View Full Version : Cyrus Von Fanthom

07-12-11, 11:14 AM
Name: Cyrus Von Fanthom
Race: Black Fanthoms
Gender: MANLY
Age: 13
Occupation: Young Phantom-Master-In-Training


Cyrus has the ability to manipulate any ghostly ghoul, phantoms, or ectoplasm being. Each paranormal being has various of ways to help Cyrus in his battles, or quests.

Shifting Ghosts: May take the appearance of the enemy, or Cyrus to distract the enemy, but is not always helpful if the opponent sees the action done in front of him/her.

Possessors: A fairly useful tactic, the paranormal beings may possess inanimate objects (such as rocks, trees, swords, or even Cyrus's magic). To either distract, or have an assault towards the opponent.

Frighters: One of the most useless tactics that the paranormal beings can do, unless against someone who is superstitious or easily frightened. But the paranormal beings may pull off the most terrifying appearance they can muster up, and hopefully scare the opponent to make them freeze or run away from battle.


Cyrus is a intermediate with the 'Haunted Magic', (Which is just like black magic, but less evil). The Von Fanthoms', have practiced this magic for ages, Cyrus, is the youngest member of the family, his parents are legends with the magic, but his older sister, is a master of the Haunted Magic, which brings his ego down.

Haunted Magic, since Cyrus hasn't mastered it yet, he can use it in various ways, he may be able to cast a fireballs here and there, manipulate some of his magic to create solid structures (like a giant claw, or giant jaws). Cyrus can summon some electrical magic, but it's not really his strongest elemental magic, thus it can perhaps misfire and probably either miss his opponent, or destroy his paranormal pals.


Cyrus wears the 'Infinite Cloak', where the structure of the cloak is enforced with haunted magic, thus en coating it. Making the cloak a armor to protect his body, but it's not as powerful as one would think. It can be penetrated by a powerful spell, or even by a extremely powerful sword piercing, if the sword is strong enough to penetrate a solid brick wall that is.


Cryus wears his infinite cloak, and his lucky hat he got from his grandfather, before he passed away, although it's quite big for him, he doesn't care. He also wears a wrinkly baggy pitch black shirt underneath his cloak, and dark grey silk pants, and wears sneakers.

07-13-11, 05:35 AM
Hey there and welcome.

First off I would like to say that Cyrus cannot control another PC ghoul, phantom, ecto-being without their consent.

Haunted magic is more of an ability than it is a skill since it can be used, more so than any of the abilities you have listed, to have a direct effect on an opponent (another PC or NPC).

I also see where your going with his ability to manipulate objects into structures "like a giant claw, or giant jaws," combined with his Possessors ability. That combo has a lot of potential to be abused, a lot, so I'd like you to keep the control you have over the possessed objects to a minimum. Add some kind of limit in there saying he can only have control over a possessed object for "X amount of time." You be the judge on how long he can control them.

Probably put the Frighters ability in the skill section.

So basically what I need you to do, is:
Move "Frighters" to skills
Move "Haunted Magic" to Abilities
Alter the description of "Possessors"
Add a strength to the objects he can create with his "Haunted Magic" (are the structures as strong as stone? wood? what?)

Get that done for me and I'll give this another look.

08-19-11, 10:39 PM
Well I was looking forward to seeing Cyrus in action, but since no update attempts have been made in a month I will me closing and moving this thread.


If you would like it reopened in the future feel free to message me.