View Full Version : Aedhne Corlaine

08-13-11, 11:36 AM
Name: Aedhne Corlaine

Age: 18

Race: Human, Coronian

Hair colour: Brownish red

Eye colour: Grey-green

Occupation: None

Aedhne’s appearance is rather plain – perhaps even boyish – with few features that would set her apart from the norm of her race. Being slight in stature, she stands at a measly 5’0” with pale skin haphazardly decorated with freckles. She keeps her hair cut short, ending it at around the base of her head.

Her most striking feature would be the small but noticeable scar that runs over the bridge of her nose and under her left eye.

Aedhne’s most defining characteristics are her insatiable wanderlust and curiosity; she’s always on the lookout for adventure and places of interest – is always reaching to learn more of the world around her - a trait said to have come from her parents. Because of this, she rarely pays attention to the situation at hand, her mind easily going adrift. She has been known to ‘think out loud’ on occasion.

She holds a sense of entitlement - that her actions are right - and as such can act impulsive and stubborn, even going as far as disregarding rules and orders given to her. However, she is kind and can be polite and cooperative if she wants to be, especially with heroes and famous adventurers, whom she knows have much more experience than her and deserve to be respected. Ironically, in regards to herself, Aedhne thinks little of fame and fortune. To her, it’s the journey that matters.

Born in a close knit community of magically gifted humans – in a small town of little consequence in Corone – Aedhne has always been surrounded by people whom she considered her family. Especially her Aunt Meyrle who had looked after the girl all her life seeing as her mother, a daughter of one of the town’s more illustrious families and Meyrle’s younger sister, often travelled with her husband – an outsider - on many adventures, bringing quite a bit of fame to themselves and the town.

Meyrle would often say that raising a child was one adventure they could not handle. Aedhne gave the absence of her parents little thought. She had so many friends in the town, how could she possibly miss them? Besides, they visited often and brought her many wonderful gifts from their quests.

Though a rather strict and overprotective woman, Meyrle loved her niece whom she taught to develop her magical abilities. Aedhne, like most children her age, delighted in these lessons and would soak up all the knowledge she could grasp.

However, a part of her didn’t want to learn this knowledge for its own sake or to hold a job within the small town; she felt drawn to the outside world and, as she grew and others of her age found interests within the town walls, she would read many a tale of high adventure, of brave knights and wise wizards, of evil kings and corrupt gods, of the tragedy of forbidden and enchanted love.

A sense of adventure wasn’t the only trait that she developed. As Aedhne grew she began to realise that, though the trinkets she received from her parents – along with the tales they shared - were all well and good, they were no substitute for her parents. And thus, sown from the seeds of enthrallment, started a silent resentment towards them.

And as the years flew by, Meyrle looked upon her niece and watched – somewhat saddened - as history repeated itself. She knew that one day Aedhne would leave the seclusion of their home to pursue whatever she was seeking that could not be found within. All the woman could do was prepare her for that time and give the girl her blessing.

And hope that Aedhne, her little fire, would one day return to her home.

Staff training: Although Meyrle didn’t approve of violence, she believed that one cannot rely on magic alone and knew that the world is a dangerous place and so taught Aedhne how to wield a staff ‘purely for defensive purposes, of course.’ Because of this, Aedhne is able to wield a staff at an above average level.

First aid and herbalism: ‘You can never be too prepared’ as Meyrle had said time and time again. Teaching her niece how to tend to her wounds as well as the wounds of others was a good move considering the trouble she could get into while searching for adventure. Aedhne is able to bandage wounds and create healing balms almost expertly.

Sewing: Although Aedhne detested her lessons in sewing, Meyrle found delight and pride in such ‘womanly’ work and set her niece to work with much bravado. Much to Aedhne’s horror, she found she was quite good at it.

The magic within her allows Aedhne to bend nature to her whims, focusing mainly on elemental magic. General spells are fairly weak while her more powerful spells, her focused spells, are learned from her family’s grimoire

Elemancy: Aedhne has proficient control over the elements, although these spells are generally weak compared to her focused spells – moving small stones and creating small gusts of air are standard examples – and are used mostly as distractions. Either way, they are good in a pinch as they don’t require too much concentration.

Quake: A focused spell of the earth element. This causes a tremor in the earth over an area of 25 feet and serves to unbalance and disorient an opponent. The opponent has to weigh below 75 kilograms for them to be effectively unbalanced. Especially heavy opponents are completely unaffected.

Arcane shield: A focused non-elemental spell. A last resort, this spell is used to protect herself from physical harm. As this spell requires a lot of concentration, Aedhne is unable to use any other magic - she can only use her staff in this situation – and can only keep it going for 1 minute. It also cannot wrap fully around her, leaving her back exposed. Works best against blunt weapons; blades and piercing weapons (such as daggers and arrows) can break through the shield but are slowed to half their normal speed. The effectiveness of her shield also depends on the material used to break it; lighter materials, such as wood or copper, will have a harder time breaking through than a weapon of steel or iron. The shield is largely inneffective against other forms of magic.

Travelling garments: Simple clothes which allow for maneuverability in the stead of protection. The shirt and trousers are hand sewn and her boots and belt are made of leather.

Journal: A book that Aedhne plans to use to document the many adventures she will surely have. It's cover is made of leather dyed green while the pages are a crisp white, bare of any marks. It has obviously been well taken care of.

Family grimoire: An enchanted tome, this book has been passed on through Aedhne's family for generations, holding the magics of all her ancestors before her. Although not knowing exactly how it works – such is the nature of magic - she knows that it has the unique ability to hide all contained within until it believes she is able to handle what is written.

Unfortunately, because it contains extensive magical knowledge, if a mage who is either above or equal to her level obtains the book, they will have access to the focused spells she can currently use. As such, Aedhne has it on her person at all times, kept in a pouch on her belt

Compared to her journal this book is much smaller, able to fit in the palm of her hand. It also shows its age, the once ornate cover tattered and torn and the pages yellow and crinkled.

(PCs can only use the spells if they have the book with them. Once they lose possession of it, they can’t use those spells anymore.)

Oak quarter staff: A simple staff that was given to Aedhne by her Aunt. It was used to help channel her magic but, preferring to feel her magic at her fingertips, is now mostly used as a bludgeoning weapon.

Mage gauntlets: A common item among her people, these iron gauntlets protect her hands when she cast her spells as they - the more destructive ones in particular- can still cause her some harm

Book bag: A simple bag made of leather. It is used for holding any books on Aedhne’s person.

08-13-11, 01:32 PM
Greetings and welcome to Althanas. I'm your resident RoG mod and I'll be handling your profile on this fine day.

Everything seems to be in order except the Arcane Shield, on which I need some clarification. When you say that she "cannot do much else while the spell is in use", do you mean that she cannot cast any other spells, or must remain so focused that even fighting with her staff is questionable, or something else entirely? Because if she must dedicate most of her focus on her spell, then you would be able to leave it as it is since the defense is not absolute and it's basically a last ditch defensive effort. If she can still fight with limited effectiveness, I would ask you to shorten the duration to one minute. I would recommend the latter to you. A minute can be a long time in a battle, and you would benefit from your character being able to fight back during this time.

08-27-11, 12:20 AM
I've changed her Arcane shield ability and took your advice in reducing the duration of the shield.

Should be all good now.

08-28-11, 09:15 AM
Awesome. You are approved! Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any other moderator. We're here to help.