View Full Version : Kirisame Fiorelli, the Aspect

08-19-11, 09:51 PM
Name: Kirisame.
Age: 21.
Race: Aspect.
Hair Color: White.
Eye Color: Blue.
Height: 6'2''.
Weight: 165lbs.
Occupation: None.

Personality: Often aloof in public. Overly curious if something catches his attention. Somewhat child-like around the handful of people he trusts. Tendency to say little; usually speaks what little words are needed and no more. His pride, according to him, is second to none. He will seldom react in a hostile manner during common conversations, instead preferring to deceive and play with weak people's minds. If threatened, he will respond in kind by - then, and only then- engaging into combat.

Appearance: To those keen of sight with the capability to sense otherworldly energies, Kirisame will be seen as an humanoid with glowing runic writing coursing through the skin. These runes extend from the top of the Aspect's head, naturally underneath the mat of cascading silver hair, down to his chest where they branch off to encompass the arms and all the way down to Kirisame's feet. His body is always clothed by velvet-like crimson robes with several details in gold. These include a sun in the middle of the attire's back and various lines of golden threads that spiral constantly around the sleeves where the wearer's wrists should be. Underneath them, Kirisame wears a simple linen shirt, white, and a pair of silk pants, also white. Lastly, the Aspect wears a pair of layered leather boots which, oddly enough, still appear to be brand new.
To those without the ability to see the supernatural, the common interpretation would be that Kirisame is, or looks like, a normal human mage.

History: To fully understand Kirisame's past, first we must look into what an Aspect exactly is. An Aspect is the personification of a single (or multiple) facet(s) of any living or non-living entity. Aspects can usually be found in spiritual forms, bound to a certain place or linked to people with magic aptitudes. There is a great variety of Aspects where the most known are those concerning evil emotions such as anger, greed, gluttony or hunger, pride, and desire, amongst others. However, these names are found into one of the three sides of the spectrum: Evil; where the remaining two are good and neutral. Aspects seldom are created by mages and other magically adept people, and they either take on the full personality of the creator or on their most prominent characteristics. Kirisame is one of the latter.

This Aspect was birthed from the magister Vincent "The Dirge" Fiorelli who can control Kirisame at will. He uses Aspects as scouts and as weakened copies of himself, sending them to dangerous places so that they might hone their skills with one sole purpose: to re-absorb them when they return, thus growing stronger. Kirisame is the exception to the rule, as he has not been "returned to the source". When Vincent sent this Aspect on a mission to test his magical powers against a young drake near a large mining city, Kirisame returned after only one day without any anomalies or wounds, and his robes were pristine just like the previous morning. Figuring he'd be able to benefit from this Aspect's existence , the mage has allowed Kirisame to exist as a full, separate entity, though the vestiges of the link between them are still present in the form of runes.

Nowadays, after years of studying human, elven, dwarven, and other societies, Kirisame is another adventurer wanting to make a name for himself in a land faraway from home. With the magic learned from Vincent, he is ready to face any challenges while looking for more and more knowledge to sate his mind's hunger.


Between the Sword and the Staff: As he was birthed from someone with a natural aptitude for both swordsmanship and magic, Kirisame developed these skills fairly quickly. Although the Aspect still has much to learn in both areas, he can dominate most blades with near-elven dexterity while making up for his lack of ranged physical weapons with sheer magic knowledge and an array of devastating spells.

Aura Vision: Through extensive training in the arcane arts with Vincent's help, Kirisame has been able to develop his sight in such a way that he can see and sense the aura (unique energy signature) of nearby living and non-living creatures or entities. Aura Vision acts like a sonar, allowing him to form a mental plane of his surroundings while also enabling him to trace the aura of beings he's directly looking at.


Magic: Though it's a vast concept, Kirisame uses an unique school of magic developed by Vincent Fiorelli. As of now, he is only skilled in two areas excluding basic spells. As his power increases, so will the areas of magic he can utilize. Each spell that requires an incantation will include it in their description, though all will be described with their respective effects.

Basic Spells:

Spells are defined as "songs that can even draw the moon down from heaven." They are the words which enact the supernatural phenomena of magic. Not a keyword or keywords that ‘activate’ supernatural power, but in themselves holding the power and “soul” of words. Spells, however, are not simply ‘words of power’; they are full rituals which must be sung in verse, containing the will of the caster. They are the circuits which allow the caster to shape ‘the power of words’ in a form he most desires. ~ From the journal of Vincent Fiorelli.

Basic spells are low-level and beginner spells, generally meant for training purposes.

