View Full Version : Deatia Anaak

Deatia Anaak
07-10-11, 09:53 PM
So, I'm fairly sure everything is in order... Let me know if I stepped out of line or...whatever. :) Thanks.

Deatia Anaak
(D-a-tee-ah Ah-knock)
The Black Shield

Name: Deatia Anaak
Race: Celestrian
Gender: Female
Age: Approximately one thousand years old.
Height/Weight: 6’4” / 173lbs.-183lbs. Unarmored
Eye Color/Hair Color: Electric Blue / Obsidian

Physical Description: The vast sea glistened in the wake of the rising sun; its deep, ocean blue color shifting through a myriad of pastel hues as one quiet wave after another glided freely across the water’s surface. Far from the eastern horizon, standing at the very crest of a high bluff overlooking the endless deep-sea landscape, was Deatia – who for the first time in years felt at peace with the world around her. Slowly, the Celestrian shifted, her obsidian wings stretching to their full, impressive length; reaching longingly for the heavens above and well past her raven-haired head as she took a moment to bask in the early morning glow.

Deatia’s soft, ivory flesh glimmered in the light, the beads of moisture that collected along her exposed skin shining like petite diamonds as they clung to the sun’s warming illumination. She stood a little straighter than she had been before, narrowly brushing her full height of fix foot four, her lithe, muscled physique trembling with the action.

As a Celestrian, it came as no real surprise that Deatia was in almost every way a perfect creature. Physically speaking, she possessed no faults, barring the scar were her left eye should have been, which extended to either side of the socket in a clean, narrow slit. Despite this, her regal features aligning seamlessly with her strong, agile body. Deatia’s wispy, wavy obsidian hair danced around her majestic face, the ends of which fell neatly down the length of her back, stopping just short of the middle of her spine.

Deatia’s one remaining eye was a shining, electric blue in color, rich with passion while at the same time rife with a deep sorrow for what had been lost. Her thin, pale lips drew into a slight frown as she breathed in a calming breath and moved to retrieve her possessions from where she had placed them before she had reached the top of the high bluff.

The armor was a testament in itself of Deatia’s bloodstained past. The pearly white etchings scrawling across a deep, ebony surface indicated her as a warrior of some magnitude. When worn, the suit covered nearly every part of her body. The part of her body that was left uncovered, done so intentionally, was her left, which bore rich, crimson markings all across her otherwise pristine, ivory skin.

Deatia’s odds and ends fitted around her like they always did, the belts carrying her numerous pouches, along with her sword, strapped comfortably around her waist, binding the black, white sun-embroidered waistcoat firmly to her, its weighted, metal hem forcing it to hang unmoving behind her. Her boots appeared just as armored as the rest of her attire, carrying the same black and ivory motif as well.

Even despite the meaning behind the colors of her armor and clothing, Deatia looked just as angelic as she had before her defection – even if she no longer recalled that point in her life…

Disposition: Deatia is a stern, all work and no play individual. She strives to uphold her end of any deal, usually at whatever the cost. Her loyalty extends only as long as the contract she is bound to at that moment in time, or indefinitely for those rare few who she considers her friends. Although she does not remember, she was not always like this. Because of her memory loss, Deatia is emotional distant. It is not that she does not feel emotions, it is more akin to that she feels lost, and unsure as to how to handle them.

Tactics: The Celestrian is, for the most part, a vicious defender. Her powers and training lend themselves to her skill and reputation as a juggernaut, capable of standing her ground in some of the most frightening of situations. Nevertheless, Deatia is not always one to simply stand back and wait for her opponent to come to her. She fights with measured strides and carefully timed strikes, using everything she possesses as a weapon or a tool to better her chances of victory. This goes as far as even striking out with her wings, if only as a diversion.


Celestria – The Rift
Six Years Ago

Deatia’s feet slid apart, her back hunching forward slightly as she brought her shield up and drew War Queller behind her.

“Why are you here, Olon?” she breathed, her customarily peaceful and melodic voice cracking with a hint of irritation.

“To stop this before anyone else gets hurt,” the six-winged Celestrian replied, a mixture of emotions wafting through his tenor, firm, yet filled with sorrow.

