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The Stage Hand
08-13-11, 07:57 PM
Name: Victor Rayth AKA Stage Boy
Age: About sixteen
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Height: Six foot
Weight: 150 pounds
Occupation:Stage Hand to the Coronian Traveling Theater

Personality: Victor barely stands out in a crowd. He is rather quiet, and reserved. He rarely speaks, and when he does it is short and to the point. He has simple tastes, and very rarely forms an opinion on anything.

Appearance: Victor is Tall and somewhat attractive, with a nice mane of blond hair that he keeps covering his emerald eyes. He dresses in a simple uniform of black trousers and a black polo shirt. He wears black gloves, and leaves almost no trace about his existence.

History: Victor was born to a Prostitute and a bard. Neither led a life style suitable for a baby boy to grow up in, so they left him with the Coronian Traveling Theater. The young man grew up to help move props and do make-up for actors. He grew up hiding his presence. He was insanely good at it. He became famous around the Theater Actors' children for games of hide and seek he would win just by sitting in a corner.

However this would all change one fateful day when the Lead actor in a play broke his ankle...

Styling: Due to his childhood Victor is an expert in Make-up, he is believed to be able to make rocks pretty using the various face paints available to him.

Crafting-Sets and Props- Because of his job he can make some basic props such as bushes and the like. He can also make convincing looking wooden weapon props.

Blending in- Victor can sit still, very still, so still that those without a slightly above average intelligence can completely overlook him.

Above Average strength- Victor can carry about 1.5 times the weight of an average man his age.

Memory- Victor can memories anything if he hears it audibly multiple times (A passive ability for now, but will be an active one with later updates.)

Make up kit- Being a stage hand Victor is often called to do make up and the like. Keeping this on hand became a practical choice.

Diary- A leather bound book Victor uses to write his stories and track his memories.

08-13-11, 09:35 PM
Cool profile. I'm excited to see what you have to offer to Althanas. I'm sure Duffy Bracken could make use of Victor's skills.
