View Full Version : Erissa Tarsul-Caedron

07-17-11, 09:55 PM
Name: Erissa Alanorah Tarsul-Caedron

Age: 25

Race: Elf

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Green-blue

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 120

Occupation: Tailor turned adventurer

Personality: Can seem very aloof and distanced at times though respectful. Cares about others deeply but does not express it well. She distances herself from very personal relationships. Reserved and quick to check herself when having too much fun. Slow to trust; her trust is fragile and rarely regained once broken. Unsure of how to relate to others. She is often conflicted in motive but single-minded in action.

Appearance: A beautiful elf, though that sort of thing is not uncommon. She is graceful and efficient in her movement, but allows the smallest bit of flourish to manifest. Her hair is white, shimmering silver, and her eyes are green-blue. She needn't wear makeup. She bears a single visable scar, on the first finger of her left hand.

History: Erissa's childhood was quiet and sheltered for a time. Her brother was killed in warfare before she reached young adulthood, and she did not handle it well as they were close. Several years later, as she was honing her skills as a tailor, she hired a questionable person to gather materials. Virlas supplied her with more than just goods – he also revived some of the life Erissa had all but lost when her brother died. He then departed unexpectedly. Erissa eventually realized that she was drawn to Virlas because of his similarity to her brother, and that it was possible her father had hastened Virlas' departure. In her anger, Erissa found her latent magical abilities unlocked abruptly. Against her parents' will, she set out in hopes of one day finding Virlas, though it was not anything as simple as love or rebellion.


Trained in song, to lift the spirits and entertain. This includes her own original material from time to time. (Perhaps an .mp3 if I'm particularly inspired...)

A celebrated tailor who once crafted items not for combat but for affluent members of society.

A creative problem solver and mediator.

Somewhat proficient in magic, but not in close combat.


Wise with most animals, strongly excepting birds. She is honing this skill into an ability.


Holy Judgement: Energy which will regenerate self and allies, restricted by the amount of time she has to focus. When flung at enemies, will damage according to the evilness of their nature (really this comes down to what damage another RP'er will accept if they are hit). Holy magic as a whole is rudimentary for lack of experience and training. This can backfire...

Telekinesis: restricted by experience, size of inanimate object, her state of mood/self-doubt, distraction by foes, and the presence of another will (i.e. it would be difficult to lift a rock in the presence of a geomancer and impossible to wrestle command of said rock should the geomancer hurl it with magic. Additionally, it would be impossible to absolutely control the weapon of another. The best she can do is to slightly alter the path in self-defense).

Songbook: an ancient book containing songs that inspire her allies to heroism and disheartens her foes. The songs alone are not enough to win a battle, but can certainly inspire a turning of the tide or hasten the cinching of victory. Can be countered and nullified by opposing songs. She has only recently acquired the book; a majority of the songs are not yet memorized.

Equipment: She possesses a Yew staff. It is the reworked wood from the back-brace of one of her looms... she keeps it for sentimental reasons. As a celebrated tailor, she choose only the best wood for her looms. However, the fact her staff is Yew matters not; she has never been trained in weaponry. At best, even if she flails wildly with it, it shouldn't break. Also she would never be found without her songbook, several pages dog-eared.

Familiars: Young dog.

**Special note: this is my first attempt at RP character creation. Please, if I have chosen cliche and overused abilities, let me know; likewise with an over- or under-powered character. I hope to bring something unique and interesting for the sake of those with whom I play. Erissa isn't very powerful, being more of a defensive character in light armor. She's as green as it gets, with her only knowledge of strategy gleaned from the games she played with her brother in their younger years.

07-19-11, 01:21 AM
Edit: This thread has been re-opened for a a few minor tweaks (nothing involving abilities). Oh and one thing, if you could update the description of the staff and say it's made of Yew or Oak wood that'd be great.

07-19-11, 09:35 PM
Thank you! Appreciate the very quick response!

Changes made, and staff defined.

07-19-11, 11:15 PM
Once more you're approved.

Now get out there and have fun!