View Full Version : New Big Bad in Town and He's Here to Stay

07-22-11, 12:30 PM
Name: Rupert "Redsash" Izaldian
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 27
Alignment: Evil to the Core
Occupation: Necromancer for Hire

Height: 5'10"
Weight: Roughly 170 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Mean-ass dreadlocks
Attire: As his wizard name, Redsash, implies Rupert ties none other then a Red Sash around his waist and over his black, hooded robe.
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: None really, though to another magic user (especially those gifted with divination) he would appear to be very dark and sinister. He is a necromancer, afterall.

History: Nothing much to say here. Born into a broken home, his mother's discovery of his tainted magical gifting only made his home life worse. At the age of fourteen he ventured off to "find himself" and ended up in the Countryside of Corone. Since then he had made a small tomb, in a scarcely visited graveyard, his home.

Blackened Oak Staff: Made of hardened oak that has been dyed black to better suit his tainted outlook and appearance. He is very cliche, despite his claims of artistic uniqueness.
Bone Dagger: Iron dagger with a bone hilt. Complete with a small sheathe, he keeps this blade tucked into his boot and hardly ever has a use for it other than carving runes and symbols into his flesh scrolls.
Flesh Scrolls: Spell scrolls crafted from human (or any other once living creatures) flesh. To create these scrolls he must first spend hours in study before actually preparing the spell to place onto them.

Intelligence: Needless to say, but the Necromancer is damn smart. In fact, he knows almost every common language on Althanas, along with some ancient ones too. Also, he knows the human (or humanoid) anatomy better than most, being a necromancer and all.
Magical Senses: At his current level Rupert can detect magic within a small area of himself. This skill is simply the detection of magical properties, or enchanted materials. He cannot yet dissect the magic internally and figure out it's ins-and-outs, but eventually he will be able to.
Melee Assualt: Rupert knows how to swing his staff wildly at a target, but besides that he's useless in a melee confrontation.
Wizards Voice: What would a wizard, or warlock, be without a big-boy voice. His voice often radiates a dark red, kind of brownish mist. He also is very skilled with words and can pronounce things just about any way possible. If pronouncing punctuation properly was an art then he'd be quite the artist.

Divination: Average
With his divination he can detect freshly dead and undead creatures. Also, he can often detect a persons alignment (be it a general do-gooder, or an all-out-evil-prick) within moments of meeting them. He can even sometimes detect someones long-term ambitions and goals if he spends enough time getting to know them, which is very rare for the tomb-dwelling hermit.

Necromancy: Average
His knowledge in this area is decent, he lives in a graveyard afterall. Rupert can talk with the dead, be they fresh corpses or mounds of rotted bones. As long as theres a skull, he can communicate with it. Another neat perk to his necromancy is the Symbol of Fear. This little mark (rune), when etched into something, will make regular (non-adventurous) folk shutter and sometimes run in fear. This little perk is strictly quest related, though a PC may use it however they want. They could see Rupert in a nasty, slightly fearful light if that's how they figure it would effect their character. The last little thing he can do with his necromancy is reanimate (one at any given time) the dead. Skeletons for non-intact corpses and zombies for intact corpses. At current level these creatures are weaker than they were in life and only posses the skill to do crude melee maneuvers. This ability takes a ritual to do, so he cannot successfully animate the dead instantly (no battle usefulness, really).

Evocation: Below Average
His ability to create projectiles out of virtually nothing. At the time being he can only create Ice Shards with the strength of iron and he must first prepare Flesh Scrolls to actually even cast the spells. Currently he has two of said flesh scrolls in his person.

The ugly bullfrog know as Ribbet. This critter can talk to his master (Rupert), sit around looking nasty like a inner theigh rash, and that's about it.

07-22-11, 12:38 PM