View Full Version : Gale Silvers - Level 0

Captain on the Wind
08-08-11, 02:35 AM
Name: Gale Silvers
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Emerald green
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 182.3
Occupation: “‘Between jobs’ as it were, but I’m a Gale-of-All-Trades! Anything you need done, just ask… And of course, I’ll need half now.”


Gale Silvers is a talker. Charming and quick witted, he can usually talk his way out of a fight (but usually talks his way into them). Gale has a terrible sense of direction, constantly having to consult his enchanted compass. Gale is a very emotional fighter, using wide swings when wielding his dual swords. His fighting style is very wild and incoherent, but that’s all part of his tact. He actually moves quite fluently, even if his opponents can’t see it. He has a short list of things that irritate him, but once that fuse has run out he gets very volatile very fast. He is still very positive, and always looks for a silver lining (usually making a bad pun regarding his name). Rebellious, but very loyal: Gale believes that bonds forged between comrades should be forever. Gale flows with change like the wind; he is courageous and decisive to a fault. However he does know when to cut his losses and move on. He can often come off as inconsiderate and selfish, but when the chips are down: you can count on him. Gale has lost faith in others and in life. He sees himself as a “Gale-of-All-Trades,” ready to take on anything to make a quick profit. Gale believes that life is short (Really, really short), and as such is a man of many sins. He likes his women cheap and his money quick. He can definitely be seen as a glutton, although he can rarely feed his massive appetite. Always in need of work and usually flat broke: Gale likes to let the jobs come to him (those close to him know him to be a real lazy sob). Probably his most beloved sin is the drink: “Women might leave ya, but the drink stays till you’re done. Hell, it even stays with you for a while after and gives you that warm burny feeling.” Although he can come off as very likeable he does not have many friends: but the ones he has are people he would give his life for (and vice-versa). Gale is very open when it comes to everything except him: his past, his feelings and his true motives only he knows. A constant struggle for Gale is an internal one. Although he does just about everything he can to forget it; his past always seems to catch up to him. He does not believe he deserves a lot of what he has but constantly struggles with his own greed and desire for more. His sharp mind has gotten him out of many a tight spot, including his first meeting with his familiar. Gale hides it, but is ashamed of his past and therefore who he has become.


A man of an unassuming build and average height. His eyes, which have a gaze that looks right through you, are bright green: hidden by his dirty blonde hair. His hair is disheveled and straight: medium length in the front reaching down to the middle of his eyes, long-ish on top and to the middle of his neck in the back. His skin is fairly tanned: among his people he is considered the equivalent of an albino. He wears a long tattered grey cloak. On his right hand is a black leather wrist glove missing two of the bottom fingers (pinky and ring). His cloak reaches to his knees, but only because it has been shortened by wear and tear. The hood of the cloak is large and droops when it is on him. His pants are made of black leather, with the laces showing on the sides. He wears brown cowboy boots which are mostly covered by his pants. The boots are old and beat up, clearly having seen the full abuse of the desert. He has three black belts: one belt in the middle to hold his pants and two slanted slightly on either side of his waist to hold two swords that he lost. He wears a white linen shirt under his cloak. It is his only shirt and therefore smells like an animal peed, vomited and died in it... He has been a stowaway on a ship for months.


Half Akhetamika (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?18792-Rough-Guide-to-Fallien-1st-Ed.)on his mother's side. Rose Silvers herself is a descendant of a human from Corone, who fled that land during the Demon wars.


Gale Silvers was born to Rose and Hail Silvers who lived in the Outlander’s Quarters of Fallien. His father taught him how to hunt and survive in the desert. He taught Gale everything he had learned from his days in the militia. Most of all, Hail taught him the art of marksmanship. Gale was trained by his father to be a survivor. His methods were sometimes a little extreme and he was often scolded by his wife for them. Rose kept Gale level headed. Whenever he was with his mother he smiled. She taught him to control his emotions and his baser desires. She taught Gale about the spirits he was seeing. Helped them to understand that they were beings to be pitied not feared. She taught him how to deal with these souls. She taught him that to release the souls from their regrets. Gale loved his mother more than anything else: he was in every sense of the word, a mama’s boy and proud of it. His life was simple and happy.

