View Full Version : Casting Call

The Stage Hand
08-13-11, 10:49 PM
"Stop foul heathen in the name of the Divine!" Victor Rayth, muttered to himself in unison with the actors below. "Oh Charles..." A feminine voice cried out swooning. A large man with a scarred up face and big burly muscles roared while a knight in shining armor brandished a silver blade. Victor peered over the edge of the wooden beam he was laying upon. He knew the scene playing below well. In "The Kings Knight" a young warrior embarks on a quest to save the princess. It was a rather cliche production, but the ridiculous costumes, terrible voices, and massive amounts of make-up made it even worse.

Victor loved it. Which is why when he was allowed to, he crept up into the rafters of the theater and watched as the performers practiced their lines. He knew all of "Charles'" Lines. by heart. "CUT!" The troupe master shouted angrily. "Cathleen!" He roared at the woman dressed as the princess in a long floor length silver dress that was two times to long. Cathleen, who was wobbling on silver high heels, sighed. "What?!?" She screamed back, even though the man she was addressing was no more than five feet away.

"You need more make-up!" The director shouted. "Charles", the scarred man, and Cathleen all sighed. "Victor!" Cathleen yelled looking up at the rafters. All in the room, even Victor himself, were surprised by her. "Yes?" Victor called back down, which disturbed "Charles" and the rough man.

The theater lights were dim, and much of the stage and seats where the audience would sit were hidden by darkness. So were the facial expressions of the actors, but one would assume it would be one of shock, after all, a six foot tall blond young man just dropped ten feet from above their heads. "Could you apply some more make-up for me?" Cathleen asked him. Victor sighed, and withdrew a make-up kit from his trouser pockets. He expertly reapplied her make up and checked the cosmetics for the other two. The scarred man, a stout actor by the name of George, was sweating lightly and causing the make-up scars to run.

"Charles", a tall elegant man by the name of Luke, was glaring at Victor. He was by far one of the foulest of the actors, and Victor hated him. Cathleen however smiled and was friendly to Victor. He took a few seconds to look over Cathleen. Aside from her horrendous dress and awkward shoes, her face was caked in make-up, her hair was covered in a pink hat with a frilly feather.

Luke was clad in silver armor, with a fake silver sword, and a silver wig. He had colored lenses on over his pupils changing his eye color to silver. George was unrecognizable in his make-shift monster costume. The director, an old man who seemed rather pleased that Victor was close at hand, smiled. Victor barely saw the man, but he could tell that the smile was directed at him.

"You can go now" Luke growled. The caused Cathleen to scowl. "There's no need to be rude!" She said giving him a light shove. Luke fell off the stage, and broke his leg. Victor swore anyone in all of Althanas could hear his scream of pain.