Deatia’s grip on her shield tightened. She bared her teeth, hissing an indistinguishable curse, watching as the warriors of both the Throne and the Legion began to distance themselves from the circular dais the two most powerful and skilled Celestrians stood upon.

“To think the Throne would go so far,” Deatia remarked, speaking more to herself as she narrowed her stance, her large, feathery black wings flaring outward. “Go back to your forge, Olon.”

“I can’t stand by while my creations are rent asunder,” he said, striding half a step forward as he spoke. “Please, put down your sword before more lives are destroyed.”

Huffing, the Shield Guardian held her ground. “You know better then to ask me that.”

“Don’t you realize what they’ll do to you if you don’t surrender?” Olon pleaded, a flash of anger darkening his sky blue eyes.

“Torture, even death, is nothing compared to what they have already done to me now,” Deatia murmured in response, swallowing the knot in her throat and drawing in a large sum of air before expelling it outward in a heavy, defiant sigh. “Olon, leave. Go back. I don’t want to fight you, because if I do, I will kill you.”

Olon kept quiet for several moments, closing his eyes and nodding. “Then I see I have no choice.”

The two Celestrian’s exploded into action, flying toward one another with speed unmatched by nearly any of their kindred. Bursts of light flared into being with every parry, block, and use of power. The tension was almost tangible, the anger, sadness, and passion choking. They sprang back from one another, only to reunite in a flurry of deafening attacks, inflicting only minor wounds in the process.

Several minutes passed before Deatia and Olon separated from one another for longer than an instant, drawing in labored breaths as they secured their footing and measured their opponent.

“Your sword, its breaking,” Olon observed between mouthfuls of air.

Deatia’s stark sapphire eyes flickered over War Queller, turning back toward her age-old friend an instant later. “Don’t concern yourself with my sword.”

The Shield Guardian was moving before the last word left her lips, colliding with Olon and driving him toward the Rift, which for a few moments longer would continue to connect the realm of Celestria to that of a plane known as Althanas.

The six-winged Celestrian struck not Deatia, but her weapon, timing it so that Ozlen, the Spear of Twilight, pierced through the fragile blade of her longsword, shattering the once peaceful concept that it was. His spear continued upward, cutting across the Shield Guardian’s left cheek and dragging higher to rend the sight from that eye. At that very same instant, Olon pushed against the shield belonging to his beloved friend, shoving her backward with enough force that she was flung into the Rift, the shards of War Queller passing through the tear between realities after her an instant before it closed.


Between Then and Now

Several months after Deatia fell through the Rift, she awoke in the care of a cleric by the name of Alasara, with no memory of what had transpired to bring her to Althanas in the first place. Deatia could recall her name, the realm she called home, and fragmented pieces of a conversation between herself and someone else. This selective amnesia shaped Deatia into an emotionally distant person, who as she healed, began to work in the infirmary alongside Alasara.

Nearly two years passed until memories of her training surfaced, brought forth by the need to defend the cleric and her place of worship. After this, Deatia began to retrain her body, and in the process regain more of her memory regarding it – although she could not recall the faces or names of those who had taught her the ways of the Shield Guardian.

After two more years passed, Deatia took her leave and began to travel, taking up odd jobs along the way and making something of a name for herself while doing so. Eventually she fell into the profession of being a hired sword.


Present Day

Presently, Deatia has been joined by Olon, though she has no memory of who he is to her. Together they continue Deatia’s career as a mercenary, fulfilling contracts as they come along. Olon, who unlike Deatia retained his memory when passing through the barrier which separates Celestria from Althanas, has gradually been leading his old friend toward finding the scattered shards of her sword. However, this is, for the time, unknown to Deatia.


Guardian Training: As a Shield Guardian, Deatia was trained in the use of a variety of one-handed weapons, shields, armor, and martial arts. Honed to perfection over the years of her training, she became one of the most skilled combatants ever to be born among her race. However, with the loss of her memory, her martial prowess is far from what it used to be. She has retrained enough knowledge that she is no less a capable warrior, and recalls many of the weapons that she trained with and how to use them properly, as well as how to wear and maintain shields and armor.

