View Full Version : Eowyn Savaenna

07-24-11, 10:46 PM
Name: Eowyn Savaenna

Family Tree::::
Father: Rad'Baelin Savaenna
Mother: Nyaonna
Brother: Birein
Sister: Hadnaes (Eldest)
Sister: Silaraah (youngest)

Age: 119
Race: Night Elf
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: White
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 100
*Occupation: Night Elf Druid/Wellwisher

*Personality: Calm and collected. By nature Eowyn is a loving, passionate, and good willed creature with a wise understanding of the world. Her thoughts are of peace and not war, but understands both concepts will always exist in order to keep balance to the world of Althanas. Love is something she holds true, giving nothing but loyalty and dedication to her significant other.

Appearance: A delicately fine built woman with thin, curved features as she may seem light as a feather to most people. Her sensitive skin is soft at the touch and hold a light shade of purple in color. Blue waves of silky hair falls down passed her shoulders and holds the color of the ocean. Due to the fact of her heritage, she stands what would be considered short to the human race, but where she is from her height is considered average among her kind. Eowyn's eyes are won and seem to hold no color at all, but during the night, if a light is to be shinned upon her; her eyes glitter like the stars in the twilight sky.


Bowmanship: (Expert) The bow is considered the Night Elf's most valued weapon and tool in the art of both combat and hunt. Almost every elf in her tribe are equally accurate and skilled with a bow, for every member of the tribe is taught by the finest arrow slingers in their tribe.
Twin Blades: (Average Warrior) When in close ranged combat, Eowynn prefers to use two sharp edged short swords that she may swing with great agility and tactics. The Night Elves have their own style of sword play known as Sorrin'Duhn 'The Way of the Moon.'

Kah'Marahn: (Average) The hand to hand style among the Night Elf tribe. The style teaches you the ways of using your surroundings to your advantage and is a very counter and defensive based martial art. They don't usually go in offensive mode. Instead they'd circle you, changing stances until their enemy decides to attack and they counter, reversing the attack on you.

Kah'Marahn also teaches knife fighting technique when lost for weapons and only have your hunting knife to protect yourself. The style aspect goes the same. Watch your enemy, wait for their moment of attack, counter, slicing vital and weak points of the body. (Average)

The Kah'Marahn Code:

1.)Train and pass on Kah'Marahn only to those of pure spirit and heart.
2.) Never use Kah'Marahn with distaste or vengeance toward another.
3.) With Kah'Marahn there is no skill, only Wisdom,Understanding, and Honor.
4.) Never kill unless death is forced.
5.) One must understand the Kah'Marahn ways and history before the art is passed on.
6.) Kah'Marahn is an ancient fighting style and must be trained and used as is and not for entertainment.
7.) Never will Kah'Marahn be used for pofit or used as sport outside of the Tribe. Kah'Marahn is a gift of knowledge to those who are pure at heart and seek its wisdom.
8.) Kah'Marahn is not only an Art, but a way of living.
9.) With Kah'Marahn, treat others with respect, friendship, and kindness until proven unrustworthy.
10.) When Evil is upon you, counter it like you would a strike.
11.) There is no weak, only strong and stronger.
12.) There is no failure or defeat, only a lesson taught.
13.) Wisdom is your greatest weapon.

Survival: (Above Average) Since Eowyn lived her life in the forest with her tribe, she knows the ways of the forests inside and out, knowing what herbs are good for health why others are poisonous. Knows how to properly aid her wounds. From hunting she has become quite the tracker. All these skills only pertain to the forests. Other terrains would be (Below Average).

Knowledge of Night Elf Lore: (Average) Ever since the elven girl was little, she has been passed down many stories about her tribe in the early years over thousands of years ago when they were brought to the Earth by the Moon Goddess.

