure if you had intentions of using him as an NPC but you still can I just gave him a name. If you'd like Zack I could write more to my post saying that the ship was docked?

As for his attempt he was hired by Rengen and just wasn't revealed yet that he's a traitor to the Warden.

07-22-11, 09:20 AM
Okay guys, I figured out my role for this thread. I'll be the escape route for the fleeing prisoners. So I'll have a few private fishing boats come in after the riots are actually complete. I can even show up about mid-way through the riots with some rough n' tough pirates, or something, and assist with the escape. Either way though I think we should decide on a time for me to enter the quest. I'm thinking about mid-thread (probably like 4-6 posts in).


Zack Blaze
07-22-11, 11:10 PM
Sounds good to me, SandStorm. Guess that means that I'm up for posting, I'll get to it soon.

Zack Blaze
08-17-11, 05:06 PM
Sorry I haven't been here in a while guys, some things came up.

Godric? Sandstorm? Are the two of you still participating? Or should I solo it from here on out?

08-23-11, 06:03 AM
I was away for awhile as well. I should be back in action. count me still in!

Zack Blaze
09-08-11, 07:11 PM
Godric, in case you aren't around anymore, I left it open so that you can have your character sneak off during the fight (Also, if you want to describe the ruckus that happened, that would work too, I'm not so good at describing fight scenes).

Otherwise, I'm looking to request one more person for this quest, good, bad, or otherwise. I'm not sureif anyone wants in, but I don't think Mr.Sandstorm is going to come in yet, but if he does, its fine.

09-14-11, 12:02 AM
I'll pop in there shortly, CG.