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View Full Version : Regions Writer Contest

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-15-06, 08:43 PM
This is going out to all of you who have ever said, "I could make a better region than that!" Well, this is your chance. The administration of Althanas is allowing anyone and everyone who wishes to create and run their own region a chance to do so. Here are the rules:

Submitting a Region
-All submissions must be PMed to me, Zieg dil' Tulfried
-As little or as much about the region may be sent, though the more the better
-Suggested fields:
~Region Name
~Racial Distribution
~Location (May be changed if selected)
~Primary Locations
~System of Government
~Etc (See Althanas Almanac in the FAQs for ideas)
-The more original the region is, the better. We don't need a Corone clone.
-Try to format it the way the other regions have been formatted.
-The deadline is two weeks from today, so make it good.

EDIT: If the region is too long to fit into a single PM, send it in installments. Make sure you accurately label it Part I, Part II, etc. to make it easier on me.

Once the submission period is over, it will go to a rigourous judging period. In the first judgement, the members will get to choose their three favorite regions, the admins one and the moderators one. The voting period will last one week. If there are less than five submitted regions, all regions will be advanced to the final selection round. In the final selection, everyone will pick one region they think is the best, this will also last one week. The region with the most votes wins.

NOTE: The regions will be presented without naming who created them. I want this to be based on the popularity of the region, not the popularity of the creator. I know people will still tell others which is theirs, but I would like that to be as little as possible.

Once the region is posted, that region will be instated as Althanas' newest region, possibly with minimal changes to make it best fit with the overall scope of Althanas.

Any questions or comments should be posted here. August 31st is the deadline for the submissions. September 7th is the deadline for the first judgement period. September 14th is the deadline for the final judgement period. Winners will be announced by September 16th.

08-15-06, 11:29 PM
What if our message is too long for a PM? Do you want it in installments?

Cyrus the virus
08-16-06, 06:21 AM
Damn, son.

I need to think my region through a bit more as I send this.

08-16-06, 07:39 AM
With the region, how specific do you need. Seeing as I plan less international relations from the start, I'm willing to offer flexibility.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-16-06, 09:35 AM
Question 1. Yes, send it in installments, but make sure it is labeled Part I and Part II, etc to make it easier on me.

Question 2. Honestly, its up to you. I'm leaving this very open, because I want to see what the citizens of Althanas have to offer. As long as it is appealing to the people, we'll see how it does.

08-16-06, 10:19 AM
May proposals be coauthored?

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-16-06, 10:26 AM
Sure, though two people at maximum. We don't need too many region writers.

08-16-06, 12:10 PM
If we've already submitted a region but want to change something, are we allowed to PM you with the changes as long as it's before the deadline?

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-16-06, 02:17 PM
Indeed. The best way to do that since yours is in sections, rePM me the section that the change is in, and label it the same way so I know there is an edit.

Chidori Draconid
08-17-06, 02:34 PM
Are we allowed to submit more than one region?

I also have a question regarding the location of the nation. I know there is a map of all of Althanas, but I can't seem to find it for the life of me. And is there anywhere we could possibly squeeze a nation anywhere in there?

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-17-06, 05:16 PM
Are you kidding, of course there's room. That map is just a portion of Althanas. Also, I'm going to limit it to one region per person.

08-19-06, 02:57 PM
Yeah, here's an earlier build of the Althanas map. It's the essentiall the northern 3rd of the world:


I can also answer questions on planned development for any of the regions that aren't currently labeled (although there isn't much).

08-19-06, 06:59 PM
Why must this happen when I can't do anything...? Why? I love doing this as can be evidenced by any such world/place building I've attempted...why cruel gods, why? And I had two very good ones already thought up. One of which has a city and everything which I've already put into Salvar's Submission... oh well, I'll have to return with a vengeance.

08-19-06, 07:38 PM
I'm amazed that so much has occurred across such a relatively small bit of land. But then again, Europe springs to mind.