One day on the eve of his 11th birthday, Gale was coming home from hunting. He was carrying a couple of shifter bats. Rumors were beginning to spread about a ravenous monster that haunted the desert near the Oasis. As Gale came home from his first solo hunt. A man draped in a tattered cloak was leaving his house. Gale walked in and it happened in an instant: Rose dropped the three plates she was holding along with the silverware. Her eyes teared up and she dropped to her knees. Rose started to weep: Gale inched slowly over to her. But before he could say anything, she shoved him away and ran out of the house. Hail nervously ran into the room to see Gale sitting on the floor, not yet comprehending exactly what happened. Leaving both her husband and her son, she crossed the river on Hails boat and disappeared into the desert. Hail told his son to stay put and followed his wife into the desert. After a year of waiting and wandering the streets alone an orphaned street rat: Gale turned 12 and the militia tried to recruit him.

Gale ran and hid from the militia for a years, interfering with their works. He would usually hide out in the desert, the place his father had spent 8 years teaching him to survive in. During the first month he lived in the desert he met a Soul. This one was very old and did not look like a regular Devadi. His name was Roland. He decided to stay with Gale and became like his shadow. Gale was finally press ganged into joining the militia. With nowhere else to go, he ungraciously accepted and stayed. For 10 years he recklessly rose in infamy through the ranks of the militia. During an ambush by a Kehlat guerrilla group Gale saw his father. Disobeying direct orders he left his position compromising the battle formation. Before he could reach the man he thought was his father, he was pinned down by his commander and captured. The rest happened too fast for Gale to comprehend completely. There was a lot of death, and he could not keep track of the man who looked like his father. The last thing he remembers is feeling someones hilt crashing into the back of his neck. The next thing he knew Gale was being dragged through town. Branded a traitor he was dishonorably discharged and exiled from the Outlander's Post. He took with him several of his father's belongings along with the keys to his family house and left. He wandered for days, until one night he ran into a mysterious ravenous beast. After a brief brush with death, he was saved by an Akhetamikan shaman named Gereint. Gereint took him in and nursed him to health. Gale spent a couple of weeks recovering, hidden by Gereint.

Gereint tried to keep Gale from leaving but Gale had had enough. Fed up with always being told what to do Gale made up his mind to leave the island.Wanting a life of freedom he made his way to the docks of the Outlander’s Post and boarded the first merchant ship on its way off the island. Before he left, he was approached by Gereint once more. He gave Gale an enchanted blue crystal compass. He told Gale it was from Rose, his mother; a gift Gereint was charged with giving Gale once he was ready. “This is as good a time as any I guess” Gereint chuckled. Gale took it reluctantly, with 100 questions. But it was too late, the ship set sail to a world he knew nothing about: to escape a past he wanted nothing to do with but could never escape.


Marksmanship: Although he basically never uses a bow (doesn’t even own one) Gale is a master marksman. He can shoot multiple arrows with great speed and precision.

Free Flow Fighting: Gale likes to brawl at close range using either fists or short swords. The movements seem very random and haphazard which make him hard to follow for an un-trained eye.

Ship Savvy: Gale is very well acquainted with naval tactics and maneuvers. You give him a ship, and he will get it where it needs to go, no matter what kind of obstacles.

Alcoholic: Gale is an Alcoholic… His liver can take a beating.

Silver’s Tongue: Gale can talk his way in and out of just about any situation. He can make you think he’s your best friend or your worst enemy. His words are weapons that are just as potent as a fine Fallien poison.

Pirate's Eye: Gale can size up the worth of an item just by getting a quick glance at it: he just gets an idea of it's worth. What actually happens is he deductively looks at all of the separate elements of the item, puts them all together and figures out if something is valuable or not. This applies to everything from paintings, jewelry, and clothes to buildings, weapons and ships (but not limited to).

Ouroboros Sense: He can see, hear, speak to and even sense souls.


