View Full Version : Ceidon

08-16-11, 10:25 PM
For the Serenti Invitational...

Name: Ceidon Lorè (Sâdèn Lùr)
Age: Twenty-Six
Height: Two Meters
Weight: Eighty-Seven Kilograms
Hair: Long Brown
Eyes: Deep Brown
Appearance: Muscular
Condition: Healthy
Race: Human

Notes on Valì and the Lorès:

Long ago, there was a kingdom in the eastern lands of Althanas called Valì. The kingdom was led by a dynasty of great kings. The kings were noble and just, placing the welfare of their people above their own. The people were happy and the kingdom prospered. These times were considered the ‘Magnificent Ages’ by the people of Valì. During these times, the kingdom was protected by the Valorian Knights, the bravest and most valiant warriors of the time. Being admitted into the brotherhood of Valor was the highest honor any man could receive. The first Valorian Knight was Toman Lorè. Toman led an army in the early part of the Magnificent Age, protecting Valì from the invaders of the west. The second king of Valì considered Toman a gift of Whinoak, (western spelling = Whinoek) the fair goddess of magic, so he blessed Toman’s family. The king declared that as long as the winds whispered the name of Lorè, the heir of Toman shall lead the Valorian knights in their righteousness. Overtime, the knights adopted a code of chivalry. They fought for defense only, and put the needs of others above their own. The knights provided the kingdom with stability, and the people thrived.

The Magnificent Age lasted 300 years before evil began to spread across the land. Missionaries and scouts from the western land of Berevar became a common sight in Valì and there were frequent attempts made to invade the kingdom. The fourteenth brotherhood of Valor (one for each king) was faced with more challenges than ever before. There were constant conflict, and many of the knights lost their lives defending the kingdom. The leader of the Valorian Knights at the time was Thaninon, the seventeenth Lorè. Thaninon was a brilliant tactician and unlike his predecessors, he had become very interested in the technology used by the western invaders. During the Magnificent Ages, Valì had fallen behind the rest of Althanas in terms of technology. The kingdom was largely agrarian with only a few iron mines. During his reign, Thaninon built a personal arsenal of technology including new fabrics, gun powder and a material called steel. Thaninon had a sword forged of steel and named it ‘Erol.’ Erol was at the forefront of every battle leading to the downfall of Valì, and with it, took the most lives of the enemy. Erol became a symbol of victory, but it also brought the price of arrogance.

Though they suffered many losses, the knights fought valiantly to protect the kingdom. Finally, in the last month of the Magnificent Ages, the knights were called into battle against what was thought to be a small army of Berevarians. At the western border of Valì, along the hills of Galgoth, the Valorian Knights met the Berevarian army. The knights fought well, taking the upper hand in the battle despite their inferior iron technology. However, the Berevarians had divided their army into three smaller divisions for the battle. The Valorian Knights were caught in a pincer, and were soon defeated. Those who didn’t escape were captured and taken to the capital of Berevar to be showboated to the public. Thaninon was among those captured.

In the capital, Thaninon met the ruler of Berevar, Adradoc. What exactly was said remains a mystery, but somehow Adradoc corrupted the Valorian leader. A month later, Thaninon ‘escaped’ from Berevar and returned to the king of Valì. In a very moving speech, Thaninon convinced the king and his remaining Valorian knights that the only way to defeat the Berevarians was to break their legacy of defense and attack Berevar. Shortly thereafter, the knights regrouped and marched into Berevar. They were particularly successful in their campaign until they reached the capital. There, Adradoc was waiting for Thaninon. The Valorian Knights were surrounded. Thaninon went down to a knee and spoke the words that became legend: “Lord Adradoc, the Valorian Knights have absconded. They are now yours to command.” Thaninon had betrayed Valì.

When news of the betrayal reached the last king, he was filled with anger. His final decree to the citizens of Valì was a curse. He cursed Thaninon Lorè and all of his family. Those who lived, those who had died and those who hadn’t been born yet. His last decree stated that the name Lorè was vulgar, and it should never be uttered again by anyone of Valìan decent. His speech was cut short when he was assassinated by a Berevarian soldier. Without the knights, Valì fell to Berevar in three days. Thaninon continued to serve in the Berevarian army until he was violently killed in a war against Alerar. But before he died, he married a Berevarian woman and had a son. From there it continued. Each member of the Lorè house had only son before being brutally killed in some form or another. The phenomenon became known as the ‘Curse of the Lorè.’ The king’s curse called for the end of the Lorè family line, but it could never seem to catch up. Hundreds of years have passed since. The name Valì and the Lorè family have been long forgotten, but even today in the far eastern regions of Berevar, the word Lorè is used as an obscenity.


