View Full Version : "the baron" Konnal Ivanov

07-20-11, 11:04 PM
Name: Konnal Ivanov
Nickname:"Baron" and any mix of his propror name and curses/explatives

Age: 26

geneder: Male

Race: half-dwarf

hair: short redish brown

Eyes: grey

height/weight: 5', 158lbs

Occupation: Criminal/hitman/theif/mercenary

Appearance: At a glance Konnal is a short overweight man who could be comapred both favorably and unfavorably to a cement bock. On further consideration his stalky build and oddly elegant cleanshaven face (if not for the obviously broken and reset nose and jaw) make for a difficult assesment.

Pearsonality: Brash and overconfidant, Konnal has a generaly intimidating presence balanced by an affable glibness, one gets the idea that he owns his immediate surroundings and possibly not so imediate objects as well, and woe to the pearson who disagrees, But he's generaly accomidating of others useing "his" property. He is extreamly loyal to his allies who he veiws as family and vengefull towords those he veiws as enemies and trators. A bit of a loose cannon, he likes to drink and is prone to violance when drunk, as such he only drinks when in a celebratory mood. Generally prone to exess and directness but will grudginly aply subtlety when appropriate. With women he's uesually charming and polite but clearly not interested in anything more than a night or so of fun.

History: Born and raised on the deciedly wrong side of a minng town, Konnal followd his fathers footsteps into a life of crime where he quickly showed an aptitude for more unsavory work. At what turned out to be the height of his criminal profession thus far he led a group on a what was supposed to be a simple deal colse that turnred out to be a setup. The authouities saw his military potental and offered him the coice of enlistment or life in a small dark "room". While in the military he proved his capabilities as a leader and develpoed his fighting skills beyond meer street brawling, gaining some acclaim as a marksman. After a few long years he has managed to secure an open ended leave of absence.

Skills: above average marksman with any projectile/ranged weapon, exelent unarmed combat, general competncy with melee waepons, avrage streangth for one-hundred-fifty-eight puonds of muscle

eyes in the back of your head: years of sneaking around have given Konnal a sence of when he is being watched, followed or someone is abuot to stab him in the back, as well as the paranoia to assume smeone could be at all times

Fast: Konnal's stalky and solid build belie his speed, it isnt supernatural but it's greater than generaly expected- speed x2

Endurence: Konnal can take a lot of punishment before going down or getting tired (primarily physical punishment not so much against magical things) endurance- x2

Weapons: A dirk taken from the corpes of an enemy. (strength steel) The Blade is serrated from hilt to about halfway to the tip on one edge with a blood draw down the center of the blade the hilt is wooden with no guard (Mainly used to carve up victims but Konnal has been known to chuck the dirk at fleeing or stationary targets with satisfatory results)

Armour: none

general equipment: The clothes on his back, a scabbard/sword frog for the dirk, and a backpack containing camp food/gear

languages: Dark elf, Dwarven, Tradespeak, and common. As a consumate reader, growing up, Knonnal read literally every book he ever saw.

07-21-11, 01:53 PM
Hey there and welcome to althanas.

Before I can approve you I'm going to need the strength of your dirk. I can allow steel or iron for your current level.

As far as endurance and speed goes I can allow 2x for both at your current level. You don't have to edit that in there, but just understand that those will be the caps for them both at level 0.

07-21-11, 05:29 PM
The dirk is steel strength, edited post to include that as well as declaring both speed and endurance at 2x.

07-21-11, 05:35 PM
Yep, thanks for the quick changes and for being cooperative.


Also, we have a new thing going on where we're giving a bonus 200 experience to new players if they complete their first (10+ post) thread within two weeks of approval. The details are in the announcement on the top of the player Registration area. So get to writing and try to put out some good work, because with that type of bonus and a good thread you'll be pretty close to being level 1 upon completion.