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Brother in Arms
08-05-11, 12:34 PM
Name: Randall Audrin
Age: In his fourties
Hair: Mildly gray
Eyes: Brown
Height: Around six feet
Weight: A bit over 200 pounds
Race: Still human


At first glance, you can’t see much of Randall. Or at most glances after the first one. Randall’s attire is usually consisted of black and dark brown items, most notable of which are the ones that cover most of his face. He is regularly seen wearing a grey bandana wrapped around his head and a scarf pulled up over his nose, leaving only his eyes visible. Many suspect that this is because his face got burned during the torching of Underwood, but nobody knows for certain. His cloak is hooded, wrapping his figure almost completely. Beneath the wardrobe, however, Randall is a suprisingly muscular man, his body covered with scars of battles fought long ago. He also doesn’t seem to care much about the neatness of his clothes, his worn leather boots always dusty, his cloak dirty and torn at places. Even his weapons seem in need of maintanance, the metallic sheen specked with red rust.

There doesn’t seem to be much to Randall’s personality. He seldom speaks more than simple sentences, his voice unnaturally hoarse. His comments tend to be sarcastic and bitter, reflecting his view of life. But even such brief flashes of his character reveal that Randall is a bitter man, his bitterness brought by the loss of his family due to the violent kind of life he lives. There used to be a good man in Randall, a kind chivarlous man sworn to uphold the law and the moral codes. But that man now seems long gone, leaving only a weathered husk.

Weapons and Accessories:

Recurved Composite Longbow – the bow is of decent craftmanship, made of thick Coronian spruce lined with mountain goat horn and buck sinew. It is surprisingly hard to bend properly and stands at about four and a half feet when not in use. It bears no craftsman’s marks and the crude design makes it look like it was made by Randall himself or one of the Rangers. Randall has a quiver with about two dozen steel-tipped arrows with serrated edges.

Steel Longsword – it’s a sword made of steel and it’s long. ;)


Battle training – Randall has participated in quite a few battles during his time in one war or the other, making him very knowledgable in the art of war. He can generally wield most weapons, but his preference are swords, spears and bows, though he’s not a particularly great shot with the bow.
Camoflague – Randall is a Ranger, and as such it is not surprising that he knows a bit about keeping out of sight. While in the wilderness, Randall can construct intricate camo suits that make him almost undetectable. They usually take a day to complete and are usually specific to the region he is currently in.
[/u]Tracking[/u] – Randall is far from the best trackers, but he can easily track large game in the forest or small groups of people.

First Aid – Randall knows the basics of closing open wounds and applying certain salves to ease the pain and speed up the healing.


Enhanced Physique – Randall is stronger and faster than most people, and he doesn’t tire as easily. Let’s say 1.5x times for all three attributes (strength, endurance, agility)


If you ask Randall about his history, you won’t get much out of him and likewise you won’t get much from me. Suffice to say, Randall is a man haunted by his past, with little to look forward in the future save a solitary task that keeps driving him forward. I think this is a nice way of saying that his history will be explained in the following quests, mostly the first one, I believe. Hope that's okay with you guys. ;)

08-05-11, 03:45 PM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas.

This profile is short and straight to the point, I like it. Approved.