River Dancing: (Average) An ancient and magical dance taught to the Wellwishers among the tribe. The sacred dance is a very beautiful dance that can be done anytime during night and flows gracefully with slow steady movements. Its also used as a lesson of becoming one with the earth around them. If the dance is done correctly, the water will flow from the river and dance with them, creating a water bending like scene. *Note* This dance isn't or cannot be used against another character which is why its only a skill and not an ability. Its a way of meditating for the Wellwishers and becoming one with themselves and the earth. Its how they merge.

Sing and Dance: (Above Average) During every Spring festival the Night Elves sing and dance in celebration to the new birth of the world. After the years of practice and performance Eowyn has grown the voice of an angel and the dance of a seductive gypsy.

Nature Speak: Eowyn has the gift of speaking to the wild animals of the forest and can sense the motive of the trees of the Earth. She can sense their happiness, anger, and pain.

Healing: As a Wellwisher, Ewoyn was taught the ancient methods of magical healing. In order to perform the spell you must have some form of water to use to create the healing essence. Her magic can heal minor wounds instantly where anything beyond will have to come with many treatments. Her magic takes a little time and concentration, thus making her unable to heal an injured friend during combat.


*Spell*ShapeShifting: Upon her Will at any given time, Eowyn can shapeshift into her spirit animal (Black Panther). Her Night Elf tribes are all known for being shape shifters and it has been a part of their culture since the beginning. Ewoyn can shapeshift once per day.

The Ways of the Shadows: Level One::
*Racial Trait*The way of the shadows comes naturally to the Night Elf, making them able to see perfectly during the night. Their ability is granted by the moon, giving their eyes a focus in even pitch blackness where they can see.

*Racial Note* By Night the Night Elf can see perfectly and in color. During the Day they cannot see color and can only see a distance of about 40-50 feet around them.

ONCE per NIGHT a Night Elf can blend into the darkness, making themselves invisible. Ewoyn's current skill level grants her the ability to blend in when still. When she moves you can see a mild reflection of her like your reflection in the water. Your physical form is there but you can see right through them. When blended, she has 30 minutes before the ability will completely wear off and can't be used again until the following night etc.

As a flaw, Eowyn hasn't learned how to completely keep her blending form when in close contact with a light, thus revealing her as a clear reflection. If the light comes within 5 feet of her, she becomes visible again as the reflection form.

Agility X2 of your average person of Althanas.

Twin Blades: Very detailed, one sided short swords crafted of steel by the Night Elves. Each blade has nicely written Elvin writing with the Emblem of the crescent moon on it.

Yew Bow: A composite like bow crafted by some of the best carpenters in her tribe. Elven writing is burned into a finely written designs and is purple and blue in color. The bow was passed down to Ewoyn by her father, who states that the bow is magical and will guide her, but the young elf still waits to see for herself what powers lie within.

Bowie Knife: A small curved steel blade used for hunting and a last resort weapon when needed.

Water Veil: A small veil of water that Ewoyn uses to purify and heal with for the wounded. The veil is constructed of wood and decorated with small feathers and rope knotting.

Jewelry: Silver necklace of a full moon, 3 small bracelets on each wrist, and a set of dangling silver earrings with a Celtic designed moon on them. A silver circlet of a crescent moon sits loosely but fit across her cranium. In Night Elf belief, silver gathers energy and magic from the Moon, thus making silver very valuable and resourceful among their kind.

General Supplies: The Usual. A sack with flint and steel, a waterskin, bedroll, and some rations for traveling.

Oils and inscents: A small liquid veil with Dragons Blood scent along with some inscent herbs known as frankincense sense and myrrh. Used for ritual and warding off bad spirits or used as a personal body deodilizer.

Familiars: Sebastian, The Wonderous and Useless Drunkard of his kind.
As a Familiar he isn't used as a character of magic or used for combat. He is a friend of Ewoyn and is used for comic relief and plots within stories and quest.

As his powers he can fly and disappear at will whenever he pleases. He cannot bring any magical or physical harm to other characters. Period. He is known for being provocative and manipulative at times though. The little guy is known for his thievery as well.


