View Full Version : The little bird that told you.

07-11-11, 05:57 AM
Name: Aodh Ualan
Alias: Sparrow
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160
Occupation: Medium

Personality: At first glance, Aodh might appear as someone who is aloof, even distant. This is not entirely inaccurate, as he prefers to keep a sort of professional distance from strangers, never allowing to see the full extent of his smile unless he's selling something. Amongst his friends or allies, he is amiable enough, though a bit presumptuous. Aodh is under the opinion that since he has foresight, he's going to be right more often than he is wrong. Still, he is given to making good jokes, singing merry songs, and being fast to buy a drink if he's been bought one already.

Appearance: Aodh is unlike a vast majority of magic users in that he doesn't wear robes. In fact, Aodh doesn't wear a lot of anything unless he's traveling in dangerous territory or going into battle. Typically he wears a pair of brown breeches that remain affixed to his legs thanks to a series of criss-crossed black leather straps that are wrapped around his thighs. A brown leather belt encircles his waist, complete with a small brass buckle with the emblem of the kingfisher upon it. A well-made short-sleeved green tunic covers his upper torso, and his feet are shod in brown leather boots.

His physical appearance has all the trappings of a man who spends a great deal of time outdoors enjoying the life of a nomad. He is built like an athlete: lean and muscular, fit and trim. His skin is darkly tanned, nearly to the point of being weather-beaten. His head is fairly rounded, and an unruly mop of long red hair sprouts from his skull and trails down to the middle of his back. He is clean-shaven, however, and he does not have much in the way of arm or chest hair. His blue eyes are like a clear sky on a bright day, and they see far more than most would ever know. His nose is short and slightly pointed, and his lips are full and generally chapped.

1. Hunter (small game, fishing)
2. Bard (singing, lyre)
3. Gambling (often cheats)
4. Skilled marksman (longbow)
5. Close-quarters fighter (staff, dagger)
6. Diplomat

1. Divination: Classically defined as a "second sight" or a "sixth sense," Aodh can catch glimpses of the future. His talent is not heavily developed, but strong enough to accurately predict the weather or observe snippets of major events in the timestream. If he has a focusing tool he can scry on another location remotely.

2. Enchantment: Aodh can inscribe mystical sigils upon objects or even people to bestow certain magical properties. The extent of the enchantment is not great...making his backpack lighter or heating a piece of metal are the sorts of tricks he can do. However, if he makes his personal mark upon something, he gains a bit more influence upon it and can more directly make it weaker or stronger.

3. Transmutation: By enforcing his will upon something, Aodh can change it's physical properties. He is not powerful to truly change the shape of what he focuses upon, but he can make his skin tougher or his blade sharper. Iron can become almost as strong as steel, oak nearly as durable as yew. A man's skin would be like leather, and cloth will almost never tear.

1.Oaken quarterstaff capped with iron at both ends. On each end of the caps lies a raised impression of Aodh's symbol (an "A" with a line through it) so that he can stamp his mark upon things.
2. Long Dagger (leather-wrapped handle, iron blade and pommel)
3. Longbow, quarrel of arrows (oak bow and arrow shafts, iron arrowheads, red fletchings)
4. Traveler's pack and cloak

Familiars: Lili, a female African Gray Parrot. Due to the mystical empowerment Lili received for being Aodh's familiar, she is intelligent enough to talk and be given orders.

History: Aodh comes from a long line of Druids and Bards, practicing magics so ancient that the question of what their true origin is has been lost to the differing philosophies. Perhaps as a side-effect of his heritage Aodh has always been a wanderer. Once he was old enough to be called a man, his wanderlust took him away from home, and while he returned from time to time he never stayed long. He explored his world far and wide, and saw and did a great many things. It was during his travels that he befriended a shaman from another culture, and after spending a good deal of time with him they exchanged gifts. The shaman received a string of rune-inscribed beads that would protect him from harm, and Aodh was given Lili, who at the time was nearly three years old.

Eventually, Aodh began to yearn for new places and new experiences that his homeworld could not offer him. By a matter of coincidence, it turned out he was being watched for purposes of recruitment, and was visited by an otherworldly being. It was a strange creature, large and heavily muscled, and its blue skin was covered in markings that Aodh did not understand. They spoke of many things, but they kept coming back to a topic in particular: the evolution of life, and the need for Order. Oddly enough, despite his wild wanderings, Aodh had a strong belief in order and civilization...after all, they promoted culture and fostered the growth of his species. Only men could make true use of his services and abilities.

In return for his allegiance, the creature agreed to bring him to a new place, where he find the experiences he so craved in addition to serving his new employer.

(edited to clarify Transmutation, as advised by ThirdRider)

07-11-11, 07:50 PM
Not as African Gray Parrot as a familiar, oh no.

This profile is good to go, just keep within your level with the Enchantment and Transmutation abilities. Think of level 0 as pretty much the bottom of the totem pole, just above regular commoners, in terms of power. You can still do a lot with those abilities, but I don't want you to be making that dagger of yours the strength of mythril, with the length of a spear and width of a house, with the weight of... nothing. Hopefully that makes sense, I kind of scrambled around trying to think of ways that you could abuse those abilities (which is a good sign for you I guess).
