View Full Version : Na'amah Tarkin

07-10-11, 03:07 PM
Name: Na'amah Tarkin (Nuh-ah-ma Tar-keen)
Age: 27
Race: Succubus
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: To most of the world, Na'amah appears shrouded. Her hair is covered by a simple turban, and often this piece of cloth is wrapped around to cover her face, leaving only dark eyes visible. The rest of her attire leaves little more exposed, save her hands when she forgoes gloves. Often she dresses in white linen: a tunic that drapes to her knees and flows to her wrists, baggy pants tucked into knee length boots of soft leather, and gloves made from deerskin. For those fortunate enough to be counted her family, the coverings are removed. Beneath the turban one finds a length of night-black hair, worn down to the middle of her back and pulled away from her face to reveal slightly pointed ears. Flesh a rich olive colour is marred by small, pale, scars from her years on the field of battle. Beneath the rest of her attire is a body lithe as any Elf, but hidden from all eyes save those of her husband and child.

Early Life: Na'amah's early life and childhood were rather unremarkable. She played, she fell, she injured herself, she had crushes that she mistook for love, and she grew up. Her family was neither rich nor poor. She rarely went to bed hungry, except on those nights when she provoked the ire of her mother. She learned to cook and sew and even to read a few of the prayers her family spoke each dawn and dusk. Her elder siblings treated her like an annoying child, and her younger siblings were consistently annoying and childish. In all, her childhood was full of happiness and anger and even what she thought was sorrow. It lasted as long as any childhood in Fallien, until she was twelve, and her training began.

The Middle Years: Training as a member of the Fallien militia proved to be the most enjoyable experience in Na'amah's short life. She found a love for spears, and she enjoyed the aches of her body after a day of fierce training and mock combat. That she excelled at the training and the combat was a great help, for she'd never before been better than her siblings and peers. In training she found her strength, and she chose to remain a warrior even when her training ended. Rather than return home she went out into the world with a group of boys who had found the mock battles as thrilling as she. They took up arms and traveled the lands, taking coin in exchange for what little skill at arms they possessed. It was while she fought that Na'amah grew fond of one of the boys who had become a man: Remiel Tarkin. The two shared their blankets and, eventually, left the group to return to their homeland.

Marriage: With the blessing of both families, Na'amah and Remiel joined their lives together even more than they had. In marriage she took his family's name and agreed to settle while he went back intot he world to fight. Remiel would earn what coin he could on the field of battle, and send home all that he didn't need for the purchase of arms and armour. Na'amah, who had found herself pregnant, agreed to remain at home to raise their child for five years. When she'd recovered from the birth of her daughter, Masarrah, Na'amah took on a trade of her own, and learned to shape metal. Between her smithing and Remiel's coin from the field, Masarrah was given a life of ease and contentment. For five years Na'amah remained home, seeing her husband on his frequent visits, and raising her child. Those five years ended, though, and Remiel returned from the field to watch their home and family, allowing Na'amah to return to the field of battle that she loved.

And so she has returned to the world with arms and armour, looking for glory and coin.

Spears: Na'amah has trained in the use of spears and other pole-weapons on the battlefield. Her technique focuses on short, brutal, and efficient movements. There is no flash to her fighting.

Swords: She has also trained in the use of short blades as a side arm when using a pole-weapon. Na'amah often fights with a short sword held in her right hand while using a spear, and is adept at its use in close quarters combat.

Shields: When facing archers, or when not using a pole-weapon, Na'amah will wear her shield on the left arm. In emergencies she can use the shield as a buckler.

First Aid: As a mercenary, Na'amah has learned basic battlefield first aid. She can bandage a wound, set a broken bone, and attempt to stitch up more serious injuries. She is aware of the risk of infection and can, if she has access to the proper supplies, clean and dress a wound.

Metal Smithing: Na'amah has learned the arts of metal smithing. She can work with both iron and steel to produce a variety of weaponry, armour, and other tools.

Bankrupt: A Succubus feeds on the emotions of lesser creatures around her. The stronger the emotions, the greater the satisfaction. The passion of love, and the rage of the battlefield are two of the greatest draws, bested only by the emotions felt by a creature at its moment of death. A Succubus' feeding works best with direct contact, however lesser amounts of energy may be harvested when in the presence of one feeling an intense emotion.

Invest: If a Succubus consumes more energy than she needs to survive, she can store this excess for later use. The energy can be directed into the muscles for greater speed or strength, into the sense organs for enhanced sensory abilities, or used to enhance the Succubus' healing if she becomes injured. Should she expend too much energy in any way, however, the Succubus will enter a mindless state of hunger, attempting to devour the nearest emotional vessel.

Currency: A Succubus can gift her energy to others. This requires direct contact between the Succubus and the intended target. Should the Succubus expend too much energy, however, she will enter a mindless state of hunger and attempt to devour the nearest emotional vessel, in this case the person she has just gifted her energy to.

Glaive: An iron pole-arm. The glaive is made of six feet of wood topped by two feet of iron. The blade has a slight curve, ends in a point, and has a hook on the reverse to catch riders.

Xiphos: An iron short blade. The xiphos is made of roughly one foot of blade with a handle fit for a single hand.

Shield: A round wooden shield made with iron fittings. This shield has both straps and a punch handle for use. Commonly worn on the back.

Mail: A riveted steel hauberk. This mail shirt reaches to the knees and the wrists. It is bound at the wrists by leather and is held at the chest with a leather harness.

Coat of Plates: A set of steel bands and plates inside a light leather vest. Worn under mail.

07-11-11, 07:37 PM
Hey there. I'm fine with everything on this profile, but I just need you to add a few things.

I would like it (at your current level) if invest could only add to one stat at a time (so if she wanted to increase her speed, she could, but only that one ability could be increased for that time) and also if she could only boost the chosen ability by +1x (so instead of that ability being just average [1x a normal persons] it could change to 2x a normal persons). I can allow that for your current level.

The same restrictions will need to be placed on Currency also (you can only add a 1x augment to the stat of their choice, or healing).

Any questions, feel free to PM me.

07-11-11, 07:49 PM
Those are both acceptable to me.

07-11-11, 07:54 PM
Alright cool, just make sure anyone you're battling (if you plan on using those abilities against them) or anyone you use Currency on knows those guidelines I've set. If it's abused, by you or the other party, I'm'a come getcha.