Erol– A beautifully hewed steel long sword that has been passed down the Lorè family line for generations. The weapon was given to Ceidon at his coming of age celebration shortly before his father’s death. The sword was originally crafted by Thaninon, the betrayer of Valì, but Ceidon knows nothing of that betrayal, or of his true heritage. The sword is hung from Ceidon’s belt in an iron sheath if it is not being used.

Mahogany Bow – Constructed by the elves of Raiaera, this wooden bow has been slightly modified to fit Ceidon’s arched aiming style. At the present time, Ceidon carries a quiver of ten arrows that is strapped around his shoulder. Each arrow is made from oak, and is adorned with eagle’s feathers.


Elven Frock – Other than his clothes, a bulky and unusually pliable grey cloak is all the extra protection that Ceidon has. The cloak is held in place by the Pin of Toman, another family heirloom. The pin is adroitly crafted but it holds no special powers or abilities. Ceidon only wears it as a reminder of his father.


Shards of Dreniak – By holding the shards of Dreniak (emerald shaded rocks), Ceidon can withdraw energy that can rejuvenate physically damaged areas of the body as well as emotional damaged areas of the soul. Larger wounds require a longer focus which has a fatiguing effect on Ceidon’s body. If he focuses for too long or too intensely on the shards, he could die. He usually avoids using the shards in combat situations.


Ceidon Lorè was born twenty-six years ago in the city of Ettermire in Alerar. His father, Dieter Lorè, worked in a factory that produced much of Alerar’s advanced technology. His mother was a housewife who loved her husband very much. Even though Dieter was sworn to secrecy by the Alerarian government, every night he would come home and tell young Ceidon about the technology that he had built that day. Every few months, Dieter would bring home a sample of the technology and show it to his son. Though this, Dieter learned of the existence of motors, hydraulics and guns at a very young age. He was schooled in the best that Alerar had to offer. His father often talked about sending Ceidon to Raiaera to study at the famous schools, but the family never had enough money.

When Ceidon was eight, his father was violently killed in the factory when a new product exploded and destroyed the factory. The only trace of Dieter that the examiners found was a small decorated pin called the ‘Pin of Toman’ that Dieter always wore on his chest. Torn by the loss of her husband, Ceidon’s mother swore to herself that she would never marry again. In order to support Ceidon, they were forced to move to Radasanth in Corone. There Ceidon’s mother took a job as a clerk in the bazaar until she was brutally murdered in a robbery attempt. Ceidon, then sixteen, and had no place to go.

Raised well, Ceidon never stole to make ends meat. He took a number of small jobs so that he could support himself. Eventually, Ceidon could no longer take the responsibility any longer and he set off on a journey across Corone. Somewhere along the path from Radasanth to Corone, Ceidon decided to take a nap against an aging willow tree. In his dreams, he was confronted by an avatar of the God, Mistero (western spelling = Misterosis). Mistero and Ceidon had a long conversation about fate in the dream. Mistero told Ceidon that running away would not solve any of his problems. Mistero said that life is a journey through the unknown and there are two types of people in the world. There are those who fear the unknown and those who confront it. Mistero convinced Ceidon that he was the latter, and planted a seed of adventure in the young Ceidon’s mind.

When he awoke, Ceidon became an adventurer. Instead of continuing to Serenti, he returned to Radasanth and enlisted in a number of adventures. The spoils were never great, but he made enough money from the treasures to survive. Always staying true to his morals in respect of his late parents, Ceidon has made many friends throughout Corone. It is said that Mistero still comes to visit Ceidon in his dreams, and Ceidon has become a stanch worshipper of the God of the Unknown. To this day, Ceidon is still caught in the adventure that has become his life.


Ceidon is very kind to others, both his friends and those he doesn’t know. He is very resourceful, and is very beneficial in every quest. Unlike the majority of his forefathers, Ceidon is a technophobe. After growing up with technology and having his father die from it, he is very hesitant to use it. Though, there have been times that Ceidon has been faced with technology, and his knowledge of it has saved his life. Ceidon is very light hearted and free. His friends are more valuable to him than his own life. As he’s grown in years, Ceidon has matured. He now goes on adventures for the experience rather than the spoils. He is uninhibited by greed.

08-17-11, 11:19 AM
This looks fine. However, if you want to add some additional abilities, you certainly can, up to two. Popular choices are attribute boosts at level zero. But it's entirely up to you, of course. As I said, the profile is perfectly fine as is.

08-17-11, 10:15 PM
I'm fine, thanks though!

08-18-11, 03:52 PM
Cool, since Letho isn't here at the moment I'll just jump in and say approved for him.

Good luck in the upcoming tournament.