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Steel Castles
08-02-11, 06:56 PM
Name: Castle
Age: 14
Race: Warforged
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 325 lb.
Designation: Juggernaut Class

Personality: As part of his training and indoctrination by his House Cannith handlers, Castle was taught to distance himself emotionally from non-constructs. They were either ally, foe, or civilian. Where most warforged additionally adopt the concept of “comrade” in place of friendship quite early, those intended for the Juggernaut programs were trained to see such dependency as weakness and a crutch. Castle therefore relied on mortals for three things only: orders, repairs, and upgrades. Since being brought into Locien’s service, however, he has begun to learn the value of companionship.

Appearance: Castle is of average build for a warforged combatant, being broad shouldered and armored in steel plating. His ghulra (the arcane sigil denoting an individual warforged) rests on his forehead like that of all his kind. The livewood that makes up his sinews pulses with the energies imbued by these sigils. Several dents and scratches mar the surface of his armor coating, and scars have since healed over in the few unprotected sections of livewood. His eyes glow an eerie blue, generated by his very animating forces.


Warforged: Castle is a member of the created race of warforged. Like their golem predecessors, warforged were not born, but built of rare and durable parts. They are neither man nor machine, but an amalgamation of the two. As living constructs, warforged do not require food, drink, or sleep, though they may imbibe any material they wish. Potions have their normal effects, and poisons have reduced efficacy, or none at all, depending on their nature. When felled in combat, warforged do not die, but enter a state of suspended animation until repaired. They can, however, be destroyed when in this suspended state, should the time and effort be taken. In the heat of combat, however, most defeated warforged merely get piled with the refuse of war.

History: Created by the dragonmarked House Cannith as a warforged juggernaut, for sale to the Aundairian army, Castle has led a life of constant combat, continued by the endless escalation of hostilities in the Last War. His service record was without personal blemish, and he had earned his masters’ victory on multiple fronts, until the Day of Mourning. He was deployed for combat on the Cyran border on the day that effectively ended the war. A joint force of Brelish and Aundairian troops had broken through into enemy territory, and Castle led the charge for his unit. Trampling his foes, he claimed yard after yard of ground for Aundair, surrounded by the thick fog of war. When the Mourning struck, the single event that obliterated an entire nation and rendered every living thing, soldier or civilian, lifeless, he fell inactive with the rest of his construct brethren.

Most warforged are terrified of deactivation; of the world moving forward without having experienced it. Castle had undergone deactivation only a handful of times in combat. He knew there was no way of knowing on his own how long he had been gone, or what had happened in that time. So, when he awoke on a worktable, with a dusky-skinned elf actively repairing him, he was not surprised. Not until he learned that the elf was not Aundairian or a Cannith artificer. Locien, as the elf had called himself, had found Castle’s inert form in the Aleraran Fields of Khu’fein, and had the curiously damaged automaton brought to his workshop in Ettermire.

In a new and unfamiliar world, and with no Aundarian commanders or Cannith handlers to instruct him, Castle pledged his service for one year to the tinker in return for his continued repairs.


Armed Combat- Castle is highly trained in armed combat, particularly with maces and flails, often in combination with heavy shields.


Juggernaut Strength
Castle was forged with increased strength to prepare him for his intended role as one of the vaunted warforged juggernauts. His strength is 1.5 times that of the average human. As a result of his bulk, however, his speed is .75 times that of the average human.

Construct Perfection
As a warforged, Castle is immune to most poisons and requires no food, water, or sleep. Additionally, his body can be augmented with attachable parts, though they must be custom made for that purpose. Equipment he finds that are not attachable already can be modified to this purpose, with a trip to the Bazaar. Attached equipment does not fall off without significant damage being done to the attachment limb, or in the case of torso attachments to that section of the torso. Any other benefits are unique to the equipment.

When Castle charges, he runs heedless of obstacles, crashing through wooden fortifications and even breaking the hinges off of doors, if made of iron or lesser metals. This also negates the speed decrease of Juggernaut Strength.


Steel Flail
A steel-chained, spiked flail, with a yew handle. The chain has a reach of one foot. Attachable.


Steel Plating
Castle’s livewood musculature is protected by an exoskeleton of steel plates. These plates can be upgraded with other metals.

Steel Kite Shield
A steel shield in a reversed teardrop shape. Attachable.

Damaged Armor Spikes
Castle’s armor previously featured retractable spikes for additional combat utility, but these were all either damaged or destroyed in his last combat in the service of Aundair. Locien has proven incapable of repairing these without magic.

08-02-11, 09:45 PM
Hey and welcome to the site.

There's only one thing I'm going to need you to change for me. Normally I wouldn't allow steel plating, or skin the strength of steel at your level (the best I could do for you would be iron, really), but instead of forcing you to change that maybe we can come to another solution. Since your entire body is made of steel I would assume you'd be rather heavy, so maybe you should put a decrease on his speed. Something like .75 the speed of a normal human (unless he is doing his "Unstoppable" charge). That, or you could have weak spots in your plating,

Does that sound like a plan?

Steel Castles
08-02-11, 10:27 PM
I can definitely do that. For the record, however, he's not completely made of steel. The livewood underneath is vulnerable at the joints, just like normal plate armor would be like, and the livewood is no stronger than flesh. But the speed decrease makes sense.

EDIT: Done!

08-03-11, 01:04 AM
Cool thanks for the cooperation!
