View Full Version : Calantha 'Cal' Tanner

08-11-11, 09:50 AM
Name: Calantha ‘Cal’ Tanner
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: light golden brown
Eye Color: hazel
Height: 5' 9''
Weight: 127 lbs

Cal forgives but doesn’t forget. Her temper flares relatively easy. She has a quick tongue and an overabundance of attitude. She shows a tendency to seek comfort by putting others down. Wit, sarcasm and ridicule are her weapons of choice. She’s an opportunist, resourceful and creative in her endeavours. She’s not fussy and has no false modesty in accepting (most) menial jobs as long as it takes her where she wants to go. Trust issues and lack of cooperation are not uncommon from her part. She is not necessarily outgoing, though she does adapt easily to change and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

Cal is a pretty girl with olive toned skin that is very well complemented by her long, golden brown hair. To keep the tresses out of the way she nearly always wears her hair in a funky twist up-do resembling Bantu knots hairstyle with strands of hair spiking outward or hanging loose from the top of the knots.

The facial features give her an exotic appeal: heart-shaped face with high cheekbones accenting almond-shaped hazel eyes, Nubian nose hanging above medium-sized mouth, plump bow shaped lips hiding pearly-white teeth.

She has the lithe, willowy body of a young sapling with long, elegant limbs and narrow waist; she’s all sinew, no spare flesh and not an ounce of fat on her.

Underneath the hooded dark cherry velvet cloak with sown in pockets Cal usually wears a pair of black, knee-high leather boots with about 1 inch platform that moves into the 3 inch heel, black leather tights, black reinforced leather bustier, black leather cut-off gloves with arm guards - protective reinforced leather garments meant to protect the forearm from injury. A black studded leather belt usually rides low on her hips. Around her limber neck she wears a black leather choker adorned with an ankh-shaped pendant made from copper that has been burnished to a high sheen.

Slight of hand: a set of techniques to manipulate relatively small objects without being seen, also known as ''quick fingers''. Digital dexterity behind tricks and illusions is something she learned from the streets and is using to provide for herself.

Acrobatics: Cal has trained as an acrobat because the art of acrobatics requires strength, balance, agility, motor coordination, along with grace and dedication – a perfect mix of attributes for survival and making as extra coin. She can bend both forward and backwards with great ease, can literally kiss her ass goodbye if needed be, twist her torso at 180 degrees and can dislocate both arms and legs painlessly.

Close-quarters combat: Cal’s fighting techniques come mainly from personal experience and observation. She does not have a particular style, but is generally capable of holding her own in a hand-to-hand fight, be it fist or weapons (long knife/ short sword) one.

Herbalism: Cal is able to identify and make use of various plants in order to consume, treat common ailments, poison if needed be, etc.

Intuitive Aptitude: brawn may fail, sixth senses may mislead, but give those brains some room to work and they'll use, make or make use of a weapon, or item, or clue that will assist even the mightiest of heroes and stop the sourest of villains… or the other way around, whatever pays better. Cal is able to learn and understand the structure and operation of complex mechanical and biological systems without the need for special education or long-term training other humans seem to require. Given the right amount of time she can decipher how most things work and figure out how to either fix or break them without outside help. The amount of time she requires to affect a system depends on her familiarity with the systems she’s analyzing. It can range between seconds, if she encountered something similar before, to minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc… but she will not give up until she has it figured out.

Hyperkinesis – Cal is twice as dexterous as a regular human being and also benefits from amazing hand/eye coordination for a human simply because her brain and body systems are perfectly tuned. When focused, this ability allows her brain to process movement at a much faster rate which, in turn, allows her to predict trajectories by eye sight giving her not just great aim with projectiles, but also, allows her to react twice as fast as a regular human being to the trajectory of limbs or objects already in motion.

Long knives – a pair of steel, one-edged large knives of approximately 15.7 inch in size (including the wood and bone hilt), with a slightly backward curve of the blade.

Background is a thing of the past and Cal believes it should remain buried and forgotten. Whatever happened to her then, whatever she did before now, she is not willing to share with the world just yet. Since people have no business being nosy about her past, she will gladly crop a history for herself that seems to best fit the situation she finds herself in and please the ears of the listeners.

08-11-11, 10:40 AM
Greetings and welcome to Althanas. I'll be handling your profile today.

Just one minor thing I need you to fix and you'll be on your way. In "Hyperkinesis" you mention the "near-perfect dexterity and hand/eye coordination". Near perfect is a pretty strong definition. I would like you to limit it to twice that of a normal human, giving it a number of clarity sakes. In turn, that would make her aim no longer "near-flawless" I believe, which is in line with what we allow people at level zero.

Everything else seems fine.

08-12-11, 03:40 AM
Thank you.

I've edited the profile according to your instructions, I hope everything's in order now.

08-12-11, 01:20 PM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have any further questions, feel free to direct them to me or just about any mod you see around, be it via PM, IM or any other kind of M you can think of.