View Full Version : Luka

08-15-11, 11:33 PM
Name: Luka E. Trent
Age: 27
Race: Human
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Dark Green
Height: 5’8
Weight: 175
Occupation: Explorer/Traveler

Those who travel with Luka define him as the life of the group, adding the humor that was missing in most other bands of travelers. His humor only second best to the amount of care he held for his companions. Being very social, he tends to ask plenty of questions and is seemingly enjoys getting to know everyone he comes into contact with. Although, his caring should never be taken as weakness.

Luka has a very short fuse, and once angered he tends to mute himself and keep himself withdrawn from others for a duration of time. Although his anger is seldom triggered by someone whom he doesn’t know well, people find it best to avoid his person while on an anger spill. Having a much laid back personality, he loves to receive and make jokes on others, but knows when to stop for the most part. On his travels, most would consider him the map and key to their destination even when lost, he seems to always know the way…Or at least convince others that he does.

Luka is not a large man, standing an average height. His body is built like a person who is constantly on the move, seemingly built from the ground up. His legs are rock hard, giving definition to the amount of work they put forth upon his travels. His chest is relatively built for the amount of belongings that he travels with on the road. His shoulders would be the most prominent of his features. The broad muscle that stretched from arm to arm showed the strength that he was capable of, although his left arm had the largest of faults with a physical injury from his childhood. Whilst he could easily resist most weight that was placed upon him, anything lifted over shoulder posed a serious problem that could reduce him to a cripple in a fight. His face was almost mixed between boyish features and a fierce jaw. His chin was strong and slightly wide, and small red stubble was visible as evidence in his lack of ability to grow a beard. His nose was the main features of his face, hanging lightly above full lips, and under an angled brow that gave his face the fierce features. Both sides of his jaw had slight dimples, giving him that boyish feature. His hair was cropped short, seeming cut with the edge of a knife, but his ability to pull the look off was near flawless.

Equipment and Weapons:
Luka’s main weapon is Composite Bow: A shorter bow then the long-bow, but delivers just as much, if not more power. The inside curve facing the user is composed of flattened deer horn, and the outside is sinew with a wooden core, this gives the bow a compact shape, more power, and a silent pull and release.

Luka’s optional weapon is a Throwing Knife: The Knife is a single piece of Iron, with one edge sharp for cutting and penetration of target, and the other dull to keep from cutting the hand and wrist when throwing. The blade is set up to be thrown in a number of styles such as spear or arrow, as well as being equally as effective in hand to hand combat.

Luka always carries a Pack: Usually a shoulder thrown pack that can carry the necessary tools used in survival on the move. This almost always includes: Pans, Water, String, Rope, Powder, and Hooks, Any number of spices, Maps, and Salk Stones. Usually with a bed roll tied onto the pack.

A Broken Compass that always points toward one’s self when holding it.

Shield: Luka carries a small wooden shield with an iron ring and center, allowing him to block incoming attacks
from melee weapons, but lacks the ability to resist the impact of an arrow from a distance.


Luka’s armor consists of a Cotton shirt lined with fur to keep him-self warm; this fur is detachable with a draw string to help in alternating environments.
Cotton pants, lined with leather to increase the durability at the knees, shins, and on the mid-thigh at front and back of legs.


Basic Navigation: When wondering, Luka has the skill to read constellations to find his way North, South, East, and West. This of course, depends on evening hours.

Wilderness Knowledge: The skill to survive off the land by knowing what is good to eat, and what items can be used for different situations.
Ranged weapons: Luka was born and raised using ranged weaponry such as bows, throwing knives, throwing axes, and a range of other weapons. This skill allows him to manage and maintain weapons, as well as produce lower grade bows.

Problem solving: Luka’s travels have kept him on his toes, forcing him to solve problems on the fly as he moved from one location to another. Problems such as, finding ways around structures or objects quickly, or evading those that pursue him.


Eye of The Hunter: Luka possesses the ability to place him-self in a trance like state while hunting. This improves accuracy using ranged weapons, as well as temporarily improving his perception. (x2)

Enhanced Agility: This ability grants him to be stealthy in any situation. (x3)


Ever have the urge to just get out and see the world? That, in itself, defines the life of Luka.

As a child, Luka was always the kid that ran off when he should be helping around the village, and most refer to him as “The Wild Child”. His curiosity led him on exciting adventures a little past the village; other kids would follow along after being draw into the natural charisma that Luka seemed so oblivious too. As he grew up, Luka grew more and more tired of staying in the same place year after year. His mother could barely keep him with her on the grounds that she needed him for a man of the home. Although the need for him kept him there, his adventures with friends continued as they explored further and further from the village. These explorations meant to be only hours could sometimes last weeks and months. One adventure left four of his friends dead, and himself terribly wounded, almost costing him his left arm. His silence about the deaths left the village feared of his return. The village was traumatized from the loss of life, and Luka was considered an outcast to his home, his own mother forbade his return.

After his outcast, Luka set out on his “Life’s Quest”, or so he called it. He moved from place to place, following rumors of locations, and helping others to navigate the lands of Althanas. His ability to guide people through difficult terrain, and survive difficult situations made him one of the most desirable explorers to be sought out. His ability to lead himself and others into trouble never faded though, leaving some of those he traveled with buried along the adventure. Although he had no idea where he was going in life, he felt as though he was on the right track.

08-16-11, 07:49 PM
Hey there, cool profile you got going. Only thing I need from you is a material strength for the shield, steel or iron will do.

Also, you could include that while in this trance-like state Luka has double the perception of a normal person (if you want). Kind of sounds like what you were going for. As far as your abilities go, you're pretty weak (even for a level 0). If you want increased stealth Agility would be the likeliest stat to increase, since it has a direct effect on his stealth (really how he carries himself and what not). If you'd like you could have 3x the Agility (normally I wouldn't allow 3x on level 0, but since you would only have two technical abilities it'd be fine) of a normal person and 2x the perception while in the "Eye of the Hunter" mode.

I guess just a suggestion, you can always leave it as is with just the shield alteration like I asked.

08-16-11, 08:25 PM
I actually enjoy the suggestion, it makes more sense then what I was thinking. :)

I changed the make of the shield as requested.

Thanks for the consideration. :)

08-17-11, 09:33 PM
Cool stuff.


Now get a sweet avatar picture, because your profile sidebar is painfully bare.