Mercenary: Since coming to Althanas, Deatia has taken the mantle of mercenary. Over the years, the Celestrian has learned a variety of tactics useful both inside and outside of combat situations. While she is far from diplomatic in personality, Deatia still understands the intricacies of how to go about getting better pay for a job, or other things along that line. Additionally, her time as a mercenary has provided her with a wealth of knowledge concerning the seeder side of civilization, and she uses this information to her advantage whenever necessary.


Wings: Deatia’s large, feathery wings are far from abnormal for her race. However, like her once-incredible power as a Shield Guardian, their strength and her endurance with them has lessened since her coming to Althanas, though they are still strong enough to lift her toward the heavens, even while she is fully equipped. They provide the Celestrian with several different boons, from short stints of flight, to the ability to pivot at a quicker rate than most average combatant. Each individual wing extends approximately six feet.

*Deatia’s wings allow her to turn at a rate roughly 1.2xs quicker than the commonplace warrior. With them she is capable of brief spells of flight, though can usually only stay aloft for around six to ten seconds at a time, while only managing to take to the sky two, maybe three times before the feathery appendages become too strained and require several hours of rest.

Celestrian Traits: By their nature, Celestrians are often quicker, stronger, and more durable than that of humans and other such beings. However, the transition between her home plane and Althanas has dampened these traits significantly. Nevertheless, Deatia is still marginally stronger, and is more fortified than the average trained warrior.

*The Celestrian’s physical strength and endurance are each boosted by approximately 1.2xs that of the everyday combatant. For the time being, Deatia’s agility and reflexes remain untouched by her race’s natural enhancements.

Shield Guardian: Deatia’s ability to call forth defensive bulwarks of immense strength was legend among her people. She was the foremost Shield Guardian, charged with the task of safeguarding some of the most important figureheads, objects, and locations. Since her arrival on Althanas, along with the loss of her memory, the Celestrian’s power to materialize shields of varying sizes and move them by will alone has diminished drastically. The once limitless well of energy that fueled Deatia’s shields is far from what it once was, and the use of her Shield Guardian capabilities exhausts her both physically and mentally.

*Deatia’s summoning ability allows her to call forth a number of different defensive, shield-like objects, which customarily range anywhere from a buckler to a tower shield in size. The smaller the shield, the easier and faster it is for it to be moved through the air. Larger shields tend to be more difficult, and are much more often used as a stationary defensive wall. Additionally, the smaller in size the shield is the more that can be brought into being. For instance, at this point in time, Deatia can materialize a total of three, buckler-sized shields, which are each capable of defending the Celestrian against one solid hit before dispersing, and are also able to absorb a small (roughly 5% before being dispelled) amount of Magick energy, assuming the mystical assault cannot be blocked by usual means. Larger shields, such as kite shields, can take more punishment, but only one can be summoned at a time. These shields often last two or perhaps three hits (depending on the strength of the blow, possibly less if the opponent is particularly strong) before breaking apart and returning to oblivion. They are also able to absorb more Magickal energy (between 8-10%, the amount being dependant on how much strength is left in the shield at the moment).Shields larger than kite shields are beyond Deatia’s capabilities at this point in time, and extended use of this power tends to drain her rapidly, making her both physically and mentally exhausted. Shields manifested using this method cannot be moved (or summoned for that matter) beyond a ten foot radius of Deatia.


Blind Eye: During the battle which led to Deatia’s descent to Althanas, her left eye was rendered inoperable. While she has grown accustom to it over the years, she still has difficulties with depth perception and at times her own equilibrium. In addition to this, she is prone to incredible headaches, as her one good eye is forced to compensate for what Deatia lacks.


Shatter: Renown among Deatia’s people, the sword once named War Queller was a beacon of peace, crafted from the Concerillium, the most powerful of forging processes known to the Celestrian race. The Celestrian longsword, created by the melding and manipulation of concepts, was one of the mightiest weapons to ever be birthed. Using the purest form of innocence, the strongest heartbeat of a mother’s love, and the discerning, yet caring gaze of a father for his child, War Queller came into being. It held sway over emotions of violence and hatred, purifying them to end conflicts without too much bloodshed, and was able to sunder some of the strongest defenses when necessary. However, during Deatia’s final moments within the realm that is Celestria, War Queller broke, separating into a total of seven pieces, all of which descended upon Althanas as she herself fell in defeat through the rift which joined the two planes of existence.