Sebastian, A Rebel of his Kind:::

A drunkard of his kind, this Sebastian fellow. Growing up in the Fairy world wasn't enough for him, he wanted more, he wanted the ecstasy of life. Upon searching around, meddling with humans and children alike, found just what he was looking for. Vodka, Ale, Mead, and anything else that consist of the alhohol beverage. He even fancied things like Moon Dust for awhile, making him quite the mess and partier. That's when things started to go down hill..

As a child Sebastian never got along with his crew and was picked on by the locals of his age. Something about magic confused the little guy and most attempts were disastrous, doing the opposite of what he intended. Upon being laughed at, taunted, and treated poorly he became an outcast. Thus started his adventure. His search for something good and better, and oh did he find it.

Some settlers from the East fancied their mead, partying to the night fell and the sun rose. When the pilgrims weren't looking, Sebastian helped himself to this finely brewed beverage and drank himself till intoxicated. After that everything seemed amusing to him. "A fairey that can't do magic. What a kind Fucking gesture."

Alcohol quickly became a quick problem for him. What started out once in awhile, became every night as he'd sneak around stealing leftover beverages to destroy himself. Well, one night he decided to bring him some home...


Sebastian was quickly banished from the Fairy world for turning their water springs into hooch, turning Elder Gibbens into a toad, and stealing the precious virginity of the fairey princess. "Don't take magic to work the works, baby. Talking bout some fine ass fairy wings."

The problem didn't cease as Sebastian set out on his own. The Moon Dust started to consume his life, and there wasn't any place to get it other than the Night Elf tribes. So one early morning Sebastian attempted to get him some from a woman's tent. Discreet as he thought he was with a few sessions of vodka, was caught by a Night Elf that calls herself Ewoyn, and was isolated into a glass jar until he confessed his thievery. "Listen here, lady. This is a big misunderstanding. I got some coins around here somewhere that I stole from some- crap.."

Most people would be hostile to a thief, but the young Ewoyn saw the little man as a cry for help, doing just that. Vanishing his drug habits of the misused Moon Dust, Sebastian realized how much it really mess with him. With Moon Dust out of his life, he still lives as a magicless fairy that is known for drinking his drink and smoking his cigars. And yes, he is still mischievous as ever.

With nothing else better to do, he followed around Ewoyn until they became good friends, looking out for one another. For being polar opposite in personality, their theories, and ways of life, they've become an in separable friendship of 73 years now.

Hadnaes Savaenna, The Woman of Vision:::

Hadnaes, the first born among the Saevanna family, is now one of the ones of most importance in her tribe.

Under the Blood Moon Hadnaes was birthed by her mother Nyaonna, born under a great and powerful night for the Night Elves. With this brought great celebration and hope for their new heir to the tribe. She would one day grow to be a leader, to take her father's place when the time was right. Unfortunately, her time was cut rather short when she was 23 years old. She was gifted by the spirits with vision, and not the kind of vision that most think of, but of spirit, magic, and aura.

Thus she began to go blind to the world around her. Years progressed and her physical site became darker by a shadowy embrace, though her site within the spirit realm became more clear and was easier to understand. The spirit of the goddess had blessed her with the gift of knowledge and foreseeing the future. Rad'Baelin would need a new heir to his throne, for his first born was granted great responsibility.

"I have seen the darkness that dwells in the shadows, I have not seen it as one, but as many. He will bring darkness over Althanas."

A new child would soon be born.

The Ancient Legend of Kah'Marahn:::

Kah'Marahn, the way of Sun and Moon.

Thousands of years ago, long before there was man and Elf alike in the world of Althanas, lived a God and Goddess. Both were equally powerful and held great love and friendship. Kahlin was the great sun, his fire overwhelming and powerful as any other force known to the world. Lilth'Marahn, lady moon, was the mother Goddess of this world. Together they mated and Lilth'Marahn gave birth to the world below them, together making it their creation.