Fallien Dexterity: (x2) Gale’s long experience growing up and surviving in the harshness of the Fallien desert has make it very easy for him to move very well on his feat… It’s not graceful, but it gets the job done. He is nimble, in a clumsy and reckless way. He has twice the dexterity of a normal person.

Blade Works Genesis: This is an ability an Akhetamikan warrior can use. An Akhetamikan warrior can use his own energy and turn it into solid matter, creating armour and weapons for himself, though technically speaking he can form the energy into anything as long as he can picture it in their heads. This was always very taxing on them though, until the Amaratna Crystals were created to help focus and harness their energies and also providing a little extra. How these crystals were formed and where they came from has been long since lost to the Akhetamika though. Gale cannot use this ability at will yet.Although he has been trained and understands how to do it, he doesn't "feel" it: yet. Although it has not happened yet, during moments of extreme pressure, and intense emotion this power may seep through in a very rough and clumsy way. And will of course take a very big toll, leaving Gale almost powerless. Gale can only make one item at a time. He can't make anything bigger than himself and it's composition is roughly as strong as average steel. Even though he can create just about anything that he can picture in his mind, if he can't picture it completely then it won't work. He needs to know the mechanics of the devices and weapons he creates.

Captains Will Power: (x2) He is able dig deep, finding the strength within to overcome physical pain and exhaustion. He won’t give up if there is even a slight chance of winning, and that determination often turns tides. With two times to pain tolerance of a normal person: If Gale gets his fingers cut off he's still going to feel it, just half as much as an average person. Basically it'll take twice the beating to make him give up due to pain


A flask that never runs out of rum. The rum gets recycled every hour, so anything he drinks goes back into the flask along with the effect.

Crystal Compass: An enchanted blue crystal (made of The Amaratna Crystal) compass which was a gift from his mother. There is an engraving inside of it which says “Be free.”

He carries unique twin Tulwar swords made of Cillu glass which curve (ever-so slightly along the length of the blade) away from each other. The back and edge of the blades extend for about 6" before they begin to curve. The full length of the blade is about 2 ½ ft long. If held a full two arms length apart from each other they seem to form opposite parts of a circle. Both are made of different colored glass. The sword he holds with his right hand is made of black glass and has an inscription reading "Will." Wielded in his left hand, the second sword was made of a white glass and had an inscription reading "Avarice." Masterfully forged, the swords had a simple and matching symbol of an Ouroboros on the rain guard. The grips of each sword curve in opposite directions from the blade. The pommel's are socketed with glass stones (the black sword has blue Kiramaini stone and the white sword has a red Kiramaini stone). He inherited the two blades from his father. The two blades hang from his waist on separate belts.

Hidden Daggers: a small dagger is hidden in his boot and another on the inside of the back of his belt. These are made of steel and average quality.

As a teenager, Gale befriended a young enchanted Karuku-tal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?18792-Rough-Guide-to-Fallien-1st-Ed.). He bonded with it while they were trapped in a cave-in. The Karuku-tal had been experimented on by a local sorcerer and although his intentions of bringing these cats back into the light were good, his methods were twisted and cruel. Gale frees the enchanted Karuku-tal and its kin who all run off into the sand, but the enchanted Karuku-tal is enthralled by the sun and stays with Gale. Their bond only grows stronger as Gale hides its existence from the rest of society and plays with it on a daily basis. When Gale chooses to leave Fallien the Karku-tal wants to go with him. He puts some clothes on it, and names it Faust. Basically the only difference between Faust and his kin is that he does not go crazy from pain, and his skin doesn't burn him from light. Other than the light aspect he is just the same as other Karuku-tal.

Their general structure is that of an Earthian cheetah. A cat with a long, lean body. Very little body fat is found on these, their heads are small and flat, their hair so short it is nearly fluff, and brindled in color like that of a boxer. Their liquid movement is due to the fact that they have no bones, but cartilage. It makes them lighter and more flexible, but they also use it to their advantage in their cave homes, squeezing through crannies they shouldn’t have been able to in the first place. They are almost incapable of being brought down with bludgeoning, as their frame bends with the blows and comes right back. Master hunters, movement attracts them. Sensors in their noses pick up on electromagnetic fields, and long whiskers act as dishes to channel and code these signals. The electricity made by the diaphragm of a human breathing is enough to bring those who are close by, and they also use the sensing equipment to find their way through the tunnels that they unwillingly call home. Their eyes have been changed, pupils turning milky, though the irises have kept their dark color.

