View Full Version : This is a Request [Battle]

Deatia Anaak
08-07-11, 11:43 AM
Alright, so here is the thing… I’ve been wanting to write Deatia ‘ere, and while I was given an opportunity (one which I’ve got to figure out if I can still/desire to still pursue) I’m really wanting to try me hand at a fight with her. Thing is, I’d rather keep it out of Underwood or the Citadel, bring it in at a angle more story-related than just a random individual I happen to be paired up against.

That said, this is what I have in mind: Deatia is a mercenary, usually hired on as a guardian of sorts (like a bodyguard), and occasionally paid to do some more “aggressive” work. If you’re at all interested in this, we can work from this point, using it as a foundation. Or, if anything else comes to mind, anything more interesting, we can go from there.

I want a fight, and it’ll be judged as such at the end, but I want a fight that from it there can be future interaction with Deatia and the individual(s) she ends up squaring off with.

Anyways… Let me know.

08-07-11, 12:17 PM
As you can see in the Sig, i need not the Citadel to fight my battles. Consider Symbiote at your service.

Deatia Anaak
08-07-11, 12:39 PM
Alright… Let us see here.

First of all, what would be the reason Deatia would encounter Symbiote? From what I’m reading, there seems to be two sides to this character, which may conflict with this. If we’re going off the floor plan of Deatia being a mercenary, then I need a reason she would be hired to come look for you. If there is another angle you want to approach this from, I’m all ears (or eyes rather).

08-08-11, 03:10 PM
I'm up for a fight as well if you end up needing one. Griever is also a mercenary so maybe their line of work could force a meeting...

08-09-11, 12:18 PM
As a merc, it's not hard for you to get hired for work to track down a guy whp's been terroryzing the trails from Concordia Forest. Rumors and what not to really hype of Baxter as some bad ass (clearly he isn't). You investigate him, see there isn't much to him, get ready to move on when we get attacked by *Insert something here* and Baxter let's Symbiote take control. Now you get to see the demon form and conclude this is your target. To fisti cuffs!

Your employer has a brother who was killed by a demon. That demon is Symbiote. Go find him, and bring me the demon's head (standard monkey business.)

Your employer has a problem, there's a demon who keeps possessing his soldiers and it's getting out of hand. He'll pay you whatever you want just to get rid of the damn thing.

Mercenaries and Baxter have always gotten along famously well. (Sarcasm.) And when Baxter's hungry and tired he gives into the demon's trick to let him scrounge for food. Symbiote finds you and decides to mug you...and maybe kill you so he can get coin to feed Baxter.

This last idea ties in with you being a body guard. Symbiote is searching for items that the nameless Wizard in his past has sealed demons in. Symbiote has been known to put Baxter directly in harms way just to retrieve these items and interrogate the wielder so he can find out where the prick went. These items don't even have to be off the wall epic level items. I just finished a solo where the demon the wizard infused was in a pen. If you need elaboration I can give you a PM.

Those are just a bunch of prompts we can run with. The last one seems to be the most flavorful for character on my end. Pick anything you want. I see what you're saying about two characters and what not, but Baxter and Symbiote are one body, so i wouldn't mind too much.

08-13-11, 10:53 PM
Would you want to do a battle where you guard a caravan, and I try to sack it, and the winner gets the spoils?

We can do it as a wager match even.