After the Earth was made, Kahlin became selfish and dominate, wanting to role their universe all on his own. So the two waged battle, fighting, thus creating the everyday storms that created the shape of the world. Lilth'Marahn didn't wish to fight her mate, and countered his every move, creating day and night. The fight lasted for many years creating a constant cycle of the Earth. The reverse and counter of each deity's move created the cycle of life, thus giving you everything the world has now. They became a positive energy.

One day they decided to fight no longer, for it was useless and only brought unbalance to the earth, so they came together in a loving embrace, giving the world an eclipse. So they from there on in made their fight a dance, making the great ancient art Kah'Marahn, of Sun and Moon. Every eclipse a great festival is celebrated in memory of Kahlin and Lilth'Marahn merging together. This is their sign of Love and and New Life.

Kah'Marahn had become a way of living and fighting among the Night Elven people. They gain their knowledge from their Mother Goddess and learn discipline to remain calm and counter your enemy like she did the Sun, bringing him no harm. Kah'Marahn is now a very traditional and honored art.

Rad'Baelin, the Great Shifter:::

Rad'Baelin has watched the very world change before his eyes, watched it become what it is today and has achieved his goal of keeping the Night Elves in peace and harmony over the years. What was once a large tribe, separated in their own tribes, starting their own rituals and traditions. Rad'Baelin cared not, for he knew since the beginning that their tribe was but an ancient seed and would grow into a tree. Their tree would give more seeds and those seeds would only grow to be trees of their own. It was the cycle of life and he knew it.

No one truly knows how old he is, nor does he, for over the many years he has lost count. Through his many years of living on Althanas he has gained great knowledge and understanding of the world. With his lessons and mistakes from his past, made it lessons to the next generations along with the next.

One story still told of his past is of the Great Bear. A new settler and tribe came across their land, bringing war and barbaric warriors to drive the Night Elves back. Now a days these early people are now a civilized nation known as Raiaera.

Rad'Baelin became shifted into a great dire bear and drove off the early settlers to their own land to the East. This brought great courage to the Night Elf people and they too learned the ways of shape shifting to keep these people away from their forests. Till this day, there is still conflict within the Night Elves Eastern border, but the reminder of the Great Bear brings them courage and moral.

Much is unknown about the ancient elf, but he decided to have a family after many years of living and aging, saying that the order was given by the All Mother to bring offspring. He married Nyaonna, a very beautiful Night elf and bared four children altogether. He is very loyal to his new family, and has let the Night Elves lead their own tribes, keeping the one with his family for himself.

Rumor has it that he can take the form on any animal.

Twins Are Born:::

Once Hadnaes fate was sealed as the 'Seer' Rad'Baelin decided to have another child to his wife Nyaonna. What they weren't expecting were twins. Ewoyn and Birein were born together and blessed their parents dearly.

Ewoyn grew up not wanting to ever be the leader of her tribe, not ever wanting the responsibility of deciding the fate of her people. Though her brother wanted to be the leader through and through, giving Rad'Baelin an ease of mind, making the choice rather easy seeing it was so evident of who wanted to follow his footsteps. So Rad'Baelin took in Ewoyn's brother to teach him the ways of being a leader while Ewoyn chose a different path, the way of the Wellwisher.

The Wellwishers were an organization mostly consisting of women who were healers and crafters. They held very traditional methods and used their magic for healing and helping others. What got Ewoyn wanting to become one was when she witnessed the Wellwishers perform the River Dance. So, after many years of practice, became a part of their arts, learning their ways.

Rad'Baelin admired Ewoyn, and he favored her out of all of them because of her pure spirit. She was becoming very wise and reminded him a lot of himself when he was younger.