Like her memory, War Queller is no longer what it once was. Possessing only its hilt with a small, jagged sliver of its once pristine, pearlescent blade, Deatia now refers to the weapon as Shatter, though she has no memory of what the sword once meant to her, only that emotionally she harbors a strong bond with it and does not desire to part with what little she has left.

Shatter has no power to speak of, and serves only as an aesthetic attachment to the Celestrian’s overall ensemble for the time being. The hilt appears to be made of either a bleached bone, or a unique marble, with the handle wrapped with strands a cloudy gray hide. Both the cross guard and the pommel are embroidered with a series of small gemstones, which range from violet to a soft petal pink in color and all flicker with a strange, inner light. The guard and pommel are each shaped to resemble a series of intricately knotted vines or roots.

*Shatter, for the time being, is an aesthetic attachment to Deatia’s ensemble. The sliver of the blade that remains is, at this moment, no stronger than steel. Despite the hilt’s ornate appearance and the rarity of the material from which it is made, it cannot be sold, nor would it be, ever.

Celestrian Iron Longsword: After Olon arrived on Althanas and found his way Deatia, he forged for her a weapon befitting a Celestrian Guardian. This longsword is larger than most, its weight equivalent to what others would customarily imagine a claymore to weigh. However, despite this, Deatia uses the blade with practiced ease and incredible comfort.

*Being a larger race, Celestrian weaponry tends to be as well. The blade of the Celestrian longsword is approximately between 50” to 60”, while its hilt ranges between 6” to 10”. Deatia’s weapon is roughly 58” in length from top to bottom.

Celestrian Iron Roundel: Along with her Celestrian longsword, Olon also forged for Deatia a new shield. This particular roundel is made of rounded iron, which has been worked over boards of light wood and a layer of leather. Carefully designed studs decorate the shield, and its epicenter protrudes several inches outward with a single, three inch spike extending from it.

*Celestrian Roundel’s are larger than what would be considered the norm. They extend between 36” to 40” in diameter. Deatia’s personal roundel is 40”.

Serellium Plate: Crafted of serellium, the Celestrian equivalent to Althanas steel, Deatia’s armor is a testament to her past as a Shield Guardian and her present career as a mercenary. From the gorget worn around her neck to the tasset and greaves strapped across her legs (upper and lower respectfully), the Celestrian is well protected and wears the armor with the comfort of someone who has done so for several centuries. Every individual plate is adorned with bright, pearlescent etchings, which scrawl across the obsidian matting. Even the chainmail that can be seen between the carefully crafted pieces of serellium is a shinning black.

Clothing and Accessories: Most of Deatia’s attire is made of relatively comfortable and well crafted material. The patch she wears over her left eye is a combination of silk and a carefully cut and shaped piece of leather, and is embroidered with the symbol of a white sun. Her waistcoat, which was created with a weighted hem, extends from her hips, and falls just short of the middle of her calves and also possesses the image of a white sun.

Miscellaneous: This covers the occasional odd or end which may manifest during a thread (customarily within the first post), such as a rope, a pouch with a unique marker on, or similar objects that generally tie into her career as a mercenary but serve a specific use for her current contract and cannot be sold.

07-11-11, 07:44 PM
Hey there. Everything is pretty much in order, I just need clarification on something.

"The Celestrian’s physical strength and endurance are each boosted by approximately 1.2xs that of the everyday combatant. For the time being, Deatia’s agility and reflexes remain untouched by her race’s natural enhancements."

Are your stats of strength and endurance boosted (making them 2.2x) or just 1.2x?

Just get back to me on that and you're good to go.

Deatia Anaak
07-11-11, 10:39 PM
1.2xs. So, .2xs above the average. Not 2.2xs. :) I'm not sure how far I could go with them as it is. Besides, I like the idea of them rising gradually. ^^

07-12-11, 04:23 AM
Coolio, I approve.