View Full Version : Vignette Rules

08-11-11, 01:53 AM
Pretty straightforward, here are the rules, follow them please!

One submission per character. Multiple accounts by the same author are allowed though. All entries must be made the during month. Editing your posts, even to completely change your submission, is permitted as long as all edits are made within the contest's time frame. You will have until midnight central time to post your entry. The moderator judging the monthly vignette contest will post a vignette at the end, but will not be eligible for first or second place. Only on-topic vignettes will be considered for rewards. The topics are meant to be broad enough that no character should be particularly limited. PCs must be involved in all vignettes. How "canonical" you choose to have the events of the vignette is up to you. All participants receive EXP. The top 2 finishers also receive GP. (clarification: this excludes off-topic submissions as per Rule 4)

10-01-11, 08:06 AM
So how are the EXP and GP rewards figured you may ask? It's pretty simple really.

In a nutshell, you get a percentage of the EXP needed to level. To find that "needed" bit, we take the next level base and subtract the current level base. The formula looks like this:

(next level base) - (current level base) x percentage = EXP

This means that if your next level is 2, then we just fill in the level bases as follows:

(5000) - (2000) x percentage

Got that so far? I hope so!

Now, First place gets 10% of EXP needed. Second place gets 8%. Everyone else gets 5%

To find the EXP reward, all we have to do now is plug in the percentage.

So a first place level 1... (5000) - (2000) X 10% = 300 EXP

GP is even simpler. It's a set amount. First places gets 200GP and Second gets 175.

EXP Reward Chart

10-01-11, 08:08 AM
I suppose you might also like to know what I'm looking for when I decide who the winners are. So here you go!

1. Use of topic: Did the writer use the topic, or write something completely random and off topic?
2. Creativity: Did the writer make something unique out of the topic or was it more cliche?
3. Mechanics: Basic writing mechanics: spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, etc.
4. Sensible: Did the writing flow smoothly? Did it make sense within itself?