As a gift, Rad'Baelin gifted his daughter a silver moon necklace because she honored him and the All Mother with her achievements of becoming a Wilshire, one of the most valued magic users in the tribe. Eowyn still cherishes the necklace to this day, always keeping it close.

119 years has passed and Ewoyn has grown into quite the beautiful and smart adult. Her youngest sister Silaraah looks up to her, wanting to one day be just like her older sister and become a Wellwisher as well.

The passion for her tribe is tremendous, but something about her felt empty, incomplete. After meeting her friend Sebastian over the years, she seeked for an adventure to experience the people and places that he has been. The tales that he spoke of about humans, dwarves, and other kinds of elves, made her want to seek out and witness it all of herself. Rad' Baelin knew all along that his dearest daughter would one day be the one to leave her. So one day he pulled her aside and embraced his daughter, telling her that everyone must become one with themselves before they can become enlightened about the world like he was. He told her to go and follow her heart.

Not much has happened in Ewoyn's young life so far, but it was about to take a big change of course. With Sebastian at her side, she walks beyond the borders to experience the outside world. Nervous, she prays that she may adapt to whatever life style is out to embrace her.

07-25-11, 02:37 AM
Hey there and welcome to the site. The first thing I would like to comment on is the time and creativity you put into this profile, it really shows and for that you'll be earning some bonus experience once we get you approved.

Before we can do that though I'm going to need you to fix your abilities. At level 0 we allow a maximum of three combat abilities (though if some are toned down quite a bit I can let another slide every now and then). The thing with your abilities is that you have too many at this point and most of them are too strong to let you slide by with more than three. I suggest you remove one.

-The healing I'll let slide, since you state it's not really an instant spell.
-The night-vision thing is fine and won't be counted as an ability since it's pretty much just reverse eyesight.
-The agility will be counted as one ability. As will the strength (separate abilities). So that's two right there.
-The shapeshifting is an ability by itself too.
-The blending ability is it's own ability and at your current level (if you decide to keep it) I will only allow you to maintain it for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Thanks for giving me a nice and clean profile to read through, I liked it!

07-25-11, 11:53 AM
This is all fine, thank you. I cut out the whole x2 strength and agility. Eowyn can only turn into a panther for now without any super bonuses. So her 3 abilities that count are Healing, Night Blending, and Shape shifting.

Oh and she can only blend for 30 minutes as you said.

07-25-11, 01:35 PM
I think you misunderstood me. Healing I'm counting as a skill, not ability. You can either have 2x agility, or 2x strength, so take you pick.

07-25-11, 03:10 PM
Could I throw some kind of animal speak in there instead? If not i'm content with Agility being X2.

07-25-11, 10:09 PM
Well I would probably put communication with nature as more of a skill than anything. The system is pretty new (if your an old vet to the site) but abilities are your capabilities that can have a direct effect on another person in combat, like someone whose able to throw out a few fireballs or in your case turn blend into darkness like Reptile from Mortal Kombat. Being able to speak with animals would be a skill because while you could talk to the animals, you couldn't really control them. You could manipulate animals with communication but it is your responsibility to make sure what you do with the skill is realistic and if you intend to involve another player you would need their consent also. Skills are capabilities that can have indirect effects on another player.

If you could control them that'd be considered an ability.

Another example is your healing. If you could just instantly and magically heal minor wounds, I'd have to force that into an ability category, but since you've put the restriction that it cannot be used in combat I'm fine with it.

So you can have the Agility and the communication if you'd like, really.

The whole point we've polished the system this way is to steer clear of restricting creativity during the Realm of Greeting process. Hopefully that all makes sense.

07-26-11, 01:29 PM
Alrighty. Put healing and nature speak in skills. I took the Agility as an ability. Anything else or are we in the clear??

07-26-11, 03:40 PM
Nope, you're good. Sorry this took a few days to say but you are hereby Approved.

Edit: Oh yeah and a bonus 100 experience for the detail of this profile and the cooperation of Eowyn.