View Full Version : Seth_Wildes

07-12-11, 06:26 PM
((Been years since I last visited. Be gentle.))

Name: Seth Wildes
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'11
Weight: 189lbs
Occupation: Student/Traveler
Personality: Personality varies greatly depending on circumstances. Some would call him far too laid back to the point of being lazy. He's not prideful and will be the first to announce his own shortcomings. He's not afraid of fleeing from pointless battles and cares not for what people think of him because of that. That being said, Seth realizes that there are times when he has to stand his ground and fight despite the uncertainty of the outcome. Seth also struggles from several muscle symptoms in his arms such as uncontrollable twitching, aching, and sometimes even paralysis. Normally this only occurs after a hard battle where he is forced to exert more strength than normal. He never complains about it to others and has yet to inform a doctor about his condition.

Appearance: Seth keeps his head buzzed short all around and is always clean shaven. Rough leather like skin that shows signs of year’s worth of training and sparing with others. His normal outfit normally consists of a tight red undershirt, a red cloak that only covers his right arm, a black sash, and red hakama pants. His cloak can be slung over his shoulder while he is fighting to prevent it from getting in his way. Both arms are heavily bandaged due to the strain that he puts on them while he's fighting and also to help cover up a massive black bruise that has begun to spread across a large majority of his right arm.

History: Seth spent the majority of his childhood attending school and training in martial arts. Seth had come from a family renowned for their incredible strength in battle and faint traces of his ancestor’s history could be found on several battle ridden landscapes all over Althanas. Despite his overly laid back and lazy personality, Seth was already showing signs of becoming a promising young fighter capable of making the families reputation stronger. Years went by and when Seth had finally become an adult, he discovered that his martial arts training were of no use in these times of peace. While it pleased him that soldiers were not needed at the time, it took away the only career option that he had ever known. With no direction in life, he decided to simply work at his grandfather’s dojo as an instructor to those with interest in martial arts. Several years would pass before his life would be pulled in another direction. At the time, Seth was already studying several ways to increase his own power to make his martial arts abilities even more devastating. It was then that he discovered a small black oval stone near the outskirts of town and set to work on researching it. Looking back through several history books showed evidence of the stones in ancient times. It was said that the stones had fallen from the heavens and were coveted by the people because of the incredible power that it bestowed upon them. War was a result of the people’s greed and in the end the stones vanished without a trace. Seth, out of concern that the other stones could begin to surface as well, began to immediately pack his things and set out to find the other stones before they caused the world to be plagued by war again.

Martial arts abilities are above average; Strength fluctuates between average, above average, and below average. Using above average strength causes severe damage to the muscles in his arms and causes him to drop down to dealing below average blows if used more than twice per story/thread.

Gravity Enhancement ((Arms))- Using the power of the stone, he is capable of increasing the weight behind his punches causing him to deal above average strength however the strain is too much for his arms and can only be used for a small amount of time(Two posts) before his strength drops down to below average.
Gravity Enhancement ((Body))- Again, using the power of the stone, he is capable of decreasing the gravity around his body making him capable of jumping incredibly high and surviving falls from great heights.

Equipment: A single glove worn on the right hand. It has the black stone engraved into the palm of the glove.

Familiars: His pet Ferret, Demi. It’s incredibly lazy and normally just remains asleep in Seth’s traveling bag.

07-13-11, 05:10 AM
Welcome back to the site.

Before I can approve you I'm going to need you to remove two of your 5 abilities (increased strength and speed both count as abilities, not spells). I would say just throw all of his gravity magic into one ability and make it so he can only either decrease (or increase) the gravity around an object, for the time being at least.

07-13-11, 05:52 AM
I took away his above average speed and decided perhaps in the beginning he is only capable of effecting the gravity around his own body and has not yet learned how to pass this effect on to others yet. How's that?

07-13-11, 09:53 PM