“Ignite flame.” A simple but important training spell that creates a small flame. Not suited for combat.

Minor Deflexio
Deflexion, Shield. A simple anti-physical protective magic. While its actual defensive capabilities are low compared to other spells, the longer it is maintained, the more mana it is poured into it and the stronger its defense power becomes. It can only stop one physical blow before breaking at this level.

Minor Reflexio
Reflection, Shield. A simple anti-magical protective layer. Follows the same principles as Deflexio, however, it protects against a single supernatural attack (magic or otherwise non-physical attack) before breaking.

Due to the energy consumption that these two spells entail, Kirisame has limited their usage. They can only be used once during battle and a maximum of two times per day. After the casting of either Deflexio or Reflexio, the spell becomes 'locked' until the next day.

Release. The general activation keyword for delayed spells. With more complicated or conditioned delays, a special password may be used instead.

Ice Spells
Cold-based and generally offensive spells. They have the particular capability of piercing through an opponent's defenses due to the sheer cold they exude.

Crystallizatio Tellustris
Frozen Earth. An attack spell that shoots a single giant icicle from the ground or multiple smaller ones. Aside from possible blunt and piercing damage, the target can be directly frozen to the pillar, restricting movement. While highly effective against a ground target, as the pillar is created from a bounded field placed on the ground, it has a range limit, rendering it fairly useless against airborne opponents. The area of effect can extend from three square meters onwards depending on how much mana is poured into the spell.

Incantation: Veniant spiritus glaciales, extendantur aeri tundram et glaciem loci noctis albae.
Translates to: “Come spirits of ice, filll the atmosphere. Bring the frozen soil and the glacier of the arctic night.”

(Will add more once the character improves in the use of Ice Magic)

Sagitta Magica Spells

Magic Archer. An attack spell which summons lower elemental spirits and fires them at the target. The properties of the ‘arrow’ changes based on the type of spirit being called upon, making this simple spell very versatile and useful in many situations.
While it is one of the most basic offensive spells, like all magic its power is dependent on the mage; a powerful mage will be able to summon and fire more arrows at once, and the power of each individual arrow can also be increased. In addition, due to the open arrangement of the spell incantation, the spell can be conveniently modified to work in a way most effective against the target. As a result, Sagitta Magica is the only universal offensive spell.

The number of Sagitta Magica spells Kirisame can use is directly proportional to the classes of elemental magic he can access, though some elements do not have an assigned Sagitta Magica spell. For now, these are the spells he can use from this specific class:

The ice variant, firing sharp icicle 'blades' at the target, making this a very lethal spell despite its simplicity. In addition to piercing damage, the projectiles can paralyse the target with cold, limiting their movement.

Incantation: Spiritus glaciales, coeuntes inimicum concidant. Sagitta Magica, Series Glacialis.
Translates to: "Gather, spirits of ice, cut the enemy apart. Magic Archer, Barrage of Ice Arrows."


Robes: Your run-of-the-mill mage attire, enchanted to have an increased defensive capability against most conventional weapons such as stone and bronze knives, swords, and spears. Naturally weak but comfortable enough. Tailored to Kirisame's body and adheres to it like a second skin of sorts; they do not hinder his movement in the least.

Steel broadsword: A common broadsword made out of steel. The pommel has been switched to make the grip all the way more comfortable and a small hand guard was added, making this weapon look closer to a saber than to a soldier's blade. Comes with its standard sheath and is always attached to the sash around Kirisame's waist.

08-19-11, 10:14 PM
Hey there and welcome to the site. At first glance I was thinking there might be far too many abilities in here for your current level, but with a little spit-shine and some good old fashion cooperation we can get you approved pretty quickly here.

So here are the spells that I would actually rate as abilities:
-The two shields/barriers
-Frozen Earth
-Great Waterfall
-Magic Archer (which includes the Ice Variant as it's only actual use currently)

What I will allow at this time is 3 abilities. I would suggest you remove the "Great Waterfall" or "Frozen Earth" ability (just take your pick). I'll allow the two barriers to be counted as one ability combined (since they only protect from one attack per use), but I'm going to need you to edit in some sort of regulation for their use. I would say you can use either of the abilities at a maximum of 3 times per day between the two (that means you can use the physical barrier 2 times and the magical one once, or the other way around, before becoming weary from the energy put into their casting, or whatever).

Make those changes and let me know when you're finished. If you have any question feel free to message me.

08-19-11, 10:32 PM
Updates have been made and I'm happy to say that you're approved.