While their inability to cope with the darkness has made their eyes almost useless, they need not risk the light to know when it is safe to come out. These electromagnetic sensors are pulled by the moon as much as the tide is, and on new moon nights, they swarm the desert, fulfilling their need to be free. Their thick, heavy claws allow the Karuku-tal to burrow through the sands as easily as sharks swim in the waters, making them terribly dangerous in the desert. Attacks will come from below, so travelers on dark nights must be aware of the difference between sand moving from the wind and sand moving from a Karuku-tal attack. In the caves, they are just as deadly. Their claws can retract, and on the underside of their paws, they have pads as a gecko does. Scaling up a vertical surface is easy for them, and the smaller ones can even sit on a ceiling, waiting for someone to pass by under them.

08-08-11, 04:17 AM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas.

I'm going to need you to add some kind of restriction to the "Blades Work Genesis" ability. For your current level it is far too strong. You need to add what material (or strength in comparison to material) the items you can create are. Also, I'm going to need some kind of time restriction. Lastly, if you could make it so he can't just anything out of thin air. The ability to create guns will not be allowed, obviously.

So pretty much just clarify that spell more for me. Break it down. Because it's far too strong and extremely vague at the moment.

Do that for me and I'll take another look at this. Thank you.

Captain on the Wind
08-09-11, 01:06 AM
Hi, and It's good to be here.

I made the change you asked for, and changed up some of the history.

I'm new to this site (obviously) and don't really have a clear idea of how things work. The thing I'm most concerned with is the future adventures I have planned for Gale involve him getting items that are unique and large scale. And I wondered about things like air ships, do they exist? can they? Can I create whole societies that may be hidden from the world but play some role in its development? I don't expect to alter the course of Althanas, but I feel like they are some interesting ideas that can make his story great.

08-09-11, 03:19 PM
As far as your question, yes there are airships. They are most common in Alerar (dark elf country). You can acquire anything you want on Althanas, but it will be obtained by either Gold (our currency) or your threads (which you can request anything as spoils upon completion). Judging by your profile you have a good grasp of not only your character, but writing in general, so I have faith that you'll gain access to some pretty cool items quickly.

Alright back to getting you approved.

First thing I'd like to address is your familiar. Since it seems like it's your own creation I'm going to need to know a little bit more about it. Does it have any abilities in combat? Just know that before you can use your familiar in a thread with another user you'll need their permission.

Back to abilities and skills. I'm going to ask you to move Ouroboros Senses to your skills section and Fallien Dexterity to your abilities section. If you need clarification why I'm asking you to do this feel free to private message me (also if you have any other questions feel free to PM me).

With the pain tolerance ability I will allow you to have two times to pain tolerance of a normal person. If Gale gets his fingers cut off he's still going to feel it, just half as much as an average person. Basically it'll take twice the beating to make him give up due to pain. Also, I'll allow twice the dexterity of a normal person.

Another issue with the Blade Works Genesis is still the strength of the items he can create. I would say he can't create items above the strength of steel for your current level. Also, he can only create one item at a time.

Hopefully this isn't to many edits for you to handle, haha. If you need me to further clarify, explain, or have any other question regarding any of this I'm glad to help. Shoot me a private message or Aol Instant Message me (rainbowp fools is my screen name).

Captain on the Wind
08-09-11, 11:12 PM
Hey Sand, I did what you asked as far as I can see. Please let me know if there's anything else I need to change.

I'll definitely have some more questions down the line, so I'm glad I can ask you. My screen name on AIM is Howboutikickyou, and I'm glad to hear about the air ships. I got like 4 new ideas thanks to that, would you happen to know where I can learn more about the ships and the history and development of the dark elves?

08-10-11, 07:22 PM

Also I'll be giving you an additional 100 bonus experience for your cooperation and also the detail put into this profile. I'll jump on aim soon and give you the answers to your questions.