View Full Version : The Olde Ones Return...(Battle Recruitment)

08-07-11, 07:08 PM
1--Elthas V Venessian (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23217-O-Darekened-Embers-Light-My-Soul...)

2--Elthas V Grandjester (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23344-Elthas-Belthasar-V-Jean-Lafitte-%28Grandjester-Closed%29&p=188974#post188974)




I am here to stay.

I am looking for more people to constantly fight against. Let me know if you guys are interested.

08-21-11, 12:52 PM
I am bumping this thread once.

I am currently able to post daily, nightly, whatever. I am just looking for more partners to rp/quest with.

If you guys out there want shit to do, hit me up on AIM or here or on Yahoo. I am always available for a new thread.

I have four characters I am going to be using.

Elthas Belthasar, Sir Creno Valour, Sabatykos Maelstrom, and possibly Alberdyne Cormyr.

Unless there's some sort of demand for it, I doubt I'll bring Lorenor back.

Anyway gang, post your interests for battles or questing here and I'll get at you ASAP.

Game ON!!!

And Duffy, I want to actually -Quest- with you. ~Cough~.

08-21-11, 01:26 PM
If you finish your battle with Lorenor vs. Nihjar I'll take up a quest with you :p.

08-21-11, 01:33 PM
Duffy, get at me on AIM bro. I wasn't planning on returning Lorenor but I can finish up that thread no problem. Sorry I left in the first place, I had to deal with family dramma. And my grandma passed away a few days ago. It's been a rough time for me. Anyway Duffy I will get at that thread shortly okay?

08-21-11, 02:11 PM
I'm on :).

08-21-11, 03:16 PM
Thanks for getting at me Duffy.

We can finish that old battle no problem.

Just let me know if you have anymore fights you wanna do or if you're up for questing :D . I got a thread I'm trying to complete at the moment. So let me know if you're interested in that one.

08-21-11, 03:20 PM
I'll wrap up Nihjar's thread and some others, likely not looking at starting a new thread until Serenti is over.

Nothing stopping us